
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

So, for me, 90 percent of the time this function would be firmly set to “off”.

I bought a car that has heated seats and a heated steering wheel that I've never used, and being in Australia will probably never use. It did not detract from the rest of the cars functionality including its main purpose which is to get me from A to B.

I suspect the optional functionality of this hardware button will be similar.

[–] 22 points 1 day ago (3 children)

It's a tag, that works well as a tag.

Also, you can use it as a remote shutter should you wish to place your phone somewhere and take the photo from somewhere else - like standing in front of a famous landmark, or wanting to be in a group photo instead of being behind the camera.

Seems like a no brainer bit of useful add-on functionality to supplement its primary usage.

[–] 23 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Well, that's America buggered.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Samsung being a shit company aside, this "really strong" chemical smell is just going to be a burnt out fan motor / hot joint in a cable causing the insulation to smolder / some food spilt over the defrost heater / or something equally benign.

There's just nothing in a domestic fridge that can cause a whole house full of people to get all these mysterious symptoms. Any bets on the "racing heart rate" and what not being a panic attack brought on by getting all flustered?

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

It won't be refrigerant. It's colourless, odorless, and tasteless. Burning something like R22 back in the day would give you the stink because it had chlorine in it, but you wouldn't even notice 600/290 burning. It doesn't even had the odorant in it like propane and butane.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

I’m yet to see R600a in Australian domestic fridges

That's pretty much all they are. I'd be surprised if you find anything BUT hydrocarbons fridges. Even commercial units are going to hydrocarbons now.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

During school holidays, my commute is around 25 minutes each way.

Outside of school holidays, my commute is around 40 minutes each way.

How do kids who start school at 9:00am ruin my commute at 6:30am?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

It legitimately tastes like pavlova! Definitely sweet, has that... pavlova... taste. I suspect theres a hint of strawberry as the ice cream is slightly pink. I think they had marshmellow on top of the container in the cabinet but there's none in the ice cream itself.

You can pretty much buy anything^*^ and it tastes amazing.

^*^ - I'm not vouching for the vegan stuff, never tried it.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Isn't that what you do with Bitcoin?

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Solitaire, straight out of classic Windows (pre-advertising death throes):

Hoplite, classic turn based dungeon/puzzle:


In short:

  • Live sheep exports by sea will be phased out over the next four years, after laws banning the trade passed parliament on Monday.
  • Earlier in the day, opponents met with the prime minister to request a Senate inquiry into the legislation.

What's next?

  • WA Premier Roger Cook says he will continue to negotiate for additional support for farmers affected by the laws.

Sky News and other similar conservative whinge rags are already posting the anti-Labor and anti-Greens headline as a response.

Personally I think its great news. Keep the value add in Australia (processing), and remove the cruelty of long ship travel followed by questionable processing practices in other countries.

[–] 10 points 2 weeks ago

willing to burn through public funds in order to gain geopolitical advantages over their adversaries.

[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

So why aren't other governments doing something similar?

Our government (Australia) basically told the last couple of brands that manufactured locally to piss off. So they did. So now we have literally zero local manufacturers.


tl;dr - fuck "reality" tv

In the reality TV production process, after the casting of villains and the baiting for villainous behaviour, comes the editing.

It's in the post-production suite that a villain edit can truly come to life.


The editor says there are a few techniques to achieve these characterisations. The simplest one is being selective in what gets included.


The second technique editors use is amplification — finding a moment amongst what the editor calls the "boring crap" that can be boosted into a storyline.

In the show, it's spun as a major conflict.


And then, the drama is further enhanced with a technique called "frankenbiting".

Like Frankenstein creating his monster, editors will mix together unrelated elements from the footage to make their own beast.


When the show finally goes to air, the final phase of a villain edit begins: controlling the narrative.

Now, program makers try to ensure that no narratives that contradict the edit make it into the media.

"They would remind me in a very threatening way before every single media interview that I had signed a [non-disclosure agreement]," Olivia says.

This becomes a problem for Olivia, because when the show goes to air, the backlash is swift.


Cheaper electricity, less emissions and ready by 2035 are some of the Coalition’s core promises on nuclear energy, but are they backed by evidence?

tl;dr - no


In short: A new North West town for 8,000 people will no longer be built as part of a massive renewable energy project when it re-seeks environment approvals. The federal environment law has been criticised for rejecting more renewable projects than fossil fuel ones. What's next? The proponent behind the North West energy project expects to submit an environmental application this year.


It would have been halfway along the lonely stretch between tourist mecca Broome and the iron ore shipping capital of Port Hedland.

A new town for 8,000 workers, their families and all the services and additional people you would need for such a population in Australia's remote North West region.

A town built using the latest in sustainability principles to service one of the world's largest renewable energy projects which covers more than 6,500 square kilometres of spinifex-dominated sand plains.

With a 26 gigawatt capacity — which is enough energy to meet a third of Australia's demand in 2020 — the Australian Renewable Energy Hub wind and solar project would have created green hydrogen and ammonia for export.

Well that was the plan.

Loaches are stupid (
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I got half a dozen dwarf chain loaches to compliment my 6ft community tank... And the stupid things have spent more time in the weir and the sump than they have in the tank.

I literally just fished three of them out of the sump, and the second I put them back in the tank one went directly to the overflow and straight in to the weir again. At some point it'll reappear in the sump.

I don't even think they'll grow big enough to stop being able to squeeze through the weir guard so I guess they live in the sump now.


My free plecostomus I got a year or so ago. He wasn't specifically free... we just bought a tiny 15L fish tank to put some shrimp in, and when we filled it with water he appeared 😳

I'm guessing he was suckered on to the piece of driftwood and had enough moisture to survive the 48 hours or so between the seller emptying the tank, and us refilling it after buying.

Dudes fair bristly. A heck of a lot bigger now than he was when he appeared in the tank, not all that much bigger than the neo shrimp that were his tank mates.


Oh boy, it's the same sex marriage debate all over again!

The video shows a confrontation between an Indigenous mother and daughter and an elderly white woman in the coastal Queensland town of Poona. It has accrued more than 1.5 million views across Facebook, Twitter and TikTok.

In the 48-second clip, the woman filming is heard shouting at a white woman to leave a stretch of foreshore which belongs to the Butchulla people and saying they "owned these lands to the exclusivity of all others which comes under federal native title".

"You might not like it, but guess what? Times are changing. You don't own the land, we do. Get off it, please," the woman filming is heard saying.

Ms Hanson shared the video on her official Facebook page with the caption: "This is just a taste of what is to come if Australians don't stop [Prime Minister Anthony] Albanese's race-based Voice and its Treaty".

However, the viral clip is not what it seems.

ABC Investigations can reveal the footage shared by Ms Hanson was less than half of the original length, removing context of the incident.

The original version, posted 2.5 years ago by Butchulla woman Samala Cronin and her mother and elder Gemma Cronin, showed the argument actually began when the elderly woman's husband had confronted them for filming.

I've only recently discovered this channel and it's taken me back to the YouTube of old - where videos were full of content from start to finish, not padded out to some arbitary time to ensure adverts start paying out.

Some highlights:

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