
joined 1 year ago
[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 5 points 1 day ago

Has always happened. Is always happening.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 1 points 2 days ago

I do not remember that gag but I don't question it because it sounds like something Michael would say. Or Jim, but ironically.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I don't have any problems with monkeys.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 7 points 2 days ago

HOAs should just suffer in public without help. I'm in favor of just about any law forcing them to do something they don't like.

If you make one bored you should get like a $20 tax voucher. $50 if you livestream it.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago (4 children)

I would also like to just write off some big purchases, how do I do that without needing any money?

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 13 points 2 days ago (3 children)

C is better than any other type of USB in literally every way possible. There's not even an argument to be made. Go on, I'll wait.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 5 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I was on 10 and now I'm on Pop. That's the first I've heard of them prioritizing development of a DE.

I really don't like GNOME, but switching to KDE was literally the first change I made, so I honestly don't know much about it.

But I don't really care as long as what I do with it works. I don't foresee any killer features upcoming soon or anything. I don't really keep up on news about it or anything though.

I've had a mostly smooth experience with it so far. But I don't use it for anything crazy. I just pay games and stream YouTube and music.

Not trying to convince you that "the water's fine, jump in" or anything. But it worked for me. I don't hear a lot about other people picking it up.

You find a million posts about trying Mint or Ubuntu to get their feet wet, but you don't hear a lot other than those for Linux noobs.

I bought a tiny PC to hookup to my brother's TV at his house because I go over there on weekends and we always watch a movie followed by a few episodes of whatever TV show we're working on at the time. His laptop cord is having issues and want able to power the laptop while it's on. So rather than deal with that I just bought the tiny PC and I did put Mint on that one.

Partly to convert another Windows dependant too.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Anyone who capitalizes every word should be shot. I will not take questions on this.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 week ago

Maybe ones that aren't looking for a relationship. I imagine this wouldn't be a good advertisement if they are.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 1 points 2 weeks ago

Old is one problem. Old and mentally disabled is a whole other problem. Plus who are you supposed to vote for here with that rule? We've got 2 realistic options.

But in general you'd be correct.


So first off, what I'm TRYING to accomplish here is to have 3 drives show in Dolphin with their correct names. They are 3 physical drives (no crazy partition shenigans), but I'm having several issues trying to get them to be usable. All 3 are nvme drives connected directly to the board. (I'm new to Linux, not building machines.) The main drive is encrypted and is showing as type LVM2, the others are just ext4.

I am still fairly new with this, and didn't mess with this much when I used Windows, but when I did everything worked fine the first time. I'm pretty competent at following directions, and willing to learn vocab and lingo.

So the 3 drives are:

-main system drive

-drive to store photos (labelled 'Archive')

-Had a 3rd drive sitting around when I put this system together. No real intended use for it yet, but I'll think of something later.

So I'd like to have them listed as Main, Archive, and Drive3 for now. For a while I just had Main and Archive working. I just tried to add some photos to the Archive drive a couple minutes ago, but it's not longer showing in the Devices section in the sidebar. There is still a "Main" listed, but it says "An error occurred while accessing 'Home', the system responded: An unspecified error has occurred: No such interface “org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem” on object at path /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/dm_2d0" whenever I click on it.

Seeing as I know my computer is currently working, that doesn't make any sense to me. There is another drive simply listed as "1.8 TiB Internal Drive dm-1" which is actually the correct drive for my system install. So the listing it was under now doesn't work, but it's still easily accessible with this default name.

There is now a recovery device listed, but I haven't created a recovery partition, and I certainly don't want to see it listed in the devices, as if I need it I will just use it as intended, I don't ever need to browse it easily.

The Archive drive is not listed at all anymore. I can still see it in GParted, and it shows up just fine, but says it isn't mounted. At the moment I still have the original copies of everything I've put on it, so worst case scenario I can reformat it and start over, but I'm just trying to understand what happened here so it isn't a recurring problem. It wasn't mounted according to GParted and the Disks utility, so I just tried mounting it and it worked, but none of the files that were on it are still there. But they're still on the Main drive, so I can just drag them back.

After mounting the drive just now, the Devices section has disappeared in Dolphin. I'm getting more and more confused the more I try to figure it out and fix it.

I'm assuming if it's showing blank (other than an empty 'lost+found' directory that means the data is gone. I'm almost afraid to reboot now and feel like it's about to implode on me. I can get screenshots of whatever might need to be seen, but honestly now with the Devices section just entirely missing, the idea of this being convenient is becoming hopeless. I just want the drives to always show up with the correct names, and not give errors trying to navigate them. This shouldn't be this complicated. At least the system itself is functioning, but this is killing me. I've never had drives just stop showing up before.

Oh so the 3rd drive I did just add recently, so it really hasn't had time to have an error with it, as I haven't touched it yet. Nothing is on it, it was just recently added

So in short, any ideas why the "Main" listing stopped working and why it showed up as a default named partition? The Archive part actually may not have been copied over yet (I can't remember stuff to save my life sometimes) but I know the drive itself was at least accessible before. Which it seems to be now, but was unmounted by default, which is kinda odd. Also when I mounted it, it showed up as a folder with a long name of random numbers and letters, but it still shows the correct partition name in GParted. The 3rd drive shows correctly as "Drive3" which is its volume/partition name, but the partition on this drive is named/labelled "Archive" but shows as a long string of numbers, letters, and dashes.

And now I'm unsure which drives are still working at any given moment since the Devices part isn't even there and I have to keep manually digging into them from the media mount point "folder". I can make a version of it by manually adding a "Place" to the Dolphin sidebar, but it's not in its own category anymore, and is much more annoying to me this way. I could use it like that if I have to, but I'd rather go back to each one showing on its own.

Any ideas or help?

edit- Using Pop with KDE

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 weeks ago

Never heard of that idea. Sounds like a slightly lazier way to do it, but I respect it. Could be easier for accessibility reasons I suppose.

Getting vertical tabs and hiding the original tab row is the only thing I have to mess with the userchrome file for myself, so this getting baked in will help me skip an extension setup and file edit every time I set it up on a new device. Or freshly setup device.

[–] wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works 32 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

I voted for him last time. May be dumb, but I did believe in him more than Biden. I still don't know if he could carry the party, but I'd love to watch him try.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by wheeldawg@sh.itjust.works to c/diablo4@sh.itjust.works

My game crashes VERY frequently. I can't run any dungeons solo, because I will almost certainly crash while doing it, thereby losing my progress.

I'm just trying to finish the thing, and not being able to grind reliably is killing my enjoyment of this game.

It doesn't happen predictably, and doesn't happen when I'm doing any specific thing in particular.

Not even able to guess based on time passed. Sometimes I can come back and rejoin my party and instant crash, every now and then I can get over an hour.

It's not a hardware problem or driver problem.

I don't even know what else to do about it. I had been hearing others had the problem, but that quieted down a few patches ago. It never got better for me. This has persisted since I got the game about a week or so after launch.

Is it really just me now? I really want to make some progress, but side quests and cellars can only help so much and I don't always have friends on. Playing a dungeon over and over in hopes it won't crash this time is extremely frustrating. Can make it through maybe 1 out of 3 times.

Even if it was just once out of ten it would be too much to want to keep trying.

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