
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Man, if my work would let me purchase my travel on it too, instead of the company card... I'd be Global Services for sure.

[–] 0 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

For the record, I looked it up. The pixel falls in line with most other mainstream phones. Depending on the model it can be in the lower half, sometimes upper half, but always top ten.

Your phone seems to be specifically designed for ruggedness and battery life.

In fact of all the reviews I can find, about your phone they essentially say: it works ok as a phone but hey, I can throw it against a wall and it has awesome battery life.

So calling out the Pixel specifically and using the Oukitel as a metric is just straight up fuckery.

That's the kind of crap that needs to be left on Reddit. Go back there to post your gatekeeping bullshit.

[–] 2 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

I disagree. I think that claiming something "sucks balls" because it will only last two days of normal use before dying, if you don't charge it all all, is absolutely ludicrous.

If I just text and leave my screen dim, I could get a whole week out of my phone. But that's not why I got a smart phone. I got a smart phone so I could use it, not see how long I could get the battery to last.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

There is no what about female circumcision. There is nothing controversial about it. It IS mutilation.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Great. I don't need that. That's not even close to a selling point.

I guess if I needed to hike without a power source for a week, it would be.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (7 children)

I've almost never had an issue. Like ever, unless I forget to set my phone on a charger when I went to bed. And even then, it would just be in the single digits by the end of the second night.

I think I've had my phone die on me twice since I've had it (Pixel 6 Pro).

[–] 12 points 2 days ago

I never saw the movie, but I remember when I worked at Blockbuster, the movie's cover box had a button you could press, that would play the sound bite, "Wanna date?!"

It would be hilarious... on a slow Tuesday evening, there'd be maybe two people in the store... and you'd inevitably hear that sound play, and whoever played it let out a giggle.

[–] -2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

All of my points have been vibes?

They were specific examples.

Lol, you're a fucking dumbass that will refuse to listen to any argument that might actually cast doubt on your fantasy.

It's called cognitive dissonance and makes you no better than a trumplican.

[–] 10 points 5 days ago (1 children)

They charge $100 extra to support an unaccompanied minor!!?? JFC.

[–] 8 points 5 days ago

This comment does not make any sense.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

"A report from Morgan Stanley"

This reads like they are shooting from the hip this just like McKinsey.

Morgan Stanley is an investment company. So this was written for a purpose, with a predetermined outcome.

[–] -1 points 5 days ago (10 children)

Capitalism sucks for the same reason Communism sucks. For the same reason Libertarianism would REALLY fucking suck.

Because people fucking suck.

People will always abuse the power they have to keep/accrue more of it.

Look at unions. Absolutely necessary for workers to unite and fight being taken advantage of by the companies who see them as nothing more than a number on a sheet. But then they can become the problem. (Look at the police unions for a perfect example.)

Religion. It was a great tool that helped raise civilization from small tribes. It created ethical mores that cemented the value of the individual. Then the ones that became powerful went on to become institutions of manipulation and control

There needs to be a balance and Communism is not it.

The original commenter is right. This is a stupid meme.

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