It sounds strange maybe,but I found Zabbix way easier for these scenarios. For more advanced deployments it is different,but for what you describe it is really easy
They set up a business. They do business. They should ask someone to do this whose business it is. Not you. They are taking advantage of you.
You will certainly and 100% ruin your friendship with them.
Keeping a server secure is an ordeal for a professional - especially when it comes to using it as a business server.
Doing E-Mail yourself, especially in a professional capacity, is a god damn nightmare and even most professionals refuse to do it and rather pay someone who handle it. For a reason.
The usecase you mentioned does not require a server. It can easily be done via a web hosting provider. Unless there is something shaddy going on and you/they are afraid of storing that stuff with a provider. But for what you mention here you need a simple web hosting provider for 5 bucks a month.
Actually doing that yourself is far more complicated than you imagine here. It's not just the server. How do you get a connection with a static IPv4 to host your services? Actually preferably multiple static IPs? Are you considering a CloudFlare tunnel? How do you plan redundancy if that connection craps out? Or the server kicks the bucket. Or power goes out? This alone costs FAR more than the money you pay for a cheap webhoster or even a VPS. (Which you don't need,imho)
For the love of god or whoever: Don't do that. You will be liable/responsible to them (at least from their point of view) if their IP is on Googlemails blacklist and now "that one important client mail did not arrive in time". Or if the cheap residential DSL craps out and their very important site is just having the sale of their life?
I am absolutely for self-hosting things, don't get me wrong. I selfhost basically everything (but no mail...that is a shitshow), mostly on FOSS. But don't start with someone else's business if you start doing this. Selfhost a few easy things. Get a Mini PC and proxmox, selfhost within your home network, then expand slowly.
Damn, that is exactly one great to mTuch. If you're great grandparents (mainly your great grandfather)would be born on German soil it would have been easy.
If your heritage is (even partly)Jewish(or you can prove that there was prosecution for other reasons) and you can prove that they lived in Germany (and left before the war ended) there are special rules and you might be eligible.
How far away are they really? German rules about that are fairly lenient and courts have expanded them a bit recently.
Maybe any other EU country you could qualify for? Ireland is often a route some US citizens take - once you have their passport you are free to move wherever you want.
You sure there is a 'every four years' then?
Was Panzer angeht nur bedingt - Verteidigung erfolgt traditionell wenig mit Panzern und du kannst mit einem Infanteriezug mit den richtigen Panzerabwehrwaffen problemlos einen ganzen Panzerzug (4 Panzer bei der BW) zerlegen wenn du weißt wie - was die Ukrainer ja im Vorgehen gegen den Konvoi auf Kiev bewiesen haben.
Offensiv können die Ukrainer scheinbar ihre deutlich kleineren Bestände meist relativ gewinnbringend einsetzen. (So gesehen in der letzten Offensive, auch in Cherson. Zwischendrin mal ziemlich reingefallen) Das Problem da sind im Bereich Panzer eher die unendliche Anzahl an Minen und die Tatsache,dass es massiv an Artilleriemunition fehlt und die Russen immer noch eines gut können: Stellungen bauen (das wohl sogar besser als die Ukrainer,da hört man viel Kritik von den Expats die dort kämpfen), mit alten Rohren viel Artillerie "so grob in die Richtung schicken",wohl wissend,dass es die Masse macht und v.a. arme Schweine in Massenangriffe schicken die dann von eigenen Blockeinheiten am Rückzug,tlw.sogar an der Verwundetenevakuierung gehindert werden. Und da sprechen leider die Zahlen gegen die Ukrainer-solange der Westen nicht endlich massiv seine eigene Produktion hoch fährt,auch wenn es kostet und unbequem ist, kann Putin das schlicht aussitzen. Oder wie sprach ein ukrainischer Bekannter so schön: "Putin braucht nur 2-3x Glück haben. Wir müssen jeden Tag Glück haben."
Source: Gute Kontakte zur AFU und einen dort kämpfenden Expats.
Denn gleichen Fussball,den sich der öffentlich rechtliche Rundfunk dann 400 Millionen Euro im Jahr kostet lässt, während für Kultur und Demokratieförderung kein Platz mehr ist.
Linux Foundation is a US foundation but Linus lives in the US and is bound by the laws there but depending who wins the vote these sanctions might not matter for long anymore if Putins orange wins.
But he is also still a citizen of Finland- which is bound by very similar EU sanctions. And the Finish police is known to take these things seriously, as do a lot of other EU countries (not all of them,sadly. Hungary and Italy don't give a shit,for example). So if he fucks things up here he might have two major legal targets painted on his back-both the FBI and a bunch of EU law enforcement agencies under Europol can massively hinder his further travel options.
In the end there is a lot to lose for him and Linux(him being persecuted, companies pulling funding from the association) and little to gain(feeling edgy and being applauded by Russian shills)when he keeps these maintainers.
And tbh, from the outside it looks like a fair process was followed.
Hoback stays an asshole who is in it only for his own advantage.
He is the "The Sun" of Netflix.
Lol. Okay. I leave that typo. Just for that answer it is worth it.
And to snuggle large amounts of wealth in and out of china.
I don't think Trump would be worse for them. It might actually part of their strategy.
While Trump was worse for them back then when he wanted to play "hardass", it's a different situation now. He is far more isolationist than before.
Harris has always backed both Israel and Ukraine. Both things are bad from a Iranian regime POV. For them it is much more desirable if Trump stops aid to Ukraine and Putin wins the war - which will keep Europe occupied for decades, out of their way in the middle east and very likely is favourable in a lot of ways to them. If Putin looses it will very likely mean a regime change in Russia - and the chances that Iran looses their last relevant ally are fairly big.
The same goes for Israel itself. Trump might have played "nice" with Bibi the last time,but it's another situation now. If shit hits the fan even more than it does now, Trump will do whatever his base back home likes most. And while most of them are surely deeply against Muslims, they are also/maybe even more antisemitic. And if Trump will do nothing in a situation like that, he wins in the eyes of his powerbase (while Israel and the middle east as a whole looses). The only thing risky for Iran in that situation is the fact that Trump would be far less likely to restrain Bibi. But Bibi is on the way out anyway.
It might also simply be an "suggestion" from the Iranian "friends" in Moscow to influence things a little. Someone asks for a favour because a second crisis area puts the focus away from ones own front yard. And having an old friend/employee in the oval office surely helps.
Let's not forget the perversion of regimes like Iran: A conflict with an old enemy can be a very stabilising factor for a dwindling regime. The lack of restraint Israel showed in Gaza and Libanon put even the more moderate forces in the middle east but also within Iran back on the "Israel is the arch-enemey" line. This is the point where the regime now can unite more moderate parts of their internal as well as external stakeholders behind a common cause with a slight "we told you so!". That is sadly very much a benefit from a prolonged conflict for them.(Which Trump is far more likely to enable them to sustain)
Anyway: Iran would be surely worse off with Harris - so they might have a lot of incentive to do what they can to get Trump into office.