
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It's nice to see the suite is still being developed, and kudos to such a small team for making such polished software.

My only caution is the sidebar design decision may be problematic? That's an awfully large amount of screen real estate being taken up compared to the Tab/Ribbon design used by other Office software. That is particularly important as it reduces the width available for a document and so squashes reducing the size of text etc on screen. Some of that may just be preference but that might also have impact for accessibility for people with sight impairment.

Maybe worth trying an alternative OS with a different kernel entirely from Linux, as a live USB. For example Haiku or ArcaOS?

However if you've tried Windows and not had the issue then it may not add anything as you nay already have excluded defective hardware?

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Good news but also shameful - Asbestos was banned in the UK in 1999 for example, and even that was regarded as late after initial partial bans in 1985.

Why has it taken so long for the US to completely ban asbestos?

[–] 142 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

Zuckerberg thinks Facebook should self regulate and that means in this case be free to allow posts of anti-vax propaganda and covid conspiracy theories that literally cost lives.

This is just a great example of why social media needs external regulation.

Crashes for me too. It when I hit a comment with two formula pictures - one renders, but a super wide picture does not appear and boost crashes.

I can see the super-wide picture on Chrome and Firefox.

[–] 49 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Trump has cognitively declined since 2016 and is increasingly incoherent and nasty. I think the Dems are gambling that many voters aren't watching his stump appearances so this is a good way to expose him to voters.

I think its too big a gamble and mute him. I think he will expose himself enough on his own turns to speak.

You can add games to Steam to use proton so where they came from doesn't matter. You can also use Proton forks and bypass steam altogether - much of the underlying tech is Wine; proton is a patched and optimised version of Wine not a stand alone Valve product. Its great what they've done but it is still a collaborative open source effort.

As for which store, I go on price and sometimes go with GOG even if more expensive because of DRM, and sometimes Steam because of the convenience of the workshop.

I don't think it needs to be any more complex than that - these are company's taking your money for the same product. Its kinda pointless being "loyal" to a retailer - its more important to focus on value for money and quality of service for each purchase.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Isn't it too late to change VP candidate? I saw speculation on this before and the issues were around the need to reconvene delegates for the RNC to approve the change and also to be on the ballot? Early voting starts in September so October is also too late?

[–] 45 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

"Yacht maker who makes yachts for billionaires scrambles to blame the crew so he can save more yachts and not be sued"

That's the story here. He's trying to set the narrative as entirely human error rather than a design flaw. For example one concern is how quickly an intact vessel sank - 30 seconds is being claimed in some areas - and the yacht may have an overlong aluminium mast which contributed to it capsizing .

People saying they don't care about billionaires dying are missing the point. The yachts maker is trying to pin it on the crew before its even been properly investigated.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

What you're asking is if you can run the existing Linux Mint on your drive within Windows running on the same drive?

It may be feasible if VirtualBox or VMWare are able to access/mount the existing Linux partition as if its a virtual drive, and boot the OS but its likely to be difficult. The main issue is that windows does not easily mount Linux partitions. It is also an edge case use for most users so there will likely not be much guidance on how to achieve this easily.

It might work more easily the opposite way round - boot Linux and mount Windows within Virtualbox but is not likely to be straightforward. Windows may be less flexible about being booted into a virtual machine with totally different hardware.

All this may be overkill to the problems you're trying to solve. You can mount the existing NTFS Windows drive within Linux Mint to access all your windows files without any virtualization. But I'm not clear what "settings" you're looking at when you boot back in to windows? That seems to be the stumbling block. Is is specific software / tools you're trying to migrate settings for?

Another approach may be to launch windows, create a new linux Mint VM in Virtualbox, share a folder between Linux VM and Windows host, create whatever settings you're trying to migrate in your VM Linux Mint, and when happy copy the home folder / settings folders into the shared folder. Then boot your PC into linux, mount the windows drive and pick up the settings files from the shared folder to migrate into your main Mint system. But whether that is even worth doing depends on what you're trying to migrate.

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah and also its a decline in male binge drinking. Female hasn't really changed after a short term uptick.

[–] 10 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

It still helps damage reddit's commercialisation of users because historic posts have gaps or disappear for new users. Editing posts and replacing with gobbledygook is probably more effective.

Also, its not clear reddit is able to retain deleted posts. They have a vast live site to maintain - why would they ever have been focused on having an immutable back up of all deleted posts? They may have snapshots to restore after short term issues but it does not follow that they keep snapshots going back in time. Perhaps they do or perhaps like many companies they do the bare minimum in favour of keep costs down?

I personally think its worth using sites that edit your posts and replace with garbage, as that is harder to separate out from true edits and helps pollute the data set for AI companies.

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