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[–] DrunkenPirate 45 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (19 children)

Who if not the Germans built an electric tank in 2020 https://efahrer.chip.de/news/geraeuschlose-einsaetze-weltweit-erster-elektro-panzer-kommt-aus-deutschland_103179

Sounds crazy at first but comes with some good advantages: it can cross rivers as it doesn’t need air for combustion, it’s silent, and you can load it anywhere at the battle field if you have solar panels, time and sun. Still you can rely on military logistics to carry a swap battery. But isn’t the military supply chain the first target to disrupt? My two cents, this is the next thing at battle fields.

Oh, and if all your equipment runs on electricity, you can load and reload power at your needs. Tank needs power but car not? Combat robot out if power and car is full? Transfer the power

[–] DrunkenPirate 10 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

VW‘s Fabriken werden dann günstig von Chinesen gekauft, die dann dort nur zusammen schrauben. Und schon bringen die Zölle nix mehr.

Aber ganz ehrlich, das geschieht VW zurecht. Was der Laden sich geleistet hat in den letzten Jahren - Abgasskandal, nur Entschädigung in USA, keine günstigen Kleinwagen mehr, Kurzarbeit anmelden und höchste Gewinne vermelden, etc - da werde ich nichts mehr kaufen. Diese hochnäsige Monopolisteneinstellung kotzt mich an.

[–] DrunkenPirate 11 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (2 children)

Ja. Energiewende hat Habeck gut nach vorne gebracht.

Das Balkonkraftwerksgesetz ist ja auch ein absoluter Booster

Wäre das Wärmepumpengesetz nicht so krass von Bild und Co attackiert worden, dann hätten wir die Wärmewende auch geschafft. Aber leider…

[–] DrunkenPirate 1 points 3 weeks ago

Jaja, das goldene Handwerk

[–] DrunkenPirate 7 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

Try to dismantle a nuclear plant. It costs tons of money and time. Ask the people at Nagasaki or Tschernobyl.

Dismantle a coal power plant takes time, but one can reuse the iron and such. All the open mining fields and mining tunnels are the problem. In Western Germany, there are areas where house crack or cars fall down sudden openings caused by old mining tunnels.

Try to dismantle at wind mill or solar fields. It’s a quest of days and some bucks.

I prefer the easy way of living. So, my favorite are renewables.

[–] DrunkenPirate 9 points 3 weeks ago

but if we have some up and running, that's cheap energy that generates little carbon.

That is the great misunderstanding of nuclear. It isn’t cheap. It’s supported massively by tax money. In France with all its big nuclear plants for example, the power company went bankrupt. Nuclear is too expensive to run. The government took over the operations.

In Germany, the power companies refused to prolong the operations of nuclear at the beginning of Russian invasion. It was too expensive for them.

The only advantage that nuclear has, is that it’s independent of weather and doesn’t emit carbon. The drawback is the costs, inflexibility (always on), and reliance on cool water (which was an issue in France). That’s why MS, Amazon and all put there eggs into this basket for AI power - they shit money.

[–] DrunkenPirate 52 points 3 weeks ago (29 children)

Germany: We moved our power creation from 60% coal and atom-driven to 60% wind and solar-driven in the last 6 years. This change is fundamental and can’t be reversed. We stopped our atom plants and have a plan out of coal. Even though our geography isn’t in favor for renewables, our country is dedicated in becoming carbon neutral. This is supported by most of the population and industry. (Yes renewables are cheaper than coal, gas, and atom)

Still open is the transition of heat and cars to electricity. Rather an emotional debate - Germans are car-crazy. The car discussion is similar to the gun debate in the US.

[–] DrunkenPirate 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Kostüm ist schon parat

[–] DrunkenPirate 9 points 3 weeks ago

I can‘t wait for it. In general, for the price of a home batterie you get double the amount of Watt plus 4 wheels from automotive industry. Even if you don’t drive it, it’s way cheaper.

Take this and mix it with the new regulation for flexible power prices starting in January. We have negative prices in Europe thanks to nuclear plants that are always on. You load your car and get money for it. You unload in the evening and get money for it.

Sure, there‘ll be some barriers to prevent ordinary people playing the power-money-game. However, power will become fck cheap for the lucky with electric cars.

[–] DrunkenPirate 1 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

You can’t put Indian democracy and Chinese One-Party government into the same bowl. India isn’t that inhuman as China is.

[–] DrunkenPirate 1 points 4 weeks ago

Still there’s a difference which uniform they wear.

A little though, but it either forces Nato to officially join the war or it opens other ways (eg better rockets) without Nato troops involved. The former move might lead into WW3

[–] DrunkenPirate 4 points 4 weeks ago

Da trifft die Smartphonesucht auf die Glücksspielsucht. Beides Systeme die inzwischen auf die untersten Schichten im Gehirn und Belohnungssystem optimiert wurden - Daily Active User und so.

Social Media, Tradingapps, Lootbox Games und natürlich die Casino- und Wettapps. Alles die gleiche Grütze.

2 und 3 hatte ich mal meine Schwächen und bin entkommen. An 1 arbeite ich noch dran. Thanks to Lemmy, nicht mehr so intensiv. 4 hatte ich als Schüler in Südengland gelernt: Am 2ten Tag mein Taschengeld verzockt und 2 Wochen Geld leihen müssen - das war oberpeinlich.

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