
joined 11 months ago
[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 1 points 6 days ago

For me in browser it just tells me I failed captcha. I have to open the Windows app to claim games.

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 13 points 1 week ago (3 children)

If only they could make a Bloodborne GaaS, then Sony would fund it 😔

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 15 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

That's quite literally the point of a union. To hold that company's production hostage in order to level the playing field with those who otherwise are holding livelihoods, futures, and survival hostage.



so, enough time has passed now for me to talk about why i decided to leave Blizzard. a mixed year with great teammates, but a management that mistreated, lied to me, gaslit me, gave me a fake promotion, and HR that refused to help.

buckle up friendos. 💪

i wanna start by saying that all of the people I got to work with on Team 4 (Overwatch 2) were incredible. they were warm, welcoming, fun, friendly and just so goddamn talented. there were so many great people on my team championing for me and i am so grateful for their support

unfortunately however, i spent most of a year stressed out of my mind, working 4 peoples jobs at once, and having management make promises they had no intention of fulfilling and i ultimately felt like i had no choice but to leave for my own mental health.

in July of 2023, i was invited to a meeting by Art Leadership and production, to let me know they were interested in promoting me to Lead VFX Artist of the cosmetics team. (skins, emotes, POTGs, etc.), i had only been there 6 months and I told them basically "if youre sure?? lol"

but before accepting i was adamant, that we were all on the same page about the full role, what it meant, what i would be doing, and also, what the "promotion" would come with. (pay increase, title change) and confirmed all of those details before going further

these conversations included other Lead VFX, Art Directors, Associate Art Directors, Production Directions and also HR. and as we were all happy, i started the job effective immediately, with the details to come at the end of the week, in writing.

the new role was - all of my existing responsibilities and workload as a senior - becoming a line manager of 3 people immediately - managing our entire outsourced vfx pipeline in china - plus additional Lead things (planning, much more meetings lol)

friday of that week comes, nothing, but, the Production Dir does announce my promotion to Lead to the whole team on the thursday! its official! its happening! the whole team knows! i even tweet about it, because im so excited. we're all gucci!

on my first week as lead. my new manager, tells me that we are going to have to fire one of my new reports cus he wont RTO

me: "he is waiting for a medical accommodation because he is a carer for his parents"

them: "yeah [laughing] we're not gonna do that for a junior"

another lead on the team offers to deliver the news for me, because it is my first week as lead. and the person we are supposed to fire is one of my closest friends on the team. he is given until the end of the month to either relocate, or leave. we're all distraught.

im now doing my senior role, my lead role and now all the work that this great vfx artist was doing. they then refuse to hire an intern, another one of my reports, who is incredibly talented and we all love. so i add all the work they were going to do, to my plate.

a month goes by, and i have now sent an email or slack message, every other day to find out what is happening with the pay increase and title change.

im told i have to wait until August, because thats when all the promotions happen but "dont worry. its all happening"

i then discover that as I am earning less than 50% of every other Lead VFX Artist at blizzard, so much so, that as a Lead, my salary is lower than every person I am managing. i send more emails. im told its cus im in the UK, and my salary is based on market value, not my value.

i ask HR if they think that it is ethically okay to pay me less than 50% of every person for doing the same job?

they tell me "why would we pay you more than we have to? that doesnt make any business sense"

i realise i am talking to a person who doesnt give a shit about people

another month passes and i get to august and turns out, "no no, its actually september now" for some reason. but "dont worry, its coming. its definitely a promotion, and theres definitely a pay increase."

i continue to be overworked, and exhausted, but hopeful. (fool)

another few weeks pass, and its getting to 3 months being a lead. so i send an email out to everyone, directors, VPs, HR, leads, you name it, telling them that if there is no written information by Sep 1st, i will stop doing the role immediately.

