
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 1 hour ago

Fun fact, we did have a 20 year start on COVID. This was bird flu, SARS, MERS, swine flu... Scientists have been saying this was coming forever

This was basically as prepared as we could get. There were protocols in place for everything

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Fortunately, enflamed beings often are already in motion, so ceasing immediately should provide some rotation

[–] 2 points 18 hours ago

I respect it. We think of the Olympics as this Grand international unity thing, but it's not. It's a for profit entertainment company

It's not the best in the world, it's hundreds of feeder organizations that submitted the paperwork, and the people they chose to select

No one had submitted paperwork for Australian breakdancing... So she and her husband did

It's art - intentional or not. Skilled or not (it was not). I don't even know what county won breakdancing... But that couple made an impact on the world, undoubtedly. I could do some of her moves and anyone would instantly recognize it

[–] 34 points 1 day ago

Also, every other week we get another reason to make it a priority

The arguments against it boil down to "it's different and scary/I don't understand it", "there's compatibility issues that might be complicated to fix", or "well what we have now is good enough for my needs"

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

I don't disagree with that position... As a next step, it seems pretty sensible to me

To truly understand where you stand, you have to break false dichotomy - political platforms aren't one or two dimensional, they're multifaceted. IMO you have to pick an end goal, and chart a course towards it

Personally, my end goal is solar punk. I want to live in a green world with technology. To get there, I full throatedly resist authoritarianism or centralization of any kind- I believe the larger it is, the more it'll attract sociopaths seeking power for powers sake

Eco socialism is a step in my desired direction - I have no issue with it. It's a sensible waypoint and I'd gladly join hands with those who see it as the end goal. But I'd encourage you to chat with gpt (or better yet, local AI) in the context of your end goal and the next step to get there - LLMs are an extension of the user, and I think this is a proper use of the technology

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

I'm not sure customers are falling for it - this is why voting with your wallet doesn't work. People rage against games that launch in an unfinished state, particularly when they're full price. Steam reviews often incorporate price point - statements like "don't buy this at full price" or "this might have been worth it at $20, but this is not a $70 game" come up a lot

Sales for AAA games are way down, we just saw the biggest failure in gaming history. Casual reading of steam reviews show people clearly have different expectations based on price, Twitter sometimes explodes with anger at specific moves (like Helldivers requiring PSN) and they back off (temporarily), but they always go back to the bullshit

The feedback mechanism of "voting with your wallet" doesn't communicate this message. Metrics show purchases, refunds, and active users... That's what fits on a spreadsheet. They see a game failing, but that doesn't mean they've understood why

AAA studios don't want to understand what makes a game succeed or fail - they just want a formula to min-max ROI. They want strong numbers at launch, but they also want to minimize production costs, and they treat costs (like developers) as line items - they learn the wrong lessons, because they aren't concerned with the creative part of game design. They want to be the next Madden or assassin's creed, they want to figure out how to get players to pay $70 + micro transactions (or better yet a subscription too), but they also want their employees to be interchangeable cogs they can push to burn out then replace

AAA gaming is dying from this, but it's an oligarchy at this point - large corporations are unable to understand nuance or truly innovate - these are things people do when they have autonomy. They don't do team building or R&D anymore - that's a gamble that sometimes pays off big, but not in a quarter or two. They aquire then kill off what made the team work in the first place - any individual can tell you that's a recipe for failure, but by nature they keep the decision making far removed from the people actually doing the work

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

But then someone will see a spreadsheet and calculate the "missed" revenue, and whoever made that decision either gets replaced or given strict orders next time

Even if they manage to dig their heels in, it will come up again and again. It looks like a money shaped hole, and so organizationally they'll keep coming back to it

It is a great way to make games, many indie games do this. A team can do this, but a corporation can't - subtlety doesn't fit on a spreadsheet

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (2 children)

That's what makes you a leftist. Noticing we waste 1/3 of food and less than 1/5 are starving, and thinking "clearly there has to be a better way, let's figure it out" is what separates leftists from liberals

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

I think this is one of those societal level conspiracies

I like by taking life, in death I want to give life. It's legal, it's ethical. Unless I die from a bacterial disease or nasty virus, I find it ghoulish and cruel to be cremated or pumped full of preservatives - let me return to the earth. Feed me to birds, bury me under a tree, i don't care - I just want to feed life as I fed upon it

It's legal, it's ethical, and if I died tomorrow I'm sure my frequently expressed wishes would be ignored

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Yeah... That's not going to work, because it turns out people will in fact pay a premium for green choices

Which sounds great, except it's a lot cheaper to lie and misdirect than to be green

And you have to be real, companies will do anything before producing less. Like plastics - the companies making them won't make less plastic just because we stop using straws - they'll pivot. They'll make them cheaper, ship them further, or cut back the straws to make more disposable cups - the only way they're cutting back on plastic is if the same processes and machinery can make a biodegradable version, if the government forces them, or if they shut down in whole or in part

[–] 5 points 4 days ago

It depends on the bottle, but they're also more work to recycle than make new ones. Even with us running low on usable sand - there's companies turning glass back into sand at this point

The upside is you can sterilize and reuse them, and if you make them a little thicker they're pretty strong

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Sure, you can do that. It's obviously on you to figure out how you want to do it, but that's exactly what no DRM means

And I don't mean it's technically possible, you can backup the game files through steam and put them on a flash drive, and there you go


Between wanting to do more with local LLMs, wsl annoyances, and the direction tech companies have been going lately, I think it's time I start exploring a full Linux migration

I'm a software dev, I'm comfortable in the command line, and I used to write the node configuration piece of something similar to chef (flavor/version agnostic setup of cloud environments)

So for me, Linux has always been a "modify the script and rebuild fresh" kind of deal... Even my dev VMs involved a lot of scripts and snapshots. I don't enjoy configuration and I really hate debugging it, but I can muddle through when I have to

Web searches have pushed me towards Ubuntu for LLM work, but I've never been a big fan of the window Managers. I like little flourishes like animation and lots of options I can set graphically, I use multiple desktop multiple monitors

I've tried the one it comes standard with, gnome, and kde (although it's been about 5 years since I've last given them a real shot).

I'm mostly looking for the most reasonable footprint that is "good enough", something that feels polished to at least the Windows XP level - subtle animations instead of instant popups, rounded borders, maybe a bit of transparency here and there.

I'm looking at Ubuntu w/

  • kde w/ plasma (I understand it's very configurable, I don't love the look and it seems to be a bigger footprint

  • budgie (looks nice, never heard of it before today)

  • kylin (looks very Windows 10 which is nice, a bit skeptical about the Chinese focus)

  • mate (I like the look, but it seems a bit dubiously centralized)

  • unity (looks like the standard Ubuntu taken to it's natural conclusion)

  • rhino Linux (something new which makes me skeptical, but pretty and seems more like existing tools packaged together which makes me think the issues might not impact actual workflow)

  • anything the community is big on for this, personally I'd pick opensuze, but I need to maximize compatibility with bleeding edge LLM projects

My hardware and hard requirements are:

  • nvidia 1060ti
  • ryzen 5500u
  • 16g ram
  • 4 drives nearly full, because it's a computer of Theseus running the same (upgraded) vista license that came with the case like 15 years ago
  • multi desktop, multi monitor
  • can handle a lot of browser Windows/tabs
  • ideally the setup is just a package mana ger install script with all my dependencies
  • gaming support would be nice, but I'll be dual booting for VR anyways

I've been out of the game for a while, I'd love to hear what the feeling is in the community these days

(Side note, is pine as cool a company as it seems?)

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