
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 35 minutes ago

Yeah totally agree. The central premise of Mozilla's argument is wrong: that we need to care about what advertisers want.

No compromise is needed as advertisers problems are not users problems. Mozilla has massively dropped the ball on this.

[–] 20 points 15 hours ago

Is this just the most passive aggressive way to break up with you girlfriend? Trying to get her to say "It's not you, it's the lantern" and leave, knowing when it's all over he still gets to keep the beautiful lantern.

Djokovic seemed to be moving OK and didn't overtly seem in pain or flinching etc? Maybe not as fast as he was previously though?

I don't think he was quite at his best though generally, but possibly more as he hadn't been tested much since coming back from injury. The final was his first match against a top 10 seed.

But even when he was playing well he was outclassed. Alcaraz was so incredibly fast! He got to shots that would normally have won Djokovic the point, and Djokovic's strategy of coming to the net didn't work either.

Great match!

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Have you tried disabling GPU hardware acceleration for Steam? It sounds like steam is rendering poorly - I had a problem with blacked out pages with steam with nvidia and found it resolved been I turned off GPU acceleration. This was a while ago though - I'm not having issues on latest drivers and have GPU acceleration back up.

Here is a guide on how to turn it on/off within steam itself. Note this is purely for the steam client, it has no impact on games or proton etc. The intro on the linked page seemingly misunderstands the settings it then talks about!

In terms of Nemo, I've not had that issue myself; on searching I can see random different solutions to the problem so it doesn't seem simple to resolve. Although frustrating you could switch to a different file manager. Thunar isn't bad and works well with cinnamon. PcMan-fm also isn't bad. There is little difference from Nemo with either. You can find both easily in the software store, or in Synaptic or in a terminal via searching with apt. Once insralled you can then change the default file manager in the cinnamon settings.

My favourite is Dolphin but I use KDE rather than Cinnamon. You might not want to mix KDE and Cinnamon apps? (It'll work fine, but they do have different design philosophies and aesthetics, and may be jarring when compared to other file dialogues within other apps).

So is the issue your co workers or is really that it bothers you so much?

Maybe the real thing here is you need to learn how to let the crazy and annoying wash over you. Because at the moment you're letting that leak into your personal time - you're thinking about things that are annoying you when really, why should they?

They're "winning" not because they annoyed you at work, but because you're letting it bother you when you're not at work.

There are skills in being able to ignore things that annoy you, or learning to let things go or even compartmentalising parts of your life.

[–] 43 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

Manslaughter is about proving negligence or misconduct. The prosecution case was that Baldwin was at fault as he was negligent handling a gun with live ammunition.

Part of Baldwins defence was that he did not know the gun had a live round in it.

The new evidence was that the live ammo came from the props company, not the armourer, throwing doubt over whether the armourer or Baldwin knew there were live rounds on set or in the gun.

That's a hugely important part of the defence case, and also makes it much hard to prove involuntary manslaughter - it would be negligent to fire a gun knowing there is a live round in it, but if you did not know there were live rounds then does that meet the same level of negligence?

Personally I thought the case against Baldwin seemed tenuous so I'm not surprised this new evidence ended the trial.

This does raise serious questions about the safety of the armourers conviction. She might still be negligent as its unclear how live ammo from the prop company got on set without her knowing but she has not been able to answer that as the evidence was suppressed and she was convicted on the assumption it was entirely her fault the live ammo was on set.

It raises even more serious questions about the behaviour and motivations of the new mexico prosecution team and investigators.

[–] 16 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

The problem with dementia is you have lucid periods and bad periods.

Stories emerging from the white house paint a picture of deliberate attempts to hide the extent of Bidens ill health from the people.

The latest being that cabinet meetings are short, infrequent and cabinet members are asked before hand to submit questions and talking points. Cabinet members are unable to comment on how Biden is as they don't get to see him. This is very worrying as one of the "reassurances" we've been given is that Biden has picked an good team which supposedly compensates for any other deficiencies. Instead we find his top tram are working with little direct interaction with the elected president.

He has to go from the ticket. This is absolute madness in so many ways and the democrats are going to hand the presidency to Trump, but also possibly the senate and the house. It says a lot when the Trump campaign are dialling down the attacks on his mental capacity as they don't want him to withdraw - they want to attack him on this again after the point of no return.

Any Americans here really should be contacting their democrat party representatives and urging them to act.

As someone in the UK I am watching this mess with concern for the future. A Trump presidency controlling all arms of the american government is horrifying and looking like an increasing possibility.

[–] 8 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Not going to happen though. While the left came first they still are not a majority. They hold 180 seats, which is less than 1/3 of the 577. No one really won the election.

Its really deadlock and all 3 groups will struggle to work together as none want the blame for the mess that will be split gjvernment, and all want to position themselves as the solution, win the presidency and/or next set of legislative elections.

So there is no way the centre or right will vote in a 90% tax on the rich. It'll be a struggle to even get a basic budget passed.

I do - there are old sites that have gone off line that I search the Way Back Machine to look at. There are also lots of archived files available that I've used more than once (Amiga files for example, Usenet archives and even old magazines).

It's not really a day-to-day tool for everyone, but when you need it it's irreplaceable.

[–] 16 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Cool guide? Its a joke poster, not actual guide to pain. Its a good poster but not really a cool guide to the pain scale.

And obviously 10/10 pain does not mean unconscious either.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

The democrat party uniting behind Biden will solve nothing. The fundamental issue is not a disunited party turning off voters , the issue is Bidens health.

To win the election the democrats need to convince the swing voters and undecided middle ground.

Bidens health issue aren't going to go away. In fact they can only get worse - people don't bounce back from age related decline.

Trump lied repeatedly during the debate, yet no one has taken him to task over it because all anyone can talk about is Biden's health.

Biden won't just lose the presidency, but will also impact all the down ticket candidates for the senate and house. The real risk here is handing Trump the Whitehouse and congress if nothing is done.

Please stop defending the madness. He needs to be replaced before its too late, for the greater good of the USA and the rest of the world. He was a good president but he is not the candidate for this election. Don't hand Trump the presidency by allowing such a vulnerable candidate to run.

[–] -5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Geuninely I am concerned the Biden campaign limited the time for the interview to hide any gaffes. Its already emerged he's had multiple "episodes" over the last 6 months, and today its been revealed he's seen a Parkinson's expert neurologist 8 times in the past year. Yet the biden campaign have aggressively and condescendingly dismissed all concerns over Biden over the same period.

Also in my country, the UK, political interviews are often substantial - 1 hour is not uncommon (often edited down) and even during our election we had full full unedited 30 min live interviews for each of the main party leaders.

Maybe 22mins is just because American TV is so dysfunctional? But given how the biden campaign have been so dismissive of concerns and then the debate has revealed them in a cold hard light, then yes I'm suspicious. There is little trust left after what we saw in the debates. The white house has been telling bare faced lies when directly asked about Bidens health on multiple occasions.

Biden has been a good president, but he is not a good candidate for this election. This issue is so damaging that he's behind Trump in the polls despite trump being a convicted felon. And worse, no one is holding Trump to account because biden is a distraction. Trump said a lot of crazy things in the debate but all people remember is Biden's performance.

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