
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 day ago

It's wild to me to think that the Stahlta and Stropha came out five years ago and they're still some of the best weapons in the game.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Sitting and thinking about this, I realised most of my favourite frames essentially all buff weapons to the point that there are no "not powerful" weapons. Banshee, Nyx, Zephyr, Sevagoth, Frost, Limbo, Ivara.

Some of my standout niche or "hidden boss" weapons are:

  • Basmu: the cooler Nukor. Has a lot of different elemental builds. Has a cool corr-cold-blast build due to its primary fire having split elements between direct electric and radial heat. I'm still playing around with getting a good altfire build.
  • Staticor: has the niche of being fairly weak on paper, but with an absolutely phenomenal radius and fairly good status chance. I've been running it on Frost and it performs way ahead of what it "should" according to my spreadsheets, so I don't know.
  • Alternox: I don't care what anyone says, I love running this on Gyre because of how good it looks. With a riven and a bit of love, it's quite functional as a crowd clearer, range extender, and bubble popper.
  • Sibear: kind of a bad reputation as the most meh incarnon, but even if that were so it's in the context of incarnons. Still hits like a truck, high range, stacks slows, readily stacks large amounts of cold, and combo racking that would make any gunblade blush.
  • Redeemer Prime: Melee Afflictions gave this one new life. I run it on Stealth Xata builds as a nuke weapon.
  • Pathocyst: people sleep on this one. Has the highest raw damage of any glaive, so it's a great Afflictions carrier or Duplicate nuker. Still playing with a Crescendo build for heavy blast spam.

And an honorable mention to the Kuva Karak. Has a niche as a mag/blast weapon with good hybrid stats. I've actually found it outperforms the Tenet Flux as a Blast carrier, which was surprising. Great with Nautilus since it stacks IPS quickly to refresh Cordon.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

There are at least three Dystopias in the game, lol. CN Dystopia, Professor Dystopia, and you.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

Could you post your favourite loadout, in terms of the frame you use, the weapons you use, and their mod configs? I can give more tailored advice with that information.


Something I've been playing with is the simple observation that crit keeps getting better the more you have of it, since the crit damage part of the damage product typically looks like this:

1+crit chance*(1+cc modifiers)*(crit damage*(1+cd modifiers) - 1)

which if we rearrange it, has a term of modified cc * modified cd. That is to say, stacking crit exhibits polynomial growth, which is better than the linear growth of stacking base damage.

Per the title, Secondary Outburst gives us a way of stacking huge amounts of crit chance and crit damage to take advantage of this.

That said, we do need to put Outburst in its proper context of different scaling techniques for secondary weapons:

  • additive Galvanised Shot with Secondary Encumber = 16.6x
  • multiplicative Secondary Shiver with Hornet Strike = 14.4x
  • Cascadia Flare with multiplicative Galv. Shot <= 34.56x
  • multiplicative Galv. Shot with Encumber and Hornet Strike = 41.6x
  • multiplicative Cascadia Accuracy = ? (I need to sit down and digest this one)
  • Cascadia Flare and additive Galv Shot (IPS+two element) = 10.8x
  • Additive Secondary Shiver and Galv Shot (IPS+two element) = 10.5x
  • Acolyte arcane and additive Galv Shot (IPS+two element) = 9.6x

You might think that Outburst is highly dependent on the weapon's base crit stats, but in fact the bonuses are so big, just over half of all weapons beat the reference "acolyte and additive gshot" multiplier. The strongest weapon in my calculations that shouldn't run raw Outburst is the Velox Prime, but note the emphasis on "raw"...

Incorporating Arcane Avenger into an Outburst build yields an overwhelming amount of power, only beaten by certain multiplicative arcane setups such as multiplicative Cascadia Accuracy, or the multiplicative Galv. Shot builds. Certain frames with flexible Arcane allocations can also afford to run Arcane Precision to push this even further.

One final note is that crit often is less attenuated than raw damage, so for instance Outburst builds will significantly outperform base damage stacking builds on the appropriate enemy types.

