FOTM = Flavor of the month?
Edge, wenn man Firefox herunterlädt
Der soll erstmal die Verordnung für die Cannabismodellregionen rausgeben, der Casper.
I did. That's what made me realize I'd really like to see some of the frames on me at home and not in a mirror or a quick selfie in the shop. I have terrible self "awareness" when looking in the mirror and I'd really like some high resolution images or videos of me at a big display. Also, I'm short-sighted, so I basically need glasses to correctly see the frames when looking in the mirror, which makes the whole experience kinda awkward.
That's so dumb. The community has practically begged them to change their jurisdiction over concerns something like this could happen for many many months. Unfortunately the guys over at OPTF (now STF) never listened. I hope that's a mistake they won't repeat again.
Group changes require a relog of the user.
I assume Amazon sets some cookies on other domains, not only (or whatever TLD you are using). Are you sure you've whitelisted everything you need?
Ich hasse das.
But why is that? Which part is cut shorter?
Jap, bin auch auf N100 MiniPCs umgestiegen. Kosten etwas mehr, sind aber um Welten leistungsstärker und verbrauchen trotzdem nicht mehr Strom.
Hätte uns doch nur jemand gewarnt, dass Medienkompetenz vor dem massenhaften Rollout von mobilen Internetgeräten hätte kommen müssen /s