SUDDENLY, people have something to say!

this entire time, HR have not responded once and they finally reply inviting me for a quick call. it is in this call that HR ask me "what promotion? i have no idea what you are talking about?"

at this point i raised a formal complaint.

i had months of messages, emails that i sent to HR to explain what i was talking about and they finally reply with

"you seem to be confused" ... "there is no promotion" ... "leadership is a lateral move" ... "its just a change of responsibilities" ... "there is no pay increase"

i was livid, naturally, and asked what any normal fucking rational human would "why would anybody want that promotion then?" which obviously they then did the old "i can see you're frustrated, i can see how you misinterpreted this".

the investigation from the formal complaint comes back after a few weeks and after some careful deliberation, decides that HR did nothing wrong, and followed all processes correctly. SO, i hand in my resignation about an hour later. but it doesnt end there!!!

because no!!!

HR then told me!!! that because of my role as a Lead!!! i had gained inexplicable knowledge that would put me at a business risk to work anywhere else!!! so they are activating a Non-Compete Clause that restricts me from working ANYWHERE AT ALL for 3 MONTHS!!!!😍😍

and, you may be rightfully thinking "oh, so this is a paid 3 months, right? you cant stop someone from working at ALL for 3 months without paying the-..." INCORRECT that is exactly what they did, and unfortunately, completely legal, because get fucked, i guess???

i said I cant survive for 3 months without pay, I have a mortgage and they looked me in the eye and said:

"well, you probably shouldn't have signed the contract then 🙂"

within a few minutes i was locked out of slack/email, and that was the end of my time at Blizzard. 🎉🎉🎉

if anyone has continued so far, thank you for listening 💚💚💚💚

idk what the point of this is, but, i needed to get it off my chest. blizzard had every opportunity to do the right thing, and they continually failed at that.

i also wanna sincerely thank everyone who purchased a mentorship session or portfolio review with me at the end of last year. it quite literally saved me, and meant that I was able to not go into debt and so i am hugely grateful, and hope you all felt like they were worth it!



so, enough time has passed now for me to talk about why i decided to leave Blizzard. a mixed year with great teammates, but a management that mistreated, lied to me, gaslit me, gave me a fake promotion, and HR that refused to help.

buckle up friendos. 💪

i wanna start by saying that all of the people I got to work with on Team 4 (Overwatch 2) were incredible. they were warm, welcoming, fun, friendly and just so goddamn talented. there were so many great people on my team championing for me and i am so grateful for their support

unfortunately however, i spent most of a year stressed out of my mind, working 4 peoples jobs at once, and having management make promises they had no intention of fulfilling and i ultimately felt like i had no choice but to leave for my own mental health.

in July of 2023, i was invited to a meeting by Art Leadership and production, to let me know they were interested in promoting me to Lead VFX Artist of the cosmetics team. (skins, emotes, POTGs, etc.), i had only been there 6 months and I told them basically "if youre sure?? lol"

but before accepting i was adamant, that we were all on the same page about the full role, what it meant, what i would be doing, and also, what the "promotion" would come with. (pay increase, title change) and confirmed all of those details before going further

these conversations included other Lead VFX, Art Directors, Associate Art Directors, Production Directions and also HR. and as we were all happy, i started the job effective immediately, with the details to come at the end of the week, in writing.

the new role was - all of my existing responsibilities and workload as a senior - becoming a line manager of 3 people immediately - managing our entire outsourced vfx pipeline in china - plus additional Lead things (planning, much more meetings lol)

friday of that week comes, nothing, but, the Production Dir does announce my promotion to Lead to the whole team on the thursday! its official! its happening! the whole team knows! i even tweet about it, because im so excited. we're all gucci!

on my first week as lead. my new manager, tells me that we are going to have to fire one of my new reports cus he wont RTO

me: "he is waiting for a medical accommodation because he is a carer for his parents"

them: "yeah [laughing] we're not gonna do that for a junior"

another lead on the team offers to deliver the news for me, because it is my first week as lead. and the person we are supposed to fire is one of my closest friends on the team. he is given until the end of the month to either relocate, or leave. we're all distraught.

