I mean the exact same 2.8GB file, with the exact same USB-C stick took FU***** 3 seconds on Linux !!
For that test you should run sync afterwards to make sure the file was really written and is not waiting in a cache.
I mean the exact same 2.8GB file, with the exact same USB-C stick took FU***** 3 seconds on Linux !!
For that test you should run sync afterwards to make sure the file was really written and is not waiting in a cache.
There is a fork or you could try the original in termux or the tasker integration.
It is possible to format removable drives without root access through udisks2, e.g with gnome-disks or KDE ISO image writer. GNOME Impression is another tool that should work.
Meanwhile Australia is going to fore carriers to disconnect customers with devices that are not guaranteed to support emergency calling over volte. As there are still unsolved problems with detecting that, the providers fall back to only allowing devices they provided themselves.
And that is why I pay for my own domain. The service can change, but my domain is eternal (or near enough for my purposes)
I wonder how fast a turnaround would really be. Can all the checks be run on the launchpad and how likely are repairs that cannot be done there?
Curtail is a wrapper around tools like pngquant, jpgoptim and oxipng. In lossless mode it optimizes and reorders e.g the compression tables. I know of no tool that does that for video data and I am not even sure that is feasable. Video is not stored as a simple sequence of images.
Sorry, I have no idea.
The relevant polkit policies should be defined here: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/main/src/login/org.freedesktop.login1.policy
Disabling is done with some rules like this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=152565
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if (action.id.indexOf("org.freedesktop.login1.power-off") == 0) {
return polkit.Result.AUTH_ADMIN;
Some other examples: https://gist.github.com/grawity/3886114
Als eventuelle Alternative mit der gleichen Telefonie/sms-Einschränkung (9ct/min) gibt es bei congstar eine 1gb flatrate für 2€/28 Tage (~2,20 pro Monat). Telefon/sms-flat wären 3€ zusätzlich.
This is the way. I might be open to switch back if they [signal] added [official] support for unified push, though