
joined 1 year ago
[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 76 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I know you guys may think this is silly but cave ecosystems are so fragile. Yes you are damaging it by just being there but they have weighed the risk vs obligation when it comes to National Park accessibility and decided that limited guided tours were an acceptable sacrifice to enrich the lives of the general public.

This is devastating and feels terrible. Don't take food inside a cave. Many caves have lockers outside. Don't eat inside the cave. Keep your bag zipped until the end of the tour and carry it in front of you NOT ON YOUR BACK.

Ugh I want to slap this person who had an entirely preventable "accident" but they probably didn't even get a ticket.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

"Nowadays" ? Boy let me tell you of the proto-memes in the days of the early internet.

Tl;dr: Everybody be snarky since forever.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

Aww they're friends working together to harness the deep magics. <3

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

It was gross back then too. In the 90s the Coasties would trawl the junior high girls. 25 year old men "dating" 13 year olds. We all knew it was gross as fuck and not okay but small town cops didn't give a fuck. Hell there was a deputy "dating" a 16 year old too.

It wasn't looked at differently in the 90s.

A guy in my class knocked up a 14 year old during senior year and we basically all stopped talking to him because fucking ew, dude.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Spanish model Leticia Sardá is Celebrity Number Six.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Look, it was the 80s/90s. We had one TV. My parents were not going to watch kid shit during their down time so we watched whatever they felt like watching. Thus, I have too many to list here.

But for context apparently Alien and Aliens made me squeaky and giggly/happy as a baby. To this day I sometimes have bizarrely detailed dreams with xenomorph subplots.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Ha! I feel so dumb right now.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Truth. I'm not good at riddles so my resume in Word has an extra page I can't get rid of. No there are no tables, yes I can see formatting, and deleting the page break massively fucks up the formatting for the whole document. I have to print to PDF then edit the PDF to delete the blank page. It's a huge hassle. But I don't have to deal with it very often so it is not really worth fixing.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 80 points 5 days ago (12 children)

Jesus fucking christ is it just open season on women all the time there?!

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Whaaaaa? That's crazy. I use to read it on the reg years ago but fell off long before the June exodus. Has this always been the case? I feel like this maybe wasn't the case back in the heydey (Tree Law!) but IANAL and was there for the entertainment.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 11 points 6 days ago

Oh yeah they did. I remember the single being on the radio. It was fine.

Also I love this character concept.

[–] weariedfae@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This prompt is bizarre and seeems written by a male 14-39.

I think I'm going with the short kings as long as the 10k is enough to protect me from them. They did consent to the escort mission and I think 10k is enough of a motivation to keep someone cooperative for a few hours. Plus I'm short too so I wouldn't have to hear any talls bitching about pace.

I feel like the soldiers outside of their time might have too much issue coming to terms with modernity.

Also I think the group of women would absolutely be able to defend themselves but I don't want to inflict this stress on a group of random women. Although they did consent and I'm assuming gave informed consent. Plenty probably said no, so the ones that said yes are feeling bold about it.

Fuck it, I change my mind I'm going with the gaggle of sassy ladies.

They'd all have each other's back and are used to being on high alert. Probably pretty scrappy too. There's no city I can think of that has 10 whole miles of "bad' so really it would be just isolated pockets of heightened danger and a long walk otherwise.

Plus there's way less of a chance of them turning on me.

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