im now doing my senior role, my lead role and now all the work that this great vfx artist was doing. they then refuse to hire an intern, another one of my reports, who is incredibly talented and we all love. so i add all the work they were going to do, to my plate.

a month goes by, and i have now sent an email or slack message, every other day to find out what is happening with the pay increase and title change.

im told i have to wait until August, because thats when all the promotions happen but "dont worry. its all happening"

i then discover that as I am earning less than 50% of every other Lead VFX Artist at blizzard, so much so, that as a Lead, my salary is lower than every person I am managing. i send more emails. im told its cus im in the UK, and my salary is based on market value, not my value.

i ask HR if they think that it is ethically okay to pay me less than 50% of every person for doing the same job?

they tell me "why would we pay you more than we have to? that doesnt make any business sense"

i realise i am talking to a person who doesnt give a shit about people

another month passes and i get to august and turns out, "no no, its actually september now" for some reason. but "dont worry, its coming. its definitely a promotion, and theres definitely a pay increase."

i continue to be overworked, and exhausted, but hopeful. (fool)

another few weeks pass, and its getting to 3 months being a lead. so i send an email out to everyone, directors, VPs, HR, leads, you name it, telling them that if there is no written information by Sep 1st, i will stop doing the role immediately.

SUDDENLY, people have something to say!

this entire time, HR have not responded once and they finally reply inviting me for a quick call. it is in this call that HR ask me "what promotion? i have no idea what you are talking about?"

at this point i raised a formal complaint.

i had months of messages, emails that i sent to HR to explain what i was talking about and they finally reply with

"you seem to be confused" ... "there is no promotion" ... "leadership is a lateral move" ... "its just a change of responsibilities" ... "there is no pay increase"

i was livid, naturally, and asked what any normal fucking rational human would "why would anybody want that promotion then?" which obviously they then did the old "i can see you're frustrated, i can see how you misinterpreted this".

the investigation from the formal complaint comes back after a few weeks and after some careful deliberation, decides that HR did nothing wrong, and followed all processes correctly. SO, i hand in my resignation about an hour later. but it doesnt end there!!!

because no!!!

HR then told me!!! that because of my role as a Lead!!! i had gained inexplicable knowledge that would put me at a business risk to work anywhere else!!! so they are activating a Non-Compete Clause that restricts me from working ANYWHERE AT ALL for 3 MONTHS!!!!😍😍

and, you may be rightfully thinking "oh, so this is a paid 3 months, right? you cant stop someone from working at ALL for 3 months without paying the-..." INCORRECT that is exactly what they did, and unfortunately, completely legal, because get fucked, i guess???

i said I cant survive for 3 months without pay, I have a mortgage and they looked me in the eye and said:

"well, you probably shouldn't have signed the contract then 🙂"

within a few minutes i was locked out of slack/email, and that was the end of my time at Blizzard. 🎉🎉🎉

if anyone has continued so far, thank you for listening 💚💚💚💚

idk what the point of this is, but, i needed to get it off my chest. blizzard had every opportunity to do the right thing, and they continually failed at that.

i also wanna sincerely thank everyone who purchased a mentorship session or portfolio review with me at the end of last year. it quite literally saved me, and meant that I was able to not go into debt and so i am hugely grateful, and hope you all felt like they were worth it!


Speed Daily exclusively learned that the American toy company Hasbro is seeking to sell its well-known IP “Dungeons & Dragons” (referred to as “DND” below), and Tencent is one of the potential buyers.

At present, the negotiations are still in the early stages and both parties have not yet reached an agreement on the details of the transaction.

