
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago

Yeah, it takes some mental effort to change your habits, people are more likely to just install a new extension.

BUT, those extensions are probably next, dropping uBlock is part of a long-standing war by Google against ad blocking of all kinds. So at some point Chrome users won't be able to escape ads, and then i do wonder if they'll switch.

I feel like normal people who are too lazy to care would probably just use the default browser that came with their device. It will be Chrome if it's an Android, but it will be everything but Chrome if it's any other OS, it will be Edge or Safari.

Now i haven't installed Chrome in a minute, but how many devices is it the default for? My understanding is that a lot of Chrome users specifically looked for it and installed it to use instead of the default, especially Windows users. And for that public, i do think it matters, i do think they would consider switching.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago

That’s the purpose of building up dual power via leftist orgs

Good example right there: i have less than no idea what this means. I'm more politicized than the average person, definitely way more than the average worker, but i have no idea what this means. There is honestly a pattern of communists being very immersed in theory to the point that they forget normies like me aren't on the same page and don't immediately get it.

It’s difficult to put all of theory into a comic

By god, don't. I'm not too sure if 'all of theory' is worth putting in a book, but it's definitely not worth putting in a comic.

I've been politically active for years without really knowing theory, all it takes is talking to people and a willingness to spend an afternoon cutting leaflets. It is my honest opinion that marxist theory is as relevant to real world activism as theology, and no less arcane.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I know this is a classical bad faith argument and doesn't warrant a response, but hilariously, i've genuinely done that before. I got to know one of those street punk types and he slept on my couch multiple times.

For what little i know of this internet stranger, i'd rather him stay at my place than you

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

This comic makes a ton of logical leaps, by which i mean that it assumes that the reader is already familiar with certain information and leaves it implied. More broadly, it seems to assume that the audience already agrees that communism is the best. I'm particularly annoyed at the second pannel describing a command economy in a very short and unconvincing way, as if the audience already knows and agrees.

I have a rudimentary knowledge of political taxonomy and this is very very confusing.

But you know what, at least it's written in plain language. A mistake that communists often make is using their vocabulary (alienation, ideology, bourgeoisie) as if everyone knows what it means, i'm glad this isn't the case here

[–] 30 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Mostly what i see is a lack of preparedness. If i had a date over the movie would be downloaded and the TV plugged in a week in advance.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (8 children)

After reading this, i now understand less about socialism.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

That's just what i'm saying: they shouldn't spawn inside the building, but every now and then they do anyway.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

No, p is like a d that was rotated 180°, whereas b is like a d that was flipped horizontally.

Though i do now realize that the same is true for u and n, my mistake, still looks neat

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Here's the thing that makes Minecraft's world so much more dangerous: we have life-threatening creatures in the real world too, but they are living creatures bound to the laws of ecology; if you build a city without large herbivores, you can be sure that this city won't have tigers in it, because they need those to live. A tiger would need to physically walk from the forest to the city, with ample opportunity of getting spotted. Hell, killing the last tiger is a safe way to never have to worry about them again, since they need to reproduce sexually, and if there are no tigers left in an area then no new ones will appear out of nowhere.

Minecraft creatures, meanwhile, do appear out of nowhere. It doesn't matter if you've depleted the world of every last zombie, new ones can spawn absolutely anywhere, even within the safest possible area, all it takes is a small corner of mild darkness. Or does it? Because i've had random mobs spawn in extremely well-lit built environments where i was convinced they couldn't.

Minecraft's creatures cannot be definitively excluded from an area, nowhere is really safe beyond doubt even if the place is built entirely out of light-emitting blocks.

Then again, people do live in areas with venomous snakes and scorpions, those have a similar "potentially anywhere" threat as Minecraft mobs, yet people seem fine. They don't live in fear all the time. Then again again, snakes and scorpions are passive and only attack if you make physical contact with them, whereas Minecraft mobs actively look for you.

So yeah, nowhere is truly safe in Minecraft, there's genuinely always a possibility that you'll need to defend yourself from some horror.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The word


is almost perfectly symmetrical, at least d and b are, and i really like it. Depends on the typeface of course.

You can have a perfectly symmetrical set of letters by writing "dunb" but that's not a word

[–] 29 points 1 month ago

Love that Firefox highlights this cursed domain name

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Right so i didn't know exactly when a candidate has to be 35 (at time of nomination, election day, investiture...); if it's investiture then an AOC candidature is technically possible, though i think we'd have heard about it by now if she had that intention

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