
joined 1 year ago
[–] -3 points 1 month ago (24 children)

I think that everyone does who posts their pictures online. I don't really pay her any attention other than when the members of this group post her picture.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Totalitarian regime that ignores international law, norms of diplomatic behaviour, manages its neighbours, committed genocide against its minorities, and practices hostage diplomacy will tolerate no discussion of the fact that it ignores international law, norms of diplomatic behaviour, manages its neighbours, committed genocide against its minorities, and practices hostage diplomacy.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

You think she doesn't know?


My wife has a large dehydrator. She had to fly to Vancouver suddenly a week and a half ago and left me with a huge box of fresh peppers from the garden. She asked me to dehydrate them so I spent an hour chopping them up last night while my son made dinner. Then, I put the diced peppers in the dehydrator and left it running overnight. These two 250ml canning jars were the result. Apparently she can add these to things during the winter and the rehydrate up nicely and no one can even tell.

They smell pretty good, too.


With maple syrup season fast approaching (4 months ish) my thoughts have turned to working on the Sapmaster once again. I'm going to design and build a new top and bottom board this year to fit in the BUD DMB-4774 DIN case that I use for the SapMaster controller. That's going to involve a bunch of SMD soldering which reminded me of the irritation that soldering with loose pieces of SMD tape causes me.

To that end, I went looking for an SMD dispenser cartridge that would meet my needs. I couldn't find one so I decided to design my own.

This is version 4.1 of the design. It holds around 5 feet of standard 8mm paper tape which is around 1,000 components. The tape comes out the straight slot at the upper right. The clear cover tape goes out the curved slot and can be hooked under the little pin upper left. The point of the splitter between the straight and curved slots holds the components in place so they don't fall out before you pull the tape out of the slot.

I will generally use single cartridges with a cover but the friends I work with say that they want them to connect together. I considered a number of options but they all involved pins and holes or tabs and slots and I wanted the individual covered cartridges to be nice and clean. What I settled on are the holes you see around the corners of this cartridge. The accept a standard LEGO Technics connecting pin and allow you to gang together any number of cartridges.

I'm all setup to make versions for different widths and thicknesses of tape as well. The cover has four LEGO Technics like pins to plug into the holes in the cartridge.

I expect to start printing some to actually use in a few days when the magnetic base plate for my 3D printer arrives.


My wife had to run off to the other end of the country very suddenly yesterday. She had planned to process two boxes of late season tomatoes. It fell to me to get it done. I diced them up and put them in the freezer so that she can make sauce when she gets back.

The big guy thinks that any time I'm at the butcher block in the morning I must be slicing ham. He loves ham. I told him I was working on tomatoes but he was quite persistent about making sure that I wasn't slicing ham. I even showed him a chunk of tomato and he went away but he came back 5 minutes later to see if I was still not slicing ham.

Chicken treats = happy chickens and more eggs.

The chickens love the trimmings and rejects. They were very excited when I let them out this morning and they found a bunch of tomatoes in their yard.


My wife had to run off to the other end of the country very suddenly yesterday. She had planned to process two boxes of late season tomatoes. It fell to me to get it done. I diced them up and put them in the freezer so that she can make sauce when she gets back.

The big guy thinks that any time I'm at the butcher block in the morning I must be slicing ham. He loves ham. I told him I was working on tomatoes but he was quite persistent about making sure that I wasn't slicing ham. I even showed him a chunk of tomato and he went away but he came back 5 minutes later to see if I was still not slicing ham.

Chicken treats = happy chickens and more eggs.

The chickens love the trimmings and rejects. They were very excited when I let them out this morning and they found a bunch of tomatoes in their yard.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I couldn't fucking care less. If I want to see their edgelord circle jerk bullshit I'll create an account on the instance. No one is being silenced. They can spew their bullshit to their hearts content and no one is being prevented from listening who wants to. The people who are pissing and moaning are just whining because they can't force everyone to listen anymore like they could on Reddit and that isn't any fun.

