
joined 1 year ago
[–] -1 points 1 year ago

You mean the conspiracy theory that somehow the World Bank isn't there to do it's real job, provide loans to poor countries to aid their development, but instead part of some grand scheme to rob poor countries of their resources?

Because what you claim to be well documented isn't actually objective fact. It's more construing mistakes these institutions definitely did make to be something they very much aren't.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

I've been using both for a good while by now, Linux is good but damn I know that's a sacrilege but I still like Windows.

Granted, I heavily customized my Windows install, made all the adjustments I wanted and threw out most of the nagging garbage and my locked down work computer is definitely worse.

Windows just... works most of the time, and it's fluent and does what I want.

At the end of the day, most of the direct user interaction with an OS "directly" is task bar, start menu and file manager. And for all of these things, there's a lot that annoys me on Linux. In Windows, I'm very happy.

Just to give one example. I like the individual entries in the taskbar to fill the entire width dynamically. If there's one entry, it fills the entire taskbar, you get what I mean. On Windows, that's a registry tweak. On KDE, that's basically impossible. Like, I'm sure somewhere in the source code for the panel there's a way to rewrite that, but frankly, that's close enough to "basically impossible" for me.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

The meltdowns are something else.

On one smaller sub that participated in the blackout people were seriously accusing mods of rigging the votes to stay closed for longer. Of course nothing actually indicated that, and neither did they present any evidence, they just couldn't stand not getting their content.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

It's just a suggestion, if you've already started DS9 I would just stick with that tbh.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Basically two reasons.

First, DS9 is straight up better. Peak Star Trek in my opinion, so it's nice to end on a high note. Again, not that VOY is bad or anything, but if DS9 is 10/10 Star Trek VOY is more like 8.5/10.

Second reason is world building. Really there isn't that much overlap as far as specific parts of the story is concerned, it's more that DS9 is so great because it turns some things that are taken for granted on their heads. VOY is useful because it kind of goes into that direction a little bit, with the conflicts that necessarily arise on a small ship far from home, and because you literally just learn more about the world/universe, whatever you want to call it, and the more context you have the better DS9 gets.

Very minor spoiler, both shows feature conflicts with the Marquis and the contrast, as well as the lack of contrast on how these conflicts are handled is very interesting.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I would at least touch on VOY, it needs a bit to get going, just like TNG I suppose, but it's solid. And the big, big payoff is watching DS9 after that. DS9 is fantastic, but it only gets better with the context from VOY and TNG.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

It's funny that this "slightly different viewpoint" when pressed for details basically always ends up being hardcore racism, homophobia or other great things.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

No. Not everyone deserves a seat at the same table because some people just want to take a dump on the table and laugh.

T_D was on Reddit a long time, what has been gained by that? Unabashed racism on the front page and nothing else. If that's the sort of thing you want to fight for, good, then I'm going to fight against that.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

Nah that's just shitty bait.

It's that simple. These people aren't rational or looking to argue in good faith, they are hateful fools looking to destroy and undermine a tolerant society. This isn't about "all sides of the argument", that's just a shitty paeudoargument to give Nazis a voice they don't deserve.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

We've seen this spiel a few times, companies want to move to the cloud and then don't because it's ridiculous and plenty of things are just fine on local machines.

I don't lend this any more credence than all the "we'll all be gaming in the cloud in 10 years" crap when stuff like GeForce Now was popping up.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

Why wait until it becomes a problem? The_Donald literally started as a joke brought over from 4chan. It grew and over time it basically went from "too small to do something about it" to "too big to do something about it" (to Reddit admins at least). Why even give these people a platform? We don't have any reason to give them space to grow.

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