According to informed sources, the financial crisis faced by Hasbro is the main reason for considering the sale of DND, and Tencent Investment’s Larian Studios is acting as an intermediary in this transaction. Larian Studios’ game “Baldur’s Gate 3” won the TGA Game of the Year award in 2023 and is considered one of the most successful adaptations of DND. As a result, it was seen as a potential target buyer by Hasbro. However, due to insufficient funds, Larian ultimately introduced this deal to shareholder Tencent.

Hasbro was founded in 1923 and has a history of over a hundred years. In 1935, the company gradually became a world-class toy company with its Monopoly series games. It owns well-known IPs such as Transformers, Dungeons & Dragons, Monopoly, and My Little Pony. However, this century-old enterprise is currently facing a huge crisis due to losses. Its stock price has dropped from a high of $108 in 2019 to $51 (closing data on January 26th).

According to the financial report, as of the third quarter of 2023, Hasbro has been experiencing consecutive losses for four quarters due to its main business of toy sales. The accumulated loss from Q4 2022 to Q3 2023 exceeds $500 million USD, and in Q2 2023, there was even a negative free cash flow situation. According to Forbes reports, in response to the crisis, the company underwent significant layoffs last year, with a total reduction of over 1,900 employees accounting for more than 20%.

Although the company as a whole is in a loss situation, its DND-related IP is a high-quality asset and has achieved considerable success in video game adaptations. Last year, the release of “Baldur’s Gate 3” by Larian Studios was both critically acclaimed and commercially successful. It not only won six TGA awards, including Game of the Year but also generated revenue of $657 million, surpassing the Harry Potter IP adaptation game “Hogwarts Legacy,” making it the most profitable PC exclusive game last year.

The success of “Baldur’s Gate 3” is also reflected in the financial data of Hasbro. The financial report shows that in the third quarter of 2023, driven by “Baldur’s Gate 3” and another Monopoly IP game called “Monopoly Go!”, Hasbro’s electronic gaming and licensing-related business achieved a contrary year-on-year growth of 40%, reaching $423 million.

Outside of electronic games, DND is also one of the most popular tabletop games in Europe and America. It has appeared multiple times in American TV shows such as “The Big Bang Theory” and “Stranger Things”. A large fan base has formed around its related culture, making it a top-tier IP.

A Tencent IEG (Interactive Entertainment Group) insider revealed that Tencent, represented by its overseas business department IEG Global, is in negotiations with the aim of acquiring a series of rights including the adaptation rights for electronic games such as DND.

According to the aforementioned IEG insiders, Tencent currently holds the game adaptation rights for many top-tier IPs. However, due to the licensing model mostly not being a one-time buyout, Tencent not only needs to bear high copyright fees and long-term revenue sharing but also frequently faces restrictions from its partners in terms of development and operation. Previously, the mobile game adaptation of “NieR” developed by Tencent TiMi Studio was unable to be launched even until the project was cancelled.

If this acquisition is successful, it will enable Tencent to gain dominant control over the IP of Dungeons & Dragons, which will largely avoid the aforementioned issues.

Companies in Europe and America attach great importance to the value of intellectual property (IP), while Chinese companies have limited opportunities to acquire top-tier IP from overseas. For Tencent, the opportunity to acquire the Dungeons & Dragons IP from Hasbro due to financial considerations is a rare chance.


Speed Daily exclusively learned that the American toy company Hasbro is seeking to sell its well-known IP “Dungeons & Dragons” (referred to as “DND” below), and Tencent is one of the potential buyers.

At present, the negotiations are still in the early stages and both parties have not yet reached an agreement on the details of the transaction.

According to informed sources, the financial crisis faced by Hasbro is the main reason for considering the sale of DND, and Tencent Investment’s Larian Studios is acting as an intermediary in this transaction. Larian Studios’ game “Baldur’s Gate 3” won the TGA Game of the Year award in 2023 and is considered one of the most successful adaptations of DND. As a result, it was seen as a potential target buyer by Hasbro. However, due to insufficient funds, Larian ultimately introduced this deal to shareholder Tencent.

