
joined 10 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 hour ago

Oh… yeah you did. I’m sorry, that’s my bad

[–] 0 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

So would you move all the vulnerable patients to a different hospital? Would you destroy the entire hospital and build it back up while there are patients actively needing care, and loads of people who are vehemently opposed to that? Or would you fix the hospital’s administrative structure without completely destroying it

[–] 0 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (4 children)

Sure, a good, functioning hospital is well-staffed and cares most about the health of its patients. Were the USA a hospital, it would NOT fit that description

[–] 5 points 15 hours ago (6 children)

Well if the options were an aging doctor or a raving fucking lunatic who was about to gut me with a steak knife call me crazy but I’d take the the fucking doctor every motherfucking time

[–] 10 points 1 day ago

“Citing a denial of the very idea of law, Trump’s lawyers seek to state that Trump didn’t break the law”

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I feel like the more experiences I get, and the more experiences I learn of from other people, the less the world makes sense. The more I sit alone stuck in the echo chamber of my skull’s interior, the more experiences I can easily discount and ignore.

I don’t think anything about the world is simple or easy to understand, and I get worried when I start thinking that I have life boiled down to a few simple rules

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I haven’t finished DS1, and I wasn’t planning on getting DS2 but I’ll definitely keep this in mind if I ever do lol

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Well now that’s just dirty

[–] 12 points 2 days ago (7 children)

I remember finding my first mimic. I learned basically immediately that there was zero downside to attacking every single chest I saw

[–] 53 points 2 days ago (28 children)

But did you guys hear that Joe Biden is old??!?!?

[–] 0 points 2 days ago

“True to it’s name, you can torrent the park. But if you do my .44 magnum is inescapable!” -Seeder Point, DaThings

[–] 8 points 2 days ago

I’m feeling confident that the 4 year break gave him and the actually smart people funding him and giving him ideas more time to come up with efficient plans


For reference: Article 48 Wikipedia I’m trying to understand how anyone with any knowledge of the history of dictators could possibly justify granting a president unchecked “official” power so if anyone has any actual theories I am ALL ears.


At timestamp 1:16:20 "... can't because it's too much money it's tremendous"


I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it’s the first place that came to mind.

I just saw an ad on YouTube advertising penis enlargement pills with nothing but a video of a doctor that had a handful of jump cuts, and the video was paired with audio that had no noticeable cuts.

Most notably, the doctor’s lips were clearly edited by an AI to make it look like what she was saying matched the audio, even though the video and audio were obviously recorded separately.

I just think it’s downright fucking hilarious that YouTube now has the same ads that porn sites have. Damn, Google. What a dumpster fire.


Has anyone else noticed a lot of white supremacist/nazi/racist/homophobic stickers trying to recruit people in the city lately? I’ve seen a lot near Coors Field and it’s extremely upsetting.

I try to take them down or draw over them with sharpie if I can but I’m wondering if anyone else has noticed this uptick in fascist tags everywhere.


This is kind of a specific question and I didn’t think any of the local magazine “best bakery” lists would make it easy to find.

Do you have a favorite cinnamon roll in Denver? The first two places that make them that come to mind are Izzio and Right Cream (on the weekend). Izzio’s is tasty but way too soft and fluffy. I need my rolls to have a bit more bite to them.


I can’t remember who, but when this game came out 3 years ago someone on Twitter said the shooting and driving felt like they were developed by a team that had never coded shooting or driving before. Yes, it’s been 3 years of massive updates but I don’t care. The shooting in this game rivals the best FPSes and the driving is incredibly satisfying, diverse, and exciting.

Now, the shooting while driving? That’s just the icing on the cake. Way more fun than any FPS shooting and driving I’ve experienced before including GTA V and Far Cry.

This game is a masterpiece within the FPS genre.

Mine (

I know this is a really vague question, but it’s been on my mind A LOT lately. I’m specifically asking about people fighting on behalf of a group that is subject to oppression of some kind. 3 years ago, with all of the protests in America that included violence majorly against property and minorly against people but were about police brutality, I couldn’t help but question the seemingly popular notion that the violence wasn’t justified. Why wasn’t it justified? Because the police had not officially declared war on black people and other minority groups, but instead continue as an authority figure to protect and uplift their own members who do punch down on people belonging to minority groups? Because the protesters had yet to exhaust their non-violent routes? Were these protests in 2020 a retaliation or a first strike? Even if they were a first strike, was it justified?

What about Hamas? Palestine has suffered from genocide in all but name for over 70 years so does that make Hamas the aggressor or are they the ones acting in self-defense?

What about the issues with income inequality that have previously around the world led to uprisings and revolutions like in France and Russia? Were they justified even though the poor were not being constantly physically oppressed?

What about the issues with representation in government that led to the American revolution? Did those justify violence? Was the American revolution justified simply because of violent moments like the Boston massacre?

Is there a line that a group in power crosses that justifies violent revolt, or is it never justified?

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