
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Does that mean the engagement band is just a semiring?

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

They are less pro-Hamas or even pro-Palestinian so much as they are just anti-Israel.

[–] 20 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Do you think someone suffering from PTSD will be able to fulfill their duties as President?

[–] 30 points 3 weeks ago (12 children)

Lemmy doesn't have karma farming because it doesn't have karma.

Accounts earn their reputation based on name recognition, not some artificial score.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Improvements to automod, such as checking for opinion articles by regex (and building up that list). Or automatically marking/linking duplicate posts.

Also, regex scanning of comments to autoban would be useful for moderation well outside of the news/politics realm.

Most of the changes I'd like to see would require major changes to Lemmy though. Things like rate limiting posts/comments/votes, and allowing complex conditions for using those quotas. Also more nuanced moderation such as unlisting a post/comment (or potentially rehoming them).

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I needed a laugh. Thank you.

Deif is dead. Haniyeh is dead. Something like 40% of all the senior leadership is dead.

The hostages aren't keeping them alive, they're putting them in the crosshairs.

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Do you have a copy of the bridging proposal? I haven't seen any actual text.

[–] -3 points 3 weeks ago (11 children)

I have to say that this is the most color I've seen in months on the actual reasons why. On first read, it gives an understanding that both sides are willing to approach a deal - but lack trust in the process and the mediators ability to coerce the other side to actually commit and follow through.

A more cynical read (my second one) through this is that Hamas is still viewing civilian hostages as an asset and leverage. They are hesitant to get a six week ceasefire because they think they should get more than that for civilian hostages. Recent reports are making it clear that Hamas is executing the hostages. Whether as part of their negotiations, a breakdown in discipline, or just simple evil - the mediators have failed to impress upon Hamas the depth of their strategic mistake.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I wonder if this was some concession by Hamas as part of the negotiations

[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You got me. I was trying to bait you into saying that ethnic cleansing is obviously a bad thing and we should apply a consistent standard to avoid dehumanizing rhetoric.


Iran on Saturday night launched a large wave of attack drones from its territory toward the Jewish state, in the first-ever direct attack on Israel by the Islamic Republic, with warning sirens activated in Israeli communities throughout the country early Sunday as the military worked to intercept the Iranian aircraft.

Footage of the Iranian attack over Jerusalem's Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif


Iran already has enough uranium enriched to up to 60%, if enriched further, to make three nuclear bombs, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency's theoretical definition, and more at lower enrichment levels. Iran denies seeking nuclear weapons.

Iran is enriching to up to 60%, close to the roughly 90% that is weapons grade, at its Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant (PFEP) in its sprawling Natanz complex and at its Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP), which is dug into a mountain.

"The Agency confirms that, since the end of November 2023, the rate at which Iran has been producing uranium enriched up to 60% U-235 at these two facilities combined has increased to approximately 9 kg per month," the report to member states said.

Critical mass for U-235 is 56kg, and fuel grade Uranium is between 3-5%.

There are no legitimate non-weapons applications of Uranium enriched above 20%.


This talk is sort of a sequel to “Dancing Links”, the Christmas Lecture of 2018, because there have been surprising new developments since then—stimulated by the work of Christine Solnon at INSA de Lyon.

When a computer program explores a large space of possibilities, it needs good data structures that are able to undo every tentative decision that has been made, thereby allowing new decisions to take their place.

The dancing links idea is a simple modification of a 60-year-old method (doubly linked lists), which is particularly suited to undoing. As a result, algorithms based on dancing links have become the method of choice for exploring the set of solutions to a huge variety of combinatorial problems.

The dancing cells idea, similarly, is a simple modification of a 30-year-old method (sparse-set representation), and it provides efficient support for that same wide class of applications. Indeed, programs based on dancing cells often turn out to be significantly faster than the analogous programs based on dancing links. And again, there is exquisite choreography!


The Israel Defense Forces says it supplied 300 liters of fuel for “urgent medical purposes” at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, but Hamas prevented the medical center from receiving it.

Early this morning, troops placed the jerrycans near the hospital, as had been coordinated in advance with officials at Shifa.


The IDF Arabic spokesperson posted images of the civilians evacuating and announced an additional humanitarian corridor, supplementing the one recently established, which will be open for Gazans wishing to relocate southward until 2pm local time.

"Use this opportunity to go south to the other side of Wadi Gaza," he said, referring to the body of water that delineates the southern and northern parts of the Palestinian territory. "Many are doing so at this time. If you care for yourselves and your loved ones, move south according to our instructions. You can be sure Hamas leaders have already taken care of their own needs."


Context and highlights:

French President Emmanuel Macron called on Tuesday for the international coalition against the Islamic State terror group to be expanded to also fight Hamas after the deadly October 7 assault on Israel.

France lost 30 citizens in the Hamas assault, and nine are missing.


Full IDF Spokesperson statement:

Attached is the briefing:

Attached is a recording of a conversation between Hamas operatives regarding the Islamic Jihad failed rocket launch on the hospital on October 17, 2023:

Attached is a visual analysis following the IAF’s examination on the subject:

Attached is an infographic of all the failed rocket launches in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war:

Attached is a photograph from the IDF launch identification system on the subject:

Looks like evidence has been published, and at least partially verified by OSINT groups (in the linked article)

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