It is probably legal in other countries, so I don't think this is as brave as you make it sound.
0,5 is pretty good compared to the other two, actually.
Das ist sicherlich richtig. Es gibt zu viele linke Parteien, die einander alle wegen irgendeines Kommas oder so nicht leiden können. Nichtlinke scheinen weniger Probleme damit zu haben, mehr Gemeinsamkeiten als Unterschiede bei einander zu suchen. Das ist insbesondere deshalb bedauerlich, weil eine starke Linke gerade gar nicht so unpraktisch wäre.
Aber manchen reicht es halt, sich selbst als der Stärkste zu fühlen.
Oettinger is even cheaper than that.
It tastes cheap too.
A mac would be a nightmare, in the worst case it “would just work”. Unacceptable.
That sounds exactly like the reason why Linux behaves like it does. ;-)
Sounds like you should get a Mac.
Be that as it may, I would like to be constructive for a change:
Why does every distro need yet another package manager? Yay/pacman I get because it seems to build it. Though I don’t understand why, other than AUR. APT is so nice and easy… I hope DNF is the same.
RPM - which DNF uses - is the standard package format for Linux ;-) The problem seems to me to be that every distribution does not attach any importance to something like common standards.
Bis zu wie vielen SPDlern wäre es in Ordnung gewesen?
Sogar das klauen sie den Grünen jetzt!
I have the feeling that you misjudge (at least) one person here.
Thank you for confirming what I was getting at: Assange was held in accordance with the law, although I personally don't think journalism should be penalised. Snowden hasn't had a trial yet, so I can't make a qualified comment on that.
I understand that the Russian laws don't suit you. I don't like the US laws either. But they are still the laws in force.
I can assure you that I not only take this sentence to heart, but - in view of the reactions to my comments here - find it absolutely apt once again.