Hasbro was founded in 1923 and has a history of over a hundred years. In 1935, the company gradually became a world-class toy company with its Monopoly series games. It owns well-known IPs such as Transformers, Dungeons & Dragons, Monopoly, and My Little Pony. However, this century-old enterprise is currently facing a huge crisis due to losses. Its stock price has dropped from a high of $108 in 2019 to $51 (closing data on January 26th).

According to the financial report, as of the third quarter of 2023, Hasbro has been experiencing consecutive losses for four quarters due to its main business of toy sales. The accumulated loss from Q4 2022 to Q3 2023 exceeds $500 million USD, and in Q2 2023, there was even a negative free cash flow situation. According to Forbes reports, in response to the crisis, the company underwent significant layoffs last year, with a total reduction of over 1,900 employees accounting for more than 20%.

Although the company as a whole is in a loss situation, its DND-related IP is a high-quality asset and has achieved considerable success in video game adaptations. Last year, the release of “Baldur’s Gate 3” by Larian Studios was both critically acclaimed and commercially successful. It not only won six TGA awards, including Game of the Year but also generated revenue of $657 million, surpassing the Harry Potter IP adaptation game “Hogwarts Legacy,” making it the most profitable PC exclusive game last year.

The success of “Baldur’s Gate 3” is also reflected in the financial data of Hasbro. The financial report shows that in the third quarter of 2023, driven by “Baldur’s Gate 3” and another Monopoly IP game called “Monopoly Go!”, Hasbro’s electronic gaming and licensing-related business achieved a contrary year-on-year growth of 40%, reaching $423 million.

Outside of electronic games, DND is also one of the most popular tabletop games in Europe and America. It has appeared multiple times in American TV shows such as “The Big Bang Theory” and “Stranger Things”. A large fan base has formed around its related culture, making it a top-tier IP.

A Tencent IEG (Interactive Entertainment Group) insider revealed that Tencent, represented by its overseas business department IEG Global, is in negotiations with the aim of acquiring a series of rights including the adaptation rights for electronic games such as DND.

According to the aforementioned IEG insiders, Tencent currently holds the game adaptation rights for many top-tier IPs. However, due to the licensing model mostly not being a one-time buyout, Tencent not only needs to bear high copyright fees and long-term revenue sharing but also frequently faces restrictions from its partners in terms of development and operation. Previously, the mobile game adaptation of “NieR” developed by Tencent TiMi Studio was unable to be launched even until the project was cancelled.

If this acquisition is successful, it will enable Tencent to gain dominant control over the IP of Dungeons & Dragons, which will largely avoid the aforementioned issues.

Companies in Europe and America attach great importance to the value of intellectual property (IP), while Chinese companies have limited opportunities to acquire top-tier IP from overseas. For Tencent, the opportunity to acquire the Dungeons & Dragons IP from Hasbro due to financial considerations is a rare chance.


Tencent, the sprawling multinational that spent years gobbling up studios like Riot Games and Techland while investing in others including Ubisoft, Remedy, and FromSoftware, has chastized itself for becoming a passenger during 2023.

As reported by Reuters, Tencent CEO and co-founder Pony Ma indicated the company has been coasting along while its major competitors have been rolling out global hits.

Speaking at the company's annual meeting, Ma reiterated that video games remain Tencent's flagship business but suggested the company "achieved nothing" in the market over the past year.

"Gaming is our flagship business [...] but in the past year, we have faced significant challenges. We have found ourselves at a loss as our competitors continue to produce new products, leaving us feeling having achieved nothing," he said.

Tencent playing "catchup" on AI

Ma added that some of Tencent's latest releases have failed to meet internal expectations, but didn't specify which titles underwhelmed. He also suggested the company was until recently playing catch-up when it comes to AI tech, but is now able to "follow the pace" of leading rivals.

