
joined 1 year ago
[–] 17 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

Ugh... Ukraine is screwed, huh. We're all screwed, perhaps.

[–] 18 points 19 hours ago

I'm not so sure. It gets them attention and the opportunity to share their message. And not everyone is so cynical as to immediately dismiss them as dumbasses.

Yay nothing like a bit of feel-good to start the day

Ah, so many loose parts to lose, I love it.

That's what I'm starting to think, too... Minus the alcohol bit.

Oh so that behaviour in Stardew Valley actually has real-life precedent?

Well, take your wins, I suppose.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Hey wow, is this what happens when people vote for a government that's actually not opposed to hard truths?

[–] 45 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I mean, you can have taste in clothing, too. Not sure if this is really a wrong turn of phrase.

[–] 31 points 1 week ago (15 children)

Wow, is this true? Does that work?

Interesting choice to wear a black shirt for it, too.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Despite corruption, try looking for which parties spread the least hatred. That's a good start, surely?


Los van z'n politiek—zucht, VVD…—een interessante meta-video over Ruttes beeldvorming als minister.


Something to disable image loading when not on Wi-Fi, for instance? Reddit is Fun had that option, and I have very limited data so that really helped me out.


it's not open source, hasn't been updated for years (though the developer did update all the dictionaries for Android 14 recently) but its customization options just can't be beat.

I use swipe left and right for delete and space and auto-correct with a dictionary I've been adding to for years. It allows you to add custom emoticons and words, it has a тяαทรƒ๑я๓ functions to add ⓥⓐⓡⓘⓞⓤⓢ GIᙏᘻIᑥKS to text... It has an option for swiping, too, though that's instead of the swiping for backspace and space. You can also edit which letters have what symbols above it.

Here's what my keyboard looks like. Notice the handy copy, paste, home, end, undo and redo buttons, too. Which are also completely customizable. Haven't found anything that truly does everything Multiling O does.

I do wish it was open-sourced though, if only so others could update it again...


Slechts 43 procent van de Amsterdamse jongeren zegt dat ze homoseksualiteit accepteren, dat was twee jaar geleden nog 69 procent. Ook in andere regio’s is er sprake van een dalende acceptatie. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van GGD Nederland.

Uit onderzoek van de gezondheidsdienst GGD blijkt dat de acceptatie van lhbtiq+-personen drastisch daalt onder jongeren. Uit een enquête onder jongeren tussen 13 en 16 jaar blijkt dat steeds minder jongeren homoseksualiteit accepteren. Met name in Amsterdam is de afname fors. Twee jaar geleden accepteerde 69 procent van de jongeren homoseksualiteit nog, nu is dat slechts 43 procent.


I have a Mastermouse MM530 by Cooler Master at the moment, bought on the basis of its "sturdy" build, but the mouse wheel has been playing up for a while now, occasionally scrolling down when I'm in fact scrolling up.

I'm not even looking for a gaming mouse, just a decent mouse with a clickable scroll wheel. More buttons is nice, but not needed. Any tips?


It's spring here in Europe, but we're international... right? I use the reverse drape cross a lot, though I've used the chest warmer while wearing a suit a couple of times, this past winter.


Relevant discussion for this community!


Hi all, 

I'm an entrepreneur and as such need to keep track of the amount of hours I work, as I need to reach a certain minimum. 

My needs are quite minimal. I want the following fields: 

  • A date drop down; 
  • a category selection drop down (PR, financial, etc); 
  • a field for comments; 
  • and I want to enter an amount of hours worked (I would prefer not to have to enter a start time and end time separately as that is more actions to perform and more than I need) 

Ideally this would be editable on my phone as well as on my PC, and being able to quickly add up the hours worked would of course also be helpful. And being able to see a calendar overview, perhaps. 

I have a self-hosted server, so I could simply make a spreadsheet and edit that, but that still seems like it's not as fast and easy as I'd like. 

I've been trying out Pendulums, but their system of clocking in and out doesn't fit my type of activities, and manually entering them gives me too much to have to click on (including start time and end time, while I just want to enter an amount of hours). 

I much prefer open source software, but I've been having a hard time finding something to fit my use case. I imagine that for my case, it doesn't need to be something that's specifically for keeping track of hours worked—something that provides some kind of frontend to fill in a spreadsheet would suffice, I imagine. 

Does anyone have any ideas for FOSS that could do something like this?

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