this post was submitted on 12 Aug 2024
12 points (59.4% liked)

Vegan Home Cooks

489 readers
2 users here now

Come join the Vegan Home Cooks!

Participation is really easy, just take a picture of what you cooked today and post it, no recipes needed.

This is a public forum for a discord server of friends who are all vegans and cook at home for their families.

We are here to share some inspiration, to see what others are doing and to stay engaged in something that is both our hobby and a required task.

This forum is not a "food porn" community, a recipe book or a place to teach you how to cook. It is a place for people who already cook to meet other people like themselves and provide on topic support and conversation as much as long distance friends on the internet can do. We are doing show and tell about what we made and we don't care about its instagram worthiness.

Veganism isn’t a diet but I have to eat every day. This is for the vegan home cooks. Anything non vegan will be deleted.


1. Be Vegan.

If it is not vegan it doesn’t belong here… or anywhere.

2. Post home cooking.

No restaurant or fast food. This is what every other vegan space is about and we don’t want to promote any large or small business tyrants.

3. Join the Discord

We’re an active community of vegan home cooks that like to talk about what we are cooking today.

4. Do not make any rude comments or digs at anyone’s food, cooking style, specific diet, restrictions or technique.

While we are all cooks, we all have different requirements and we’re not asking for help, we are doing show and tell.

5. Do not use trademarked brands

Use generic names. We’re cooking with tvp not whatever business brands it and we’re not trying to turn comrades into billboards. No plant-based vegan-pandering capitalist crap like Impossible, Beyond, Dairy-company owned “vegan” cheese.

6. Do not ask for a recipe without otherwise engaging the OP (No posts that are just “recipe?”)

We are not food bloggers. Sometimes we're excited to share and will tell you the recipes we used but this isn't required. Instead try doing your own research and tell us what you learned and we can talk about it.

7. Careful with making unasked for suggestions.

Sometimes we like to hear suggestions but you should be nice about it and know the person you are making suggestions to. We are in the discord and you can get to know us that way. If you are just a visitor from the fediverse, this isn’t the place for you to start telling other people what to do.

8. Grown Ups Only.

Cooking for our kids is great, Acting like one is not. While this isn't a community for adult material we expect everyone who participates to be an adult and act like one. Please follow the Anarchists Code of Conduct. No profane usernames allowed.

founded 5 months ago
MODERATORS does not align with the values of this server and we will be disallowing federation in the near future. Please switch to another instance if you would like to maintain access.

top 37 comments
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[–] 23 points 1 month ago (2 children)

woah. I'm not on world, but I'm curious, if I may, why exactly the defederation? Do world users kinda brigade on here with anti-vegan BS? I may have noticed it I suppose, but maybe not specifically coming from world.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yes, as I have seen the most carnist trolls and liberals comments originating from that instance.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

That tracks. Fucking carnist trolls. Such a weird phenomenon to me. If you’re not vegan, just move along, it’s clearly not something you’re interested in. Feels a bit like closeted LGBTQ people becoming loud homophobes.

[–] 22 points 1 month ago (2 children)

That’s unfortunate. I enjoy seeing the content. I understood .world to be pretty general when I left Reddit, not necessarily a vegan-hating type place.

I totally admit I don’t read comments to notice the hating you refer to, as I enjoy the exposure to the posts and photos, but it also looks like you generally don’t like Lemmy much and prefer Reddit:

Lemmy is bullshit and the people awful

Sorry to hear you’ve had such a poor experience.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Have multiple accounts! It's the freedom of federation. Corporate media taught you to have one, because that was the easiest way they could monetise you. Take back control, maintain separate identities for separate activities!

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

Totally fair answer! I do have other accounts, though it’s less about corporate media influence and more about convenience / the mental obstacle of remembering to change accounts.

I guess I could bookmark each instance as it’s own PWA on my mobile, making it a bit easier. I guess it depends how bad one wants to get to the content! :-)

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I don't prefer reddit. I said at least reddit is free, I was paying for this and the problem is that people act like this is reddit with drama communities and pushing state propaganda.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago

Holy fuck someone said you like reddit hahahahahahahahahaha

I'm smoking weed about it.