How do we take advantage of Outburst? I have three builds around it: the first is to use Rauta with Frostbite and a large magazine to max out Outburst before swapping to my secondary. I use this so I can keep using my Praedos for mobility. The second is to use a good Crescendo stacker, like the Venka Prime, a Zaw with a finisher riven (I use Balla and Dehtat) or a strong finisher weapon like the Innodem. The final is to just use a gunblade and the old forward-neutral High Noon loop technique; fast combo rackers like the Incarnons Dual Ichors or Sibear could also be an option. Theoretically, Rising Storm on Ash might also be an option.

Who uses Outburst well? The usual suspects with big crit buffs, naturally: Zephyr, Yareli, Ivara, Frost, Sevagoth, Harrow, Ash, Dagath, Citrine, and Gyre. I would also say base damage buffers benefit as well, so count Limbo and Chroma.

What are some of my favourite Outburst carriers? The best users are the Deathtrap Trigger incarnons: Lato, Vasto and Kunai; Dual Tox; Lex; Akarius Prime; Atomos; Synoid Gammacor; Epitaph Prime (Dystopia--not our one AFAICT--has a multiplicative Accuracy build though); Athodai; Furis; Onos. Honestly, the sky's the limit.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Give her augment a try, since it turns her into a nuke frame. I wasn't a fan before the augment either.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Voruna is an outstanding frame, being an agile, highly mobile, invisible nuker with super easy energy economy, at least if you run Ulfrun's Endurance. She's able to project extremely spicy slashes over a wide range through the combined action of her 2 and 4. The mobility afforded by using Dynar's passive is both fun and effective for what she wants to do, and she has gap closers in the form of Raksh and Ulfrun.

Lycath's Hunt is self-sustaining if you keep priming enemies with Raksh, and kills from Ulfrun will count as melee kills to spawn health orbs, meaning Voruna should essentially never run out of energy.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

The conditions for the +dmg/-acc corrupted mods are basically "high accuracy, low crit, low status". I use Magnum Force on Hildryn's Balefire.

Stacking base damage always grows linearly, which can beat crit on weapons with bad crit stats, and can beat status on weapons with low status chance, but will very rarely beat both, and usually on very old weapons.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think the shield gating changes and Secondary Fortifier have done wonders for his survivability and chill factor.

More broadly it sounds like I should cover his survivability techniques and tools?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I think the Limbomb build is essentially dead on SP. I couldn't get it scaling properly even with Panzer viral and fullstrip. For all I know it's bugged and doesn't properly account for the SP health multiplier, like how Oberon's Reckoning didn't used to account for the SP armour multiplier.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Limbo has been through a few iterations, how about his current state and how the game has changed to give him tools to mitigate his pain points? For example, Zariman was kind of the Limbocalypse due to Overguard, but he has Fortifier and Magnetic to deal with that mechanic now. I also didn't join until 2015/didn't get seriously into Warframe until 2021, so I personally just can't speak for launch Limbo.


If anything? I feel like the scattered Limbo guides are mostly pretty comprehensive, but I am curious if there are any needs being underserved.

For a bit of context, I got back on my Limbo bullshit and I think it would be good to spread a bit of the Limbo propaganda. He's out of retirement and back in my daily driver roster, and I'd love to do a little to get people to look at the funny magic man again.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Styanax is a beast in Circuit since his Final Stand spears scale off the amount of decrees you have. He's easily one of the best Circuit frames, standing alongside Nova, Vauban, Gyre and Protea for hard-scaling Circuit nukers.

To be fair, Styanax is a beast everywhere due to the raw power of Final Stand (especially augmented with Overguard) and Tharros Strike. If you're not in Duviri, the projectile ability scaling can be tapped with Arcane Arachne.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I was on Switch at the time, and even with the godawful load times it was my favourite content. Whenever I had relics to crack I'd drag the clan with me into Void Storms, or even just solo Corpus Void Storms. The thing that killed Railjack for me was the introduction of SP fissures, since the value proposition of doing a soft-endurance endless fissure is way ahead of anything else in the game.

I'd still recommend Void Storms in a heartbeat to new players though. They're hugely valuable everything farms with credits, endo, and preradded relics.

As for Railjack itself, I really like the quality of life of universal affinity and shared loot, as well as the collaborative nature of the objectives. It's cool playing with my friends and operating as a team, which is basically unique in Warframe in its current state.


