Hm... Bin immer noch nicht überzeugt davon, nur 75 kWh in so eine fahrende Schrankwand zu stecken. Wie fahren seit ein paar Jahren einen eVito als Familienfahrzeug und die 100 kWh waren immer ein zentrale Kaufargument... Und weniger Reichweite hätte ich schon echt ungern.
This post may contain erotic or adult imagery.
Yeah, that was quite sexy.
No idea why Threema instead of ordinary email
You don't know the difference between instant messengers and email?
Luckily, Zangendeutsch is so hot right now, so I genuinely thought the meme was made by a German native speaker who deliberately wanted to make it sound a bit more English-ish. Don't worry, you're fine.
Weil Marc Mark mag mag Mark Marc
It's literally the first sentence in the article...
Russia has finished drafting 150,000 conscripts into its military, its Defense Ministry said
Emphasis added.
I specifically googled this and the results did not help.
During WW2, due to the food shortage, Germans did this using the carbon from coal... The process is old and known.
Let's see if the process can be made more efficient this time. Allegedly, the product was virtually indistinguishable from butter.
That sentence would really benefit from an apostrophe.
Ich bin gegen Ende der dritten oder vierten Edition quasi ausgestiegen. Fand Epic: Armageddon vom Spiel her besser und runder, aber das wurde dann ja abgesägt, so dass ich aus dem gw Ding dann ziemlich raus war. Sollte ich wieder einsteigen? Bekehr mich mal.
What a mess. Fifty years ago, they swapped spies for spies. Now they swap murderers for journalists. Guess Putin just got signalled that he should take more hostages as it seems to work really well.