
joined 6 months ago
[–] x0x7@lemmy.world 14 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

How to properly set password requirements on your website. Accept any utf8 string. Have a nice day.

[–] x0x7@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

I added it to the big list. That's what I build the polls out of. You wouldn't believe how big it is just off of people's requests. I had no idea so many movies existed.

[–] x0x7@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

I mean you all voted for it. Speaking of, this is the poll for the next one: https://matrix.gvid.tv/c/MatrixEvents/nAaBaVMFpL

[–] x0x7@lemmy.world 20 points 1 month ago

Exercise doesn't lose weight. Weight is 99% controlled by diet. Exercise will make you not feel like shit so you don't use food as a dopamine hit. Which is why moderate exercise is better for weight loss. If your workout is making you feel like shit, that might be good for fitness and performance, but it still won't lose weight faster, and now you are eating more to support recovery.

So there are two pathways exercise can impact weight.

Exercise -> psychology -> diet -> weight
Exercise -> calorie consumption -> weight

The first one just happens to be more impact because the second one does almost nothing at all. Any useful pathway has to hit diet because that's 99% of weight (at least of the factors you have control over).

[–] x0x7@lemmy.world 25 points 1 month ago

That's going to get sold on the internet.

[–] x0x7@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

But even with that margins are tight, so 99.5% of why your flight is expensive is that planes are not cheap to operate and fuel isn't free. But we can pretend it's all the other thing to maintain slave morality.

Also when was the last time an airline stock paid a dividend? I'm sure one of them pays dividends but most pay dividends never.

[–] x0x7@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago (11 children)

But on the plus side normal people can use air travel now.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by x0x7@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.world

Upvote: https://strawpoll.com/Qrgewb74ryp
Downvote: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQN5V1Mg6

As always we are doing it Saturday 8pm Eastern, here: https://cytu.be/r/matrixhub


Per the polls we are starting with War games, 80s classic, and then in the room we'll decide between District 9 and This is Spinal Tap.

We are syncing the movie at 8pm here: https://cytu.be/r/matrixhub

Feel free to hang out in the room till then.


Upvote: https://strawpoll.com/QrgewbbjLyp
Downvote: https://strawpoll.com/PKgle33vpZp

This is for July 20, 8pm Eastern https://cytu.be/r/matrixhub. It's the best night of the week.

Got new movie ideas? Let me know.


Basically the short of the long of it is that you should not sit or stand for longer than an hour without doing a few minutes of the opposite.

Otherwise you will start experiencing accelerating fatigue.

Places of work that require standing should prioritize letting workers sit for a couple of minutes once an hour at minimum. It retains 95% of productivity (if not boosts it when fatigue goes down), and reduces fatigue by at least half when compared to perpetual standing.

Legacy (matrix.gvid.tv)

https://cytu.be/r/matrixhub Vote there for the first movie. We are doing 28 Days Later, This is Spinal Tap, and Johnny Mnemonic.

Live Free or Die (www.youtube.com)
Into the asphalt (matrix.gvid.tv)
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