Ma said Tencent should be focused on leveraging its own 'Hunyuan' generative AI model across various businesses. It's unclear if that means the company's internal game studios will be encouraged to lean on the technology.

Tencent has been grappling with tightening playtime and spending regulations in China, resulting in the company investing in more western studios. In 2023 alone, Tencent became the majority shareholder of Dying Light maker Techland, sunk cash into new startups like Lighthouse Games, and led a $10 million investment into fitness game maker Quell.

More recently, however, Tencent subsidiary Riot Games laid off 530 workers after claiming it scaled up too quickly and overreached with a number of "big bets."


Palworld continues to break records on Steam, racking up 1,864,421 unique concurrent players in the past 24 hours. At least 4 of those uniques are in the Nexus Mods offices, where after-hours ‘research’ is being conducted.

Whether you think this game has arrived out of the blue, or was an obvious hit, one thing is clear; It bears a lot of similarity to an existing game franchise you may have encountered, namely Pokémon. We won’t go into detail about potential similarities; suffice to say that enough significant likeness exists in the base games to require clarification when it comes to modding the game.

We do think that adding Pokémon content to Palworld is a very cool idea and we understand why people would want such a thing. However, we're not comfortable hosting this content at Nexus Mods.

As you may know, Nintendo (who jointly own the Pokémon franchise) have a consistent record of mercilessly submitting legal challenges, DMCAs and takedowns against fan-made content.

Given Palworld's similarity to the Pokémon franchise as a base game, hosting content that adds Pokémon copyrighted characters or assets into the game is almost certainly going to put us at risk of legal action. Palworld content that is uploaded to Nexus Mods and is considered to have Pokémon-derived characters or assets will be taken down. Our normal moderation policies will apply.

We don’t think it's worth the risk to allow this content to be shared in our community. At best we would have to deal with the headache of legal threats from Nintendo and at worst they may seek to take action against us and the uploaders of the mods directly.

There are many creative opportunities to explore mods for this game that add to the world and gameplay, but do not infringe on existing IP so obviously. You are encouraged to explore these modding directions freely.

We are looking to support Palworld modding in any way that we can and we have already released Vortex mod manager support for Palworld. We also encourage you to visit us in our Palworld modding forums.

All of us here at Nexus Mods are really excited to see what the PalWorld modding community comes up with.

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don’t understand why so many folks aren’t worried about another superpower replacing the US’s slowly waning stranglehold

Can't speak for others, but personally I simply find them both worrying. The Chinese and US states are both foreign powers that wish to track everything I do and use it to control me in the future.

Look at all the fucked up shit the US has done around the world, and that’s with a quasi-democratic government that at least has a modicum of domestic and international accountability

Which US-led, US-backed agencies are you referring to as delivering accountability for the US? The ones they have veto power in too?

Not trying to "both are equally bad". China's output of political violence is ostensibly worse, but you seem to be dismissing the legitimate concern that the source for this is the US regime, whose political interest is for us to point fingers at China as they continue working behind our backs.

We know to be cautious of China, yet any time someone brings up "we should be cautious of the US too", the response is "China's worse", deflecting from the real threat that the US presents globally.

Preferably, I'd like to see all these superpowers overthrown, the states broken up, and a union a la the EU to form with more global pursuits, or the EU itself to expand beyond European borders, while continuing to be genuinely voluntary while also being both politically and economically beneficial for all member-states.




On the left is Fluttershy from critically known children's cartoon My Little Pony saying "Thank you for changing my life"
On the right is the box for the critically acclaimed RPG Fallout New Vegas for Windows PC, below it says *Crashes to desktop*


[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 0 points 10 months ago (6 children)

Genuine question: Aren't you supposed to say "this is not legal advice?" if you identify yourself as a lawyer but you're not their legal council? Or am I mistaken?

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 1 points 10 months ago

Oh I agree completely. Open means it's open to access, modification, and redistribution. Not closed to two of those three.

