Was bedeutet es eigentlich, dass für Cannabispatienten die Regeln nicht gelten? Kann ich jetzt bekifft Auto fahren und muss nur meinen Arztbrief vorzeigen oder wie? Ich meine, ich würde sowieso nicht fahren wenn ich zu high bin, aber ich habe trotzdem noch so eine gewisse Paranoia jedes Mal wenn ich fahre und letzte Nacht was geraucht habe.
I honestly think that no matter what we’re doing the right would have a problem with migration because they want to go back to a white supremacist kind of society. We’re hearing the same shit how about Syrians and Ukrainians now that we heard in the 90s about Russian and Yugoslavian people, in the 60s/70s about Italian, Spanish, Polish, Turkish people and in the 40s/50s about German refugees.
Coach Marty Daniels would agree with you. Classes are bullshit.
Yeah I’d be raising the rainbow flag over the bunch of kids I just executed for creating some new Zionist Lebensraum. Maybe let’s do a pride parade on the Netzarim corridor.
This whole post is exactly about what you’re trying to do with your pink washing and genocide denial.
If we’re at genocide denial I don’t know what else to talk about.
Edit: I can look the guy up, my point is just because someone said something it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily relevant let alone true.
How exactly does the IDF make the Gaza Strip a better place through making it inhabitable and genociding its population?
Apart from that the IDF is using human shields and lies on a daily basis. What is this?
I don’t know who that guy is but blackmailing LBTQ Palestinians into spying on their friends and family is really not a great achievement next to genociding them along with every other Palestinian.
But if we’re doing quotes I’d like to quote the queer Jews who got kicked out of the White House pride party recently:
As queer Jews with close LGBTQ family and friends in Israel, we know how precarious their rights are, too. There is no civil marriage, trans rights are consistently attacked and undermined by high-ranking government officials, and Israeli ministers actively spew hate against pride parades, leading to physical violence. LGBTQ Palestinians aren't being 'saved' by Israel. Their identities and their personal lives are exploited by Israeli security services to force them into being informants on their families and communities, putting them at risk.
Jodel habe ich schon lange aufgegeben weil es schon vor ca. 5-10 Jahren von Nazis unterwandert wurde. Ich vermisse die Zeiten als es dort sonntags noch nudes gab.
Bei mir gab es gehupe und Böller jedes Mal wenn Deutschland ein Tor geschossen hat. Grüße aus Berlin, wir brauchen die Türken nicht dafür.
Ich mach mal den Berliner und sage wenn ich die mit dir teile dann sind sie ja nicht mehr versteckt.
Ne aber im Ernst ich finde den Britzer Garten super schön und auch die Rummelsburger Bucht. Ebenso den Treptower Park, in allen diesen Parks gibt es Ecken in denen man herrlich seine Ruhe hat.
Just lmao someone wanted to put $10k on Biden being a candidate, I wonder how they feel about it now.