
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

For the auto complete of linking, shouldn't Sync follow the Lemmy convention and communities start with ! and users start with @ or is that what you mean by super weird?


Anyone got any advice?


Does anyone know of a plugin or extension they will play the video of whatever song I'm listening to when the video is available and just play something like a screensaver when the video isn't available?


As the title asks, what apps are you running?

Also do you have your data on your host machine or on your main storage/NAS?

Last question, is it just my set-up or is NextCloud slow for everyone?


So I'm trying to build a router. Just need something to handle the networking in my house and the plan is to separate things out via virtual local area networks. Anyway, reading a bunch of threads and comments, I think my design will be something akin to this. Is this good or bad? Ultimately I wanna run OPNSense since that's what most people recommend, but wanna about x86.

NanoPi as a hub:

AX3000 as an AP:

Network Switch:


So I'm trying to build a router. Just need something to handle the networking in my house and the plan is to separate things out via virtual local area networks. Anyway, reading a bunch of threads and comments, I think my design will be something akin to this. Is this good or bad? Ultimately I wanna run OPNSense since that's what most people recommend.

NanoPi as a hub:

AX3000 as an AP:

Network Switch:


How are people like this allowed to have a job still?


I don't know if I'm stupid or if NextCloud's instructions are stupid, it's probably me and subsequently I'm struggling.

For all of my Docker stuff, I move the config directory to my opt folder with a simple

     - /opt/APPNAME/config:/config

And generally have the data on a remote drive like

    - music:/music

      type: "nfs"
      o: "addr=192.168.X.XXX,nolock,soft,rw"
      device: ":/mnt/HD/Public/Shared Music"

This works perfectly for everything and I'm generally pleased with how things run. But NextCloud is throwing a bunch of words at me and I don't get it. Why can't it be as simple as what I'm already doing? Why do I have to declare


And why is it pointing me to?

Which just points you to

I'm looking at this Docker Compose like...

NextCloudPi was so simple to set up. If not for being stuck on v25, I'd have been happy with it. 🥺


It points to an x86 image


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Which version do you have installed and what do you use your installation for?

Rust in thunderbird (

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[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Crabs in a barrel

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