
joined 1 year ago
[–] witten@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

You don't even need a star cert.. The DNS challenge works for that use case as well.

[–] witten@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

It's the head tilt. And the parallel lines.

[–] witten@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

I use Traefik as my main reverse proxy as well for the same reason—container niceties. But then I actually also use nginx.. inside container images, like for containers that just serve static files for example.

Use the right tool for the job!

[–] witten@lemmy.world 20 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I develop a moderately popular open source project and self-host it on Gitea. But I also mirror it on GitHub and accept PRs there. And one PR submitter on GitHub said they preferred to contribute there because that's where potential employers look for open source activity.

Could employers also look on Gitea/Forgejo? In theory, yes. But some of them literally ask for your GitHub profile on their application forms....

[–] witten@lemmy.world 1 points 2 months ago

I use Ansible to meet this need. Whenever I want to deploy to one or more remote hosts, I run Ansible locally and it connects via SSH to the remote host(s). There, it can run Docker Compose, configure services, lay down files on the host, restart things, etc.

[–] witten@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

I'm operating under the (perhaps mistaken) assumption that OP wants to "buy" an e-book in part to support those responsible for making it. And of course you can't support an editor or cover designer or publicist directly, but they do get paid indirectly because books get sold.

[–] witten@lemmy.world 0 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Just pointing out that dozens of people work on each traditionally published book other than the author.

[–] witten@lemmy.world 0 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

borgmatic dev here. First of all, if Vorta is working well for you to recover files, then by all means use Vorta! Right tool for the job and all. Having said that, a couple of thoughts on using borgmatic in Docker and recovering files:

borgmatic has a search feature that makes finding a particular file in an archive or across archives pretty easy. So that might be step one in restoring an accidentally deleted file.

Once you've found the file and archive to restore, you can either use borgmatic extract or borgmatic mount. With extract, you copy one or more files out of a backup archives. The challenge though is that with borgmatic in a container, by default there's not an easy way to copy those files into their original locations. However I think the "fix" is to mount your source volumes as read-write instead of (the documented) read-only. That way you can easily copy extracted files back to where they belong.

As for borgmatic mount, you've got a similar challenge and fix. You can presumably mount backup archives (or a whole repository) within the container, but then you need to copy your recovered files out of that mount into their original source volumes. So that probably also means those volumes need to be mounted read-write.

Let me know if you have any questions!

[–] witten@lemmy.world 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I dunno. It sounds like he was a state-sponsored arms dealer. Was he really "doing good?"

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by witten@lemmy.world to c/pizza@lemmy.world

A few weeks ago I posted about the trouble I had with 100% whole wheat pizza crust. I've been tweaking the recipe since then, so I think it's time for an update. The summary is that the most recent recipe works pretty well.. as long as I don't let the dough get over-proofed. Decent structure, crumb, and taste. The big innovation isn't too surprising: Adding vital wheat gluten to strengthen the dough.

The recipe for two NY-style pizzas: 562 grams home-milled white whole wheat flour, 370+ grams water, 120 grams ripe sourdough starter, 28 grams vital wheat gluten, 19 grams olive oil, 11 grams salt, and 6 grams sugar. Optional: Half a teaspoon each of onion and garlic powder. Knead, divide, 72 hour proof in the fridge, bring to room temp, shape, top, and bake (preheated to 550°F then switched to broil, baked 5 minutes on steel).

Pictured here: Kale, potato, red onion, and fennel seed.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by witten@lemmy.world to c/pizza@lemmy.world

Anyone have a good approach/recipe for 100% whole wheat pizza? I'm pretty experienced making pizza at home, but my usual pie is only 40% white whole wheat and 60% white bread flour. Now I'm trying to go to 100% whole wheat for health reasons, which I realize is a tall order for pizza.

The last time I tried this, I did a short knead and then a bunch of stretch and folds over a couple hours to develop more structure. Then I refrigerated for my usual 72 hours (because sourdough). But I think due to all the time at room temp with the stretches and folds, the dough got too active and was overproofed by the time I got to shaping the pie. And then it tore and was a big mess.

So any tips? Anyone else brave enough to try this? I'm not above adding gluten. Should I just lose the stretch and fold and knead longer so as not to get the starter too active? Alternatively, if this is just plain dumb, what's the highest percentage you can go with whole wheat on pizza before things get silly?

Current recipe for two pies:

  • 562 grams white whole wheat flour
  • 370 grams water
  • 120 grams ripe sourdough starter
  • 19 grams olive oil
  • 11 grams fine salt
  • 6 grams sugar

(It's vaguely NY style, in case that matters.)

EDIT: I posted an update on this.

[–] witten@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That sounds pretty handy, but I was just talking in general. My understanding is that the physics of Linux is that any user process that needs to go through the user<->kernel syscall boundary to get stuff done (like, say, rootless Podman) will be necessarily slower than something running as root. But then again I could just be parroting stuff I've heard elsewhere.


So Podman is an open source container engine like Docker—with "full"^1^ Docker compatibility. IMO Podman's main benefit over Docker is security. But how is it more secure? Keep reading...

