curl | xmllint natürlich
Bros just stole that from Hamburg, Germany
Don't mind me using that in Uni :3
Braucht man in ner Chili überhaupt Fleisch(ersatz)? Mmn reichen da die Bohnen aus
Aufm Klo eingepennt?
With a plain WM, sway to be exact.
A window manager is only there to - well - manage the windows of programs. A DE provides a WM (eg. KDE has Kwin) as well as tools (eg. Discover, a detault file manager, settings programs) and a few other minor things. They also usually have less configurable WMs, usually stacking (with freeform windows that can hover above each other). As I don't need any of that, just a way to move windows between screens and workspaces, a plain tiling WM is perfectly fine, and more flexible.
The only thing I need a file manager for is to get a quick overview over many images, and for that I use lf, in a terminal.
Maybe most smaller ones have hosted both things separately, e.g.. with a dedicated minecraft server hoster and a common website-building+hosting service, and don't want to run an extra server for a proxy just for this.
With bigger servers (eg. Hypixel, 2b2t) or selfhosted servers (eg. mine), everything is on the same physical (or virtual) machine anyway and therefore everything has the same address, so you wouldn't even need a proxy.
I'm not american, and I don't know anything about this topic. May I ask for ELI5, please?
Ich meine, es gab mal ne Netzseite wo man die echten Gründe (bspw. fehlendes Personal) sehen konnte.
"Make America Great Again"-Kampagne [...] gelten für die Partei insgesamt offenbar als Vorbild
Nennt sich dann "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles".
Zumindest habe ich keine bemerkt, die damit logisch erklärbar wären.
Trotzdem fickt Vodafone meine Region in letzter Zeit zuverlässig abends mit teils < 1 Mbps up und down, manchmal 0.00.