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 0 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Then everyone should stop using "open source" or there's going to be arguments over what counts as open source every single time.



Google has been caught hosting a malicious ad so convincing that there’s a decent chance it has managed to trick some of the more security-savvy users who encountered it.

Looking at the ad, which masquerades as a pitch for the open-source password manager Keepass, there’s no way to know that it’s fake. It’s on Google, after all, which claims to vet the ads it carries. Making the ruse all the more convincing, clicking on it leads to ķeepass[.]info, which when viewed in an address bar appears to be the genuine Keepass site.

A closer link at the link, however, shows that the site is not the genuine one. In fact, ķeepass[.]info —at least when it appears in the address bar—is just an encoded way of denoting xn--eepass-vbb[.]info, which it turns out, is pushing a malware family tracked as FakeBat. Combining the ad on Google with a website with an almost identical URL creates a near perfect storm of deception.

“Users are first deceived via the Google ad that looks entirely legitimate and then again via a lookalike domain,” Jérôme Segura, head of threat intelligence at security provider Malwarebytes, wrote in a post Wednesday that revealed the scam.

Information available through Google’s Ad Transparency Center shows that the ads have been running since Saturday and last appeared on Wednesday. The ads were paid for by an outfit called Digital Eagle, which the transparency page says is an advertiser whose identity has been verified by Google.

Google representatives didn’t immediately respond to an email, which was sent after hours. In the past, the company has said it promptly removes fraudulent ads as soon as possible after they’re reported.

The sleight of hand that allowed the imposter site xn--eepass-vbb[.]info to appear as ķeepass[.]info is an encoding scheme known as punycode. It allows unicode characters to be represented in standard ASCII text. Looking carefully, it’s easy to spot the small comma-like figure immediately below the k. When it appears in an address bar, the figure is equally easy to miss, especially when the URL is backed by a valid TLS certificate, as is the case here.

The use of punycode-enhanced malware scams has a long history. Two years ago, scammers used Google ads to drive people to a site that looked almost identical to brave.com, but was, in fact, another malicious website pushing a fake, malicious version of the browser. The punycode technique first came to widespread attention in 2017, when a Web application developer created a proof-of-concept site that masqueraded as apple.com.

There’s no sure-fire way to detect either malicious Google ads or punycode encoded URLs. Posting ķeepass[.]info into all five major browsers leads to the imposter site. When in doubt, people can open a new browser tab and manually type the URL, but that’s not always feasible when they’re long. Another option is to inspect the TLS certificate to make sure it belongs to the site displayed in the address bar.

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 1 points 11 months ago

So, I really want to be optimistic about this project. I love that it integrates multiple sources, that it lets you use different identities that are not attached to any of these services. I installed it and already paid for it even, because I love initiatives like this.

I think it's unsustainable. In 5 years, everyone who'd use the app's already paid for it, which means the devs have no incentive to continue to work, and funding dries up. When that happens, they'll of course just let the app run until the plugins stop working. Nobody will be able to pick it up and continue development in an open forum because it's not FLOSS.

My hope is they re-license it under a copyleft license later, but I'm not optimistic about that happening. With how things are now, it does appear to be doomed to enshittification.



X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, will begin charging new users $1 a year to access key features including the ability to tweet, reply, quote, repost, like, bookmark, and create lists, according to a source familiar with the matter. This change will go live today for new users in New Zealand and the Philippines.

Roughly 20 minutes after this story published, X’s Support account confirmed the details, writing that “this new test was developed to bolster our already successful efforts to reduce spam, manipulation of our platform and bot activity, while balancing platform accessibility with the small fee amount. It is not a profit driver.”

Starting today, we're testing a new program (Not A Bot) in New Zealand and the Philippines. New, unverified accounts will be required to sign up for a $1 annual subscription to be able to post & interact with other posts. Within this test, existing users are not affected.

This new test was developed to bolster our already successful efforts to reduce spam, manipulation of our platform and bot activity, while balancing platform accessibility with the small fee amount. It is not a profit driver.