Lemmy is federated. No one can stop anyone from listening to what they want to listen to and no one can force you to listen to intentionally annoying edgelords if you don't want to.

Now quit your fucking and get on with your lives.


French fries and homemade roasted turkey gravy topped with our own roasted Bronze Orlopp turkey, homemade bread dressing, and fried eggs from our backyard chickens.

Thanksgiving poutine!



French fries and homemade roasted turkey gravy topped with our own roasted Bronze Orlopp turkey, homemade bread dressing, and fried eggs from our backyard chickens.

Thanksgiving poutine!



He said yes.

So today he mixed seventeen 30 Kg bags of concrete mix two at a time in a wheelbarrow with a mortar hoe by himself.

We set this foundation slab for a wheelchair lift I bought used and am working on installing for my father.

I think the teachers at his Catholic high school will be ok with this absence.


I just posted a note about a post that I made and marked with the four letter acronym flag. The second post included the four letter acronym. If you have that four letter acronym blocked you won't see either post. If you want to see what is all about remove the filters temporarily so that you can.

The first post is not suitable for vegans or those of delicate constitution.


I just posted a few pictures of the chicken disassembly process. In deference to the vegans and those of delicate constitution I followed the community rules (which I wrote) and marked the post NSFW.

If you have NSFW posts blocked you will not see it. If you want to see it, remove your filter temporarily.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

We are a small, homestead farm. We aim for zero waste processing and have achieved it with our chicken processing. Here's how we do it.

We started with 42 Cornish x White Rock cockerels. They finished between 3 and 7 pounds (mostly toward the high end.)

Today we processed them down to dressed carcasses (what you would buy as a whole chicken in the grocery store.)

The first thing I do is remove the feet. They go into the feet bag. Some of them will go to Asian customers who want to eat them, some will go to pet owners for pet food.

Next I remove the skin from the top half of the neck then loosen and remove the glands and crop. These go in the gut bucket.

The necks go into the broth bag.

Next I open the cavity, carefully cut around the vent, and remove the organs.

The cavity fat goes in the schmaltz bag to be rendered into schmaltz.

The hearts go to one of our customers who will eat them.

The gizzards go to one of our customers who will eat them.

The livers go to one of our customers who will make pate from them.

The other organs and the contents of the gizzards go in the gut bucket.

That leaves us with clean carcasses.

I have two 5 gallon buckets (the gut bucket and a bucket of blood and heads). The feathers fill the tops of both buckets. These get buried in the muck pile to be composted. Within a few weeks they will be reduced to worm castings.

Tomorrow, I will part most of the chickens. I will make wing parts, boneless skinless breasts, boneless skinless thighs, and legs.

The wing tips, bones, skin and fat, and carcasses go into a roasting pan and my wife roasts them. When they are nice and brown she fills the roasting pans with water, onions, peppercorns, and vegetables and puts them in the oven overnight. In the morning she picks all the meat from the carcasses, This picked meat will become chicken salad, chicken quesadillas, or other dishes that require pulled chicken. Anything we don't use right away gets frozen to be used later.

What little is left of the carcasses goes into the muck piled to be composted.

Nothing goes to waste.


It took us 6 hours to harvest and process 42 chickens. They are in the fridge with bags of ice between them to make sure they cool down. Tomorrow I will part most of them. We are keeping these ones for ourselves for the winter. We would normally sell half of the fall batch but the summer was crazy and our plans changed so we're keeping these ones.

This is one of those things that I never imagined that I would be good at as a kid growing up in the city.


We are harvesting 44 white rocks today. I mount three cones on my tractor bucket. I have cut them down to widen the mouths. I put the tractor between the chicken house and processing area.

On the left, a homemade scalder. It's an electric water tank cut in half with the thermostat replaced with a commercial thermostat (the temperature can be set higher than a residential one) and a replacement element (110V versus 220V.)

In the center is our homemade plucker. It has a spray bar around the top and a solenoid valve that turns the water on when the plucker is turned on.

We process the birds through to ready for the freezer 9 at a time.

I can post detail pictures of the plucker or a video of anyone is interested.

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