If you've been avoiding Trinity, what would entice you to play her? Alternatively, are you a Trinity main with a wishlist of buffs for the lovely lobster?

Not enough of a Trinity player to dream up cool stuff, but for example here are some of mine.

  • Mild: base duration and maybe animation speed improvements
  • Wild: one of her augments generates Overguard for the squad. Some kind of buff for Champion's Blessing that makes it easier to stack, and makes the buff permanent until downed or something?

This is quickly becoming my favourite secondary arcane. Giving up Secondary Encumber (and Surge in a few cases) was hard, but it's fairly easy to compensate nowadays.

So what's so great about Fortifier? It performs two roles: it gives overguard to frames that can't generate it but enjoy useful synergies with their native defenses, and it also rapidly strips overguard from affected enemies with a x8 damage to overguard multiplier, opening them to CC. CC might have died for a bit, but Fortifier has kind of brought it back.

I'll cover two points in this post: frame synergies, and my favourite Fortifier weapons. Let's start with the synergies.

Frame Synergies

Stealth frames benefit hugely from Fortifier for two reasons. The first is that they typically enjoy running Molt Efficiency, and the extra layer of overgating ensures Molt Efficiency is always running at max power. The second is that overguard broadly cancels almost all negative effects on the frame, including Conduit debuffs in disruption, Netracell debuffs, Archimedea debuffs, Eximus effects etc. One of my banes on Ivara was getting hit with Arson waves while I was on my dashwire and not able to react, or the punishing energy drain conduits working against Prowl. No longer, I am free! The same can be said for Loki for Disruptions and if choosing to run Irradiating Disarm or using Decoy.

Revenant benefits from Overguard for similar reasons, as some negative effects still apply to him even through Mesmer Skin.

Zephyr, my favourite frame of all time and the core of my Warframe addiction, became very clunky to play after Zariman and Overguard, but Fortifier, especially on a good rad weapon, means Turbulence can do its job and keep her very safe again.

Finally, and credit to the wiki for this, damage redirect frames, notably Yareli and Nezha, and to a lesser extent Nekros and Trinity, hugely extend the effective overguard provided by Fortify, up to 150k for Yareli, Nezha and Nekros, and 60k for Trinity.

Favourite weapons

Grimoire goes without saying. The pulsing AoE and chaining property means this rapidly strips overguard in a wide area. Tome mods provide great utility. Without Surge, I only use the Fortifier config on frames that can compensate the damage, like Zephyr and Yareli.

Akarius Prime is a nice hybrid pistol with a massive radius, easily spreads radiation and other statuses while shredding overguard.

Hystrix Prime remains my staple for Disruptions. Still primes well without Encumber due to the puncture and forced element mechanic.

Twin Graks are an incredible hybrid weapon. High single target damage so they shred easily, and absolutely enormous proc per second rate for priming.

Tenet Cycron with magnetic progenitor. Beam weapon so procs rapidly, and very high damage output. Can do mag/viral for priming. Magnetic rapidly shreds overguard. Mag beam so rapidly pops bubbles.

Lex Prime Incarnon. Has enough damage to spare that it can afford to use a utility arcane. Easily oneshots eximus, and the punchthrough and large projectile can deal with Ancient Healer overguard balls.

Tenet Plinx. Lex but radial instead of columnar.

Awaiting testing

Epitaph (waiting for Prime), has higher status and an even IPS spread, as well as two guaranteed elements before modding. Charge shot might be good enough for oneshotting Eximus overguard. Probably not enough damage on the radial tapshot for Archimedea AoE strip.

Synoid Gammacor Incarnon. If you're not running a Contagion Verglas robo buddy, has the nice utility of forced Cold procs. Does spicy AoE hits a la the Tenet Plinx. Un-carnon form has innate mag. The lovely space cubes restore your energy <3


Calculations for my extreme turbo tank build:

  • Base health with Umbral Vitality R8: 763
  • Health with Arcane Blessing R5: 1963
  • Armour with 5x Tauforged Azure: 1230
  • Armour with 3 stacks of Health Conversion: 2580
  • Base EHP = 1963/(1-2580/2880) = 18844.8
  • EHP with Merulina = 188,448
  • EHP with Eclipse = 753792

Bombard rocket does 65 damage at base, which oneshots Yareli at around level 6300, or around 3100 with the +200% T4 Void damage multiplier.