And so far, subscription options have proven to be the main solution that works at scale. — Support (@Support) October 17, 2023

The company published the “Not-a-Bot Terms and Conditions” today outlining its plan for a paid subscription service that gives users certain abilities on their platform, like posting content and interacting with other users. This program is different from X Premium, which offers more features like “Undo” and “Edit” for posts for $8 a month. Given the company’s tumultuous reputation under Musk, some users have voiced their hesitancy to turn over their credit card info.

X owner Elon Musk has long floated the idea of charging users $1 for the platform. During a livestreamed conversation with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month, Musk said “It’s the only way I can think of to combat vast armies of bots.”

Shortly after the announcement, Musk tweeted that you can “read for free, but $1/year to write.”

“It’s the only way to fight bots without blocking real users,” Musk wrote. “This won’t stop bots completely, but it will be 1000X harder to manipulate the platform.”

X CEO Linda Yaccarino was asked last month onstage at Vox’s Code Conference about how going to a full subscription model on X will affect revenue, something that is now going live to users today. Yaccarino answered at the time, “Did he say that or did he say he’s thinking about it?”

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Mastodon still sits at king, but BlueSky, another federated platform (though currently not federation enabled) is shooting up the ranks. It might overtake Mastodon by next quarter at this rate. Then Q1 2024 they're planning on opening up to federation and the floodgates will open.



Our latest update for Q3 2023 — now renamed the “X/Twitter Migration Report” — finds that Elon Musk’s rebranding of Twitter to “X,” as well as the ongoing struggles and controversies surrounding the platform, have had negative consequences for X/Twitter, which continues to experience a steady decline in usage and advertising revenue. We also found that Threads, after its initial burst of growth and subsequent decline, has emerged as a steady competitor to the X/Twitter platform. And the trends we’ve been identifying — particularly the continued emergence of open social protocols — are ongoing.

After Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter in November 2022, some high-profile Twitter users — as well as many low-profile ones — publicly announced that they were leaving the platform. The exodus has ebbed and flowed due to X’s new policies, user fees, mass layoffs of Trust and Safety teams, continuing technical issues, and Musk’s own behavior.

In December 2022, we produced our first Twitter Migration report, using the data available to us to estimate the size and scope of the phenomenon of users leaving Twitter for other platforms. We’re proud to present our latest quarterly report.

As we saw in past reports there continues to be a steady decline in the number of Twitter users as more and more users “quiet quit” Twitter for other platforms. Our Q2 2023 report found three additional migration patterns: a user migration and developer migration to other platforms, and a technology migration to open protocols undergirding them.

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

I want:

  • Federated anime lists software - BookWyrm could be repurposed for this
  • Torrent trackers - private trackers might be able to work by having each user have a ratio depending on their instance, tracker instances opting in to being viewable by other instances as a whole and/or users individually
  • Booru-style image boards
  • a Neopets clone

For my final wish, I want a Tiktok clone. I don't really know if this could work while maintaining any level of user privacy, as what makes Tiktok work so well is the sheer amount of personal user data they keep, from watch times to likes to reposts to shares to even knowing what videos you leave the platform on. I think a fediverse-style Tiktok clone would only be accepted if it only relied on likes and reposts for personal algorithms.

Edit: Oh, and good federated wiki software.

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 0 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

lemmy.dbzer0.com's the defacto piracy instance.

[–] ram@bookwormstory.social 0 points 11 months ago (8 children)

I think also a big part of why Colie was found not-guilty is that he disengaged, said 3 times "stop" including attempting to swipe away Cook, and only then did he take violent action to end the perceived threat. He fired a single round low into Cook, and then immediately retreated from the scene.

The argument at hand isn't whether or not he was acting in self defence, but whether he used proportional force to justify it as such, and the jury found that it was proportional, likely due to the factors you described.

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