Das ist ein qualitativ sehr hochwertiger Köder, gefällt mir.
Bit too specific there, buddy.
Oh, sorry, I think we have a misunderstanding. Your news post is fine. It is the way you interact with others that made me just a bit sad.
I've got the impression that you have at some point decided to use a bit of your energy every day to make lemmy a worse place. Maybe this is even your outlook towards the world in general, I have no way to know. I just want to let you know that you are succeeding. :)
Woher kommen denn die Zahlen in deinem Kasten da oben? Ich vermute mal, dass sind einfach bestimmte Prozentränge aus einee Einkommensstatistik. Kch dachte erst das wären Hyperlinks, weil die so hübsch blau sind, aber leider kann ich nix anklicken.
I'm whole-heartedly impressed with what you are presenting here. I wish I'd seen your booth at gamescom, since I am sincerely excited by the non-predatory design philosophy you're describing in your blog posty on your website.
I have already set up an account and written an application. Hopefully I'll have the chance to try this out. :)
"What?! The Mother of my Fiancee is a Cruise Missile!" would be a great modern anime.
Sure buddy
Have you read the article before posting it? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Auf Deutsch heißt der grimmige Herr Samuel Mumm, sollte man dann nicht Mummsche Theorie sagen?