Yareli is truly a "Metal Slug". We're so close, sea slug fans!

On a more serious note, if you don't want to invest so heavily in stacking armour, Eclipse shield tanking is a good alternative: Primed Redirection gives her 62,160 effective shields, more than enough for anything EDA can throw at you aside from the Mech Mines.

That all said, I think Pillage or Condemn + Primed Redirect is the most ideal way to tank nowadays, as the 2.5s shield gate from shield healing works nicely with the chunky Merulina shields for a good mix of active and passive defenses.


If you know, you know: Xata Ivara is an absolute powerhouse of damage output due to Xata's weird spaghetti code mechanics, and now we can finally use that potential to N U K E.

Video is captured footage of the end result, although I hadn't begun labbing things at the time. You can also freeze frame and spot a whopping ~8x Xata hit coming off a Blast death detonation.

Basically, Xata will trigger a second hit off Blast detonations, and be scaled massively off the big death blast detonations. I've been having the most luck with the hybrid snipers like Lanka, Sporothrix, and Komorex to place big blast procs. Komorex is in a class of its own with the elemental boost, high rate of fire, and AoE though.

I plan to continue testing this with blast beam secondaries, due to Arcane Precision's capabilities in setting large Blast detonations quickly, as well as good status and hybrid Blast spreaders like Akarius Prime. Epitaph is also potentially an option, since the tapshots do both Blast and self-prime a multiplicative Shiver and Galvanized Shot with forced Cold...

If anyone else wants to test some weapons, please do let us know here.

Final note, I did a quick test on my Xata Loki and it seems to work just fine on regular Xata users. Blast is already silly, this just makes it sillier.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Quick maffs to compare it to Secondary Encumber+Galvanized Shot:

Hornet Strike/Secondary Surge: (1+2.2)*8 = 25.6. Encumber/GShot: 1+1.2*13=16.6.

In fact, your Surge multiplier only needs to hit 5.19x to reach parity with Encumber/GShot.

Now, there are two big caveats here, of course. The first is that you will need to build for max energy on your frame, which some people won't want to do. The second is that this is an altfire build, which is fine since the primary fire is adequate for killing weak enemies and charging the altfire.

I'll do a quick rundown of my "greatest hits" builds that I've tried so far:

  • Banshee: affinity range fullstrip and an extra 3x multiplier on Sonar with Vome Invocation. I just change my rhythm to double-casting Sonar before doing an altfire nuke.
  • Mirage: the clones also shoot their own altfire, although it doesn't benefit from Secondary Surge.
  • Inaros: the living grouping ability strikes again! Ball 'em up, zap 'em down.
  • Yareli: Crit buffs, and a ragdoll grouping ability. Can spam Sea Snares to charge Surge. Natively high energy pool.
  • Zephyr: I finally have a use for Airburst Rounds. Not sure what the interaction with tornadoes is, and hard to test because everything is dead immediately.
  • Ivara: Natively high energy pool, can set up for a big Navigator shot with just one extra cast beforehand. Haven't tested if it's even possible to exploit Piercing Navigator.
  • Harrow: occasional headshots have kept Lasting Covenant rolling on my 155% duration build. The bullet hose effect from Penance is quite nice for using the primary fire too.
  • Equinox: book rips off armour, so I can just Maim to my heart's content and run a more defensive Eclipse build.
  • Gyre: more power strength! And a bit of armour strip, not that she needs it. Coil Horizon naturally sets up for the altfire. Electric ticks from Cathode Grace can keep Arcane Precision rolling passively.

I'd love to hear esoterica or historical curiosities or fun synergies; or whatever else you can think of!


I'm looking through the old 2023 stats page, and I see Caliban is extremely unpopular. Part of this is definitely availability, since he's gated behind a bounty farm after New War. But how much is it availability?

I get the sense that Caliban is a cult frame, split between people (especially YouTubers) who think he sucks and a minority that appreciates how wide his support toolkit is.

Will Caliban Prime give the sus space man some new appreciation, or will the stink stay on him forever?

Bansheeball (

The sport of champions

play Banshee btw

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