Docker traditionally runs a daemon as the root user, and you need to mount that daemon's socket into various containers for them to work as intended (See: Traefik, Portainer, etc.) But if someone compromises such a container and therefore gains access to the Docker socket, it's game over for your host. That Docker socket is the keys to the root kingdom, so to speak.

Podman doesn't have a daemon by default, although you can run a very minimal one for Docker compatibility. And perhaps more importantly, Podman can run entirely as a non-root user.^2^ Non-root means if someone compromises a container and somehow manages to break out of it, they don't get the keys to the kingdom. They only get access to your non-privileged Unix user. So like the keys to a little room that only contains the thing they already compromised.^2.5^ Pretty neat.

Okay, now for the annoying parts of Podman. In order to achieve this rootless, daemonless nirvana, you have to give up the convenience of Unix users in your containers being the same as the users on the host. (Or at least the same UIDs.) That's because Podman typically^3^ runs as a non-root user, and most containers expect to either run as root or some other specific user.

The "solution"^4^ is user re-mapping. Meaning that you can configure your non-root user that Podman is running as to map into the container as the root user! Or as UID 1234. Or really any mapping you can imagine. If that makes your head spin, wait until you actually try to configure it. It's actually not so bad on containers that expect to run as root. You just map your non-root user to the container UID 0 (root)... and Bob's your uncle. But it can get more complicated and annoying when you have to do more involved UID and GID mappings—and then play the resultant permissions whack-a-mole on the host because your volumes are no longer accessed from a container running as host-root....

Still, it's a pretty cool feeling the first time you run a "root" container in your completely unprivileged Unix user and everything just works. (After spending hours of swearing and Duck-Ducking to get it to that point.) At least, it was pretty cool for me. If it's not when you do it, then Podman may not be for you.

The other big annoying thing about Podman is that because there's no Big Bad Daemon managing everything, there are certain things you give up. Like containers actually starting on boot. You'd think that'd be a fundamental feature of a container engine in 2023, but you'd be wrong. Podman doesn't do that. Podman adheres to the "Unix philosophy." Meaning, briefly, if Podman doesn't feel like doing something, then it doesn't. And therefore expects you to use systemd for starting your containers on boot. Which is all good and well in theory, until you realize that means Podman wants you to manage your containers entirely with systemd. So... running each container with a systemd service, using those services to stop/start/manage your containers, etc.

Which, if you ask me, is totally bananasland. I don't know about you, but I don't want to individually manage my containers with systemd. I want to use my good old trusty Docker Compose. The good news is you can use good old trusty Docker Compose with Podman! Just run a compatibility daemon (tiny and minimal and rootless… don't you worry) to present a Docker-like socket to Compose and boom everything works. Except your containers still don't actually start on boot. You still need systemd for that. But if you make systemd run Docker Compose, problem solved!

This isn't the "Podman Way" though, and any real Podman user will be happy to tell you that. The Podman Way is either the aforementioned systemd-running-the-show approach or something called Quadlet or even a Kubernetes compatibility feature. Briefly, about those: Quadlet is "just" a tighter integration between systemd and Podman so that you can declaratively define Podman containers and volumes directly in a sort of systemd service file. (Well, multiple.) It's like Podman and Docker Compose and systemd and Windows 3.1 INI files all had a bastard love child—and it's about as pretty as it sounds. IMO, you'd do well to stick with Docker Compose.

The Kubernetes compatibility feature lets you write Kubernetes-style configuration files and run them with Podman to start/manage your containers. It doesn't actually use a Kubernetes cluster; it lets you pretend you're running a big boy cluster because your command has the word "kube" in it, but in actuality you're just running your lowly Podman containers instead. It also has the feel of being a dev toy intended for local development rather than actual production use.^5^ For instance, there's no way to apply a change in-place without totally stopping and starting a container with two separate commands. What is this, 2003?

Lastly, there's Podman Compose. It's a third-party project (not produced by the Podman devs) that's intended to support Docker Compose configuration files while working more "natively" with Podman. My brief experience using it (with all due respect to the devs) is that it's total amateur hour and/or just not ready for prime time. Again, stick with Docker Compose, which works great with Podman.

Anyway, that's all I've got! Use Podman if you want. Don't use it if you don't want. I'm not the boss of you. But you said you wanted content on Lemmy, and now you've got content on Lemmy. This is all your fault!

^1^ Where "full" is defined as: Not actually full.

^2^ Newer versions of Docker also have some rootless capabilities. But they've still got that stinky ol' daemon.

^2.5^ It's maybe not quite this simple in practice, because you'll probably want to run multiple containers under the same Unix account unless you're really OCD about security and/or have a hatred of the convenience of container networking.

^3^ You can run Podman as root and have many of the same properties as root Docker, but then what's the point? One less daemon, I guess?

^4^ Where "solution" is defined as: Something that solves the problem while creating five new ones.

^5^ Spoiler: Red Hat's whole positioning with Podman is like they see it is as a way for buttoned-up corporate devs to run containers locally for development while their "production" is running K8s or whatever. Personally, I don't care how they position it as long as Podman works well to run my self-hosting shit....

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