
joined 1 year ago

I'm new to this weekly syncup thing with my manager and he already knows the things I work on through daily standups, the issues I've faced or things that have gone great through retros after every sprint.

This gives me little to talk about with my manager except personal goals sometimes, a bit about our lives in general, etc. I was wondering what you guys discuss and how do you make best use of this meeting?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I understand that the cleanup thing is a bad idea. I had a really simple use case where i have a list of persons fetched from a database with their id, names and a link for each displayed using v-for. The link for each person is a router link which when clicked redirects to respective person/:id.

I want to display some stuff on this new component but didn't want to make the api call to fetch the person again from the database. This is why i wanted to pass the name as well in the props through the router link. But as you said maybe I should use pinia or some state management library for use cases like this?


I haven't found a good way to do this. Basically the props that you can pass as params, end up getting displayed in the url as resource or queries.

The above code makes the url look like "url/id/1"

What if i want to pass multiple props like "id" and " name" through router-link but don't want the url to have the "name" field?

Hopefully, someone can answer this. Thank you.


No surprises here. Just like the lockdown on iPhone screen and part replacements, Macbooks suffer from the same Apple's anti-repair and anti-consumer bullshit. Battery glued, ssd soldered in and can't even swap parts with other official parts. 6000$ laptop and you don't even own it.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Because they feel valueless, helpless and can't see a purpose to going on.

I strongly believe this has nothing to do with feminism and is just a problem of the capitalist society we live in that only treats labour and hardwork like shit unless it can generate 1000x profits year on year. Building and serving a community isn't rewarded. Everything is about greed and more profits. Feminism can't solve capitalism. It can't stop people from feeling it's fucked up consequences like loneliness, feeling unvalued and committing suicide.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

stupid question but I've seen in American tv shows that the wife asks the husband to sleep on the couch when she's not happy with him.. is that a stereotype or does it really happen?


So my company has a budget of around 200$ which would expire by the year end if I don't spend it on courses, books, trainings, etc.

I'm interested in knowing what you'd do or suggest. I'm in a full stack role and have tried the below.

  1. Pluralsight has good material for many topics but they're outdated many times, especially for cloud topics.
  2. Udemy has mostly up to date content and many really good creators but lacks coverage of advanced topics like pluralsight.
  3. Coursera has good University courses but make little sense in real life development.

What are some of the ways you'd have spent this budget? What are some other sites worth looking into?


I came across this video and it's been a great watch with lots of practical examples. As someone who had worked with java, I am in awe with the powerful concepts c# has. Hopefully, someone will find this course useful as well.


In my short career I've noticed that employers are notorious for underpaying you to the point that people with 3-4 years of experience are getting paid the same as freshers. The management always has an excuse to not increase pay or increase it very minimally. The best way to increase pay has been to keep moving every 2-3 years from one company to the next if switching means at least 1.5x or 2x the current salary.

This means major interview prep requiring solving leetcode style questions, solving system design questions, then some more. I just wanted to how often do you prepare? Are you always interview ready or start prepping a few months before switching jobs?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The world is burning but no one gives a shit.. i don't think anyone will until literally their house is on fire.