[–] 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Thank fuck! I am so fucking tired of reading posts written by people marginally to the left of thatcher complaining about all the 'commies' (read people who think we should improve society somewhat, for reference I am a breed of commie and we are massively outnumbered here).

Not to mention the horrid driveby antivegan downvote storm with 0 useful contributions because it challenges their fragile conception of masculinity.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago

I already blocked that whole instance. Every post from there was getting annoying. It was all shit you'd see on Reddit constant barrage of American politics.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I support this decision. Really sick of seeing so much pro-American anti-left content from that instance.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)


For kicks I took a look at the federated copy, at least I can laugh about it now that I have a plan. I don't care to host and pay for social media and have faceless losers vote on it. This is a terrible system, the solution to just turning off downvotes doesn't work because they still federate to all the other servers. Once the generalist instances are reduced I think this will be much better as well.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Yeah I understand the frustration completely. It's really disheartening to have your content attacked just because of right wing antivegan morons. I barely ever posted here until recently and even then my comments would just get downvoted for seemingly no reason, these people really need to get a life.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

A big part of this I suspect is the amount of people browsing the All feed. AFAICT it’s quite high. And it has some deleterious effects on the organisation of the federated ecosystem because a whole bunch of people start interacting with content from communities that they don’t subscribe to likely aren’t interested in and don’t even align with at all.

But, because the content appears in their feed, they feel as entitled as anyone to vote and comment, even if their distance from the community makes their contribution tantamount to trolling.

Overall, along some other absent features, it’s dissolving lemmy’s ability to foster communities.

Fortunately, local only communities are in lemmy now with private (but federated) communities coming soon (apparently). This will allow communities to stay off of the All feed and federate only to people committed to them.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I browse All and was generally happy discovering new cool communities this way, and keeping with the news in the fediverse (like with this post!). They don't always align with my views and I think it's great to see outside of my bubble and not get stuck in an echo chamber.

Vegan home cooks?! First time I'm learning of your existence, I'm not really interested in food in general, but sounds cool and will check it out, maybe get some dinner inspiration.

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago

All feed is for sure useful. It’s about the balance though and what happens when a lot people use it exclusively.

[–] 4 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm not sure what the solution to this is to be honest, the more I think about it the idea of voting on comments is probably just a bad idea all together for what I want out of lemmy and clearly my desires and priorities differ from the overall user base of this software. I used forums for years with no voting and I'm not so sure why this needs voting on every comment because reddit had it. I understand that if there are millions of anonymous users you need a way to sort and this is crowd sourcing what is interesting, but, maybe this isn't needed at all with only a few hundred users who are all participating in good faith.

I don't know about how other instances operate but even though I have open sign ups, I can account for every account or have had good interactions with the random signups that have come through. I check up on the users on the instance to make sure newly accepted people aren't trolls. It isn't so hard for me because of the scale. Maybe this is the ideal scale and Lemmy as a whole needs to do more to convince people like me to pay for hosting instances and convince their friends to participate then organically grow in this way. People who use lemmy (mostly without contributing) appear obsessed with growth because they want to replace reddit, but I've been around lemmy for year and it isn't and will never be reddit. The issues with and scaling fast, having to develop sublinks for features and whatever people are trying to do just doesn't reflect how I want to use social media. When they get to that scale they're going to attract people who are just looking to scroll an app while they take a shit and those people aren't really going to participate in my cooking community.

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago


I’ve been saying more or less the same for a while … cloning big social platform designs is a problem on the fediverse. That people can’t seem to give up their big social habits is part of it too.

Voting was always a weird thing. Especially the downvote. Still convinced that’s toxic. With sufficient community organisation, along the lines of what you say, voting would be unnecessary and probably distracting.

I can see lemmy being flexible though. Private (or non-all-feed) communities sorted by New, hosted as you say on actual community driven instances like forums, and then for those who want it, more conventional Reddit things on bigger instances.

But yea, the doom scrolling expectation is a problem.

Thanks for the thoughts! And best wishes with whatever you’re up to!

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Good. World is so far to the right its absurd.

Thank fuck for that.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago

LemmyWorld is not worth the pain of having around.