
joined 2 months ago
[–] 6 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

please, veganism is a way of life but arch linux is my reason to live.

Are people surprised by this?

Aussie privacy law is a joke

And lots, and lots, of painstakingly collected data to measure against

Not even but like literally this country. There's less justification for the Australian government to claim sovereignty here. When you look at how aboriginal Aussies are treated, by the legal system and the health system for example, it's hard to argue it isn't genocide of a minority who have a claim to this land.

I get so frustrated at how, meaningful issues about the dubious actions of nation states are justified under international law become political theatre for power struggles.

Basically all large nations have peoples that want to split, but because international law requires nations to recognise a people before they get the protection of the law nobody properly does it as everyone could say "ok, you first". International law is important, it lets us resolve conflicts without war and somewhat check superpowers. Reducing it to farce is a tragedy.

[–] 14 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Is mass spec hard to explain? Zapy deflecty binny county correlatey.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Been feeling the crushing weight of vystopia lately. It's disappointing that almost everyone I know is more interested in their own convenience than justice. Over the last ~7 years I've basically lost interest in maintaining relationships with my non vegan friends (that are left lmao).

Where I live is pretty cliquey and carnist which has made finding meatspace vegan friends hard. Half of those I've met are wishy washy health cheating "vegans" which also sort of suck.

I'm glad my wife and my sisters are all vegan though. At least I do have a few people I'm really close to who understand that there is a difference between right and wrong.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I sincerely hope that this wave of anti assimilation centered around China manifests as a universal view that peoples have the right to break away from states.

Like holy shit to I hope for a future where states crumble and fragment, where indigenous Aussies can claim the red center (at least), the Catalonians and Basque people can break away etc.

International law is so strongly biased in states favour (because they make it) I would absolutely fucking love for anti Chinese sentiment to manifest as actual fucking consistent viewpoints.

Yep. They have just as much right to live as you. Find other options, I'm sure you can.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

And yet almost everyone I've ever shown slaughterhouse footage to did not change at all.

I think that has more to do with being seen to do a thing or not. Nobody is actually stupid enough to just forget what is involved from one moment to the next.

[–] -3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

There's a difference between wanting to feel pleasure at the result of killing someone and wanting to feel pleasure over the result of killing them?

How is a meal different to a trophy or a photograph? Or even just the memory of the killing.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago (6 children)

Why not? It's not necessary, right, healthy, or environmentally friendly. What reason is left but pleasure? you eat steak instead of tofu to pass the time more pleasantly, no different from someone whaling or shooting rhinos


ABC reports it as a "rampage". It is hijinks at best.

RIP to a real one.


10/10 would eat again. Wifey is best wife.


Pretty scuffed. Cliff notes:

  • patient presents to hospital reporting agony in tummy
  • doctor finds out he uses cannabis
  • diagnoses with cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (some people after heavy use suddenly develop persistent nausea, recently identified, rare and is a diagnosis of exclusion)
  • patient is sent home
  • patient dies due to severe stomach ulcers

Seems pretty concerning to me.


In the words of bill hicks "just planting seeds"


Just using up some stuff. Roasted the sprouts in a ginger and black vinegar glaze. Worked alright


Powerful closing quote: Australia’s no-holds-barred embrace of AUKUS is more likely than not to prove one of the worst defence and foreign policy decisions our country has made, not only putting at profound risk our sovereign independence, but generating more risk than reward for the very national security it promises to protect.

This will go down as one of the largest and most expensive military fuck ups in Australian history. Spending half a trillion dollars on maybe getting some subs that we might be able to operate independently, that could in theory be used for some useful things. Meanwhile pissing off half of APAC and painting a target on us.

All from the government that said we were so strapped for cash we needed to get some centerlink users to neck themselves. Cool and Good.


The channel is quite interesting, but these 2 vids (second here: are concise summaries of how when we embrace speciesism we end up rejecting things most humans would consider core values.


A choice remark: “We’re now defending the fact that we’re in Aukus.

“If we weren’t in Aukus, we wouldn’t need to defend it. If we didn’t have an aggressive ally like the United States – aggressive to others in the region – there’d be nobody attacking Australia. We are better left alone than we are being ‘protected’ by an aggressive power like the United States.

“Australia is capable of defending itself.

“There’s no way another state can invade a country like Australia with an armada of ships without it all failing. I mean, Australia is quite capable of defending itself. We don’t need to be basically a pair of shoes hanging out of the Americans’ backside.”


Had some random veggies from the commie farm I couldn't figure out how to use this week so stew is the saviour! Kelp and mushroom broth, steamed mirin and sesame greens. Simple but great in winter!

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