
joined 1 year ago
[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

These are smaller drinking vessels, so giblets.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

I was thinking about the fact that this just means unfortunate retail employees are going to get a fire drill when they are already systematically understaffed, under-trained, concerned about retaliation and exhausted.

The settlement should involve dollar general footing the bill for extra, added staff to make the safety changes.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Yikes. How about Jim Carrey, Colin mochery, Eugene Levy, Mike Meyers, Catherine O'Hara...

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago


A book from a well known economist who calls out the deliberate actions that led to this place in the US, and that fixes are still plenty manageable...but they require political action.

Personally I think we're past the point of no return. While homelessness becomes a crime in the middle of a housing affordability crisis and while Republicans weaponize being able to afford housing against being able to vote, it will get even harder to change as eligible voters are kicked off rolls for not being able to afford REIT-set rents that go up with the greed of Wall Street.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 9 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Rent increases moving along nicely.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Manny: Oh, yet again, it is up to me rescue the performance! Gypsy, come. (Off-screen, he crashes into some props)

Gypsy: The stage is the other way, dear"

Manny: Yes, of course.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

He's thinking about the benefits to those the administration does like. Goebbels was a brilliant manipulator and slow boiled the frog in Germany until he had normalized what was happening. Trump and Putin both need enormous machines to keep their operation running.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

Those tires need help, someone mechanically inclined should reach out and help them build something that doesn't look like it'll break any second. Bigger tires, double tires, something.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

Interview in german, Zidane speaking french...no Eng subs on YT?

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 7 points 6 days ago

"blessed are the cheese makers?" "it's not meant to be taken literally my dear, it refers to any manufacturer of dairy products..."

In a 2-hour quote fest, that is my favorite. The particularly arrogant tone of the response while being completely incorrect about one of humanity's noble attempts at what a better world looks like just kills.

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Damn, calling out the anti aliasing game.

Minecraft wolf

[–] pdxfed@lemmy.world 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Grew up on retro console and then fully grew with PC gaming as it grew and matured in the 90s. Tried Halo once in 2003 and the graphics and gameplay for death match were so consummately uncreative I pitied console gamers ever since.


When the music, the creativity, the stars and a story are unforgettable.


Full bill text: https://sos.oregon.gov/admin/Documents/irr/2024/017text.pdf

TLDR; Oregon corporate tax has a minimum rate of 1%. This ballot measure would raise it to 3% and give $750 to each Oregon resident (including children).

Get ready for an Uber/Lyft level of corporate ads and media spamming to try to sink this common sense bill.


Other than "dont' use Godaddy", what do I need to know? I've never owned a domain or had a website of my own before.

  1. Domain registration/host recommendations?
  2. Web hosting recommendations? Should I mix #1 and #2?
  3. Website template creation suggestions? Have fairly simple needs like service offerings and contact forms but want something without rotating construction cones.
  4. What else should I consider? Security? e-mail?
  5. Am open to all-in-one for the above, just would like to understand tradeoffs, what to look for/avoid.



It’s a common misconception, but if you registered "Independent Party" you aren’t “independent” you are a member of your state’s Independent party, who has a platform and agenda you may or may not agree with. What you actually want is called an "unaffiliated" voter status. The good news is, all you have to do is...nothing!

LA Times had a good summary a few years back: https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-american-independent-party-california-registration-card-20180405-story.html

You don’t need to register with any party to show you don’t like R or D, do nothing or choose "unaffiliated if you want to be “little i independent”.


#USA #politics----


Also why is it sometimes called a federated ID? Does it have to be an email address or could any value work?


I saw the movie on an airplane which is why I'm having trouble remembering it.

A dramatic film that centers around a couple, man and woman, released somewhere between 2007 and 2016 I believe. They don't seem too happy and argue a lot, the man is immature and unhappy. The key thing is that midway through the movie, the man realizes he has control over, or made a wish or something and the woman now agrees with whatever he says and follows his decisions or instructions. The guy loves it at first and then slowly realizes the loss of his partner's free will kills the energy of a relationship and he wishes he had back his girl who could argue with him. The movie ends and he's still unhappy. I don't remember the female role hardly at all, the male actor I believe might have been like a B+/A- actor at that point in his career, I remember thinking I was surprised how good he was. Might have been someone who had done more comedy and tried a serious role?

I've tried scrolling through IMDB for those years looking at top few hundred films released in a year, lists of dramas by year, etc. and have come up empty.

I don't remember many other plot points but appreciate any leads and will answer any questions that might help you help me!

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