
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 6 hours ago

It helps with my lower back pain, it feels like I’m just floating afterwards, like my spine has liquified. Orgasms in general just help make the pain go away, sex is better, but I’ll take what I can get.

[–] 7 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Netanyahu wants Trump to win. Putin wants Trump to win. Kim Jong Un wants Trump to win.

Wow, that’s crazy how the most sadistic, evil people in the world all want Trump to win. I wonder what it could mean? Welp, guess I gotta vote third party cause I literally can’t tell them apart. /s

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Yeah, in my mind, Sci-fi is more than just space ships or aliens or futuristic tech (though those are loosely part of it), it's more about exploring different questions, under the guise of some sort of new technology. "Hey, we invented this thing that can remove racism from people's brains, but it also makes people love-obsessed and creates dependency issues in people. Should we use this on the population?" It raises moral/ethical questions about what we could or should do given the chance.

Star Wars is straight-up fantasy with high-tech aesthetics, but it has more in common with Lord of the Rings than it does with anything sci-fi. It's about a hero's journey and good vs evil.

I wonder if you couldn't do a reverse Fantasy/Sci-fi story? Basically a sci-fi sort of story with fantasy trappings. Like a fantasy story that looks at some new magic development and what the implications for humanity are of that new magic process. "We perfected an alchemical process to turn poop into gold! Should we flood the market with poo-gold and crash the medieval economy?"

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I just saw a video on the show on the youtube channel Secret Galaxy, pretty interesting, as I remembered the show, but never knew what happened to it:

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm worried about fraud in the 2024 election coming FROM Republicans.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Small dong energy

[–] 24 points 1 day ago

I have thought upon it and am of the mind that he posts about it, then forgets he ever posted it, and posts it again thinking it’s still the first time.

[–] 27 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

I think he could make a compelling argument justifying it if Trump were to win the election, a sort of Julius Caesar part deux. I think you could make the case that American democracy as we know it would end if Trump were elected president and that in order to protect democracy, his assassination was needed. However, in doing so, American democracy as we know it would still end because Biden would be opening the door to domestic political assassination being in a president's tool belt, so it's kind of a catch-22. We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. So really, the only thing that will "save" democracy is if people vote for Harris, that's where we're at as a country. I'd love to vote third party, I actually didn't care much for Harris before Biden dropped out, but the stakes are really too high this election to consider anything else.

[–] 63 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I grew up in a home where we just never thought about wearing, or not wearing, shoes in the house. Like, we obviously didn't track mud all over the place if our shoes were that dirty, but if we were wearing our shoes inside, nobody said anything or cared, it was just whatever. Married a Kenyan who put her foot down and was like, "Are you crazy?" It's apparently a big thing elsewhere in the world. In Kenya alot of roads aren't paved, things get dusty, and it's just common sense that you don't walk all over the house with dirty shoes, so I get it from that perspective.

[–] 17 points 2 days ago

Hopefully this will make future war crime prosecutions easier, supposing we live long enough to ever see that day.

[–] 15 points 2 days ago

We’re just going all in on trying to get to WW3 and the Rapture, huh?


I noticed this Summer I started transitioning my morning walks to pre-sunrise hours to try to escape the heat (since even mornings in Ohio are getting to be hot). Since global warming (or climate change in general) is happening and there's apparently nothing to be done to fix it in our lifetimes, it made me wonder if our overall society might move towards more nocturnal working hours instead of the standard 9–5, just to escape overheating during the day?

There's probably no incentive currently, since workers aren't dropping like flies yet, but I could see it coming into play as global warming gets worse over time and it causes legitimate production issues. Probably some jobs wouldn't have the option, but most I think would be able to benefit from it. Does this sound like something realistic, or are we cursed to have to endure extreme temperatures because we've always worked in the daytime and we can't/won't change now?


I'm wrapping up a project and I had an idea to mix matte with glossy elements. I've got a spray can of Testors Spray Dullcote and then was wanting to paint the glossy elements by hand with a different gloss coating/finish. How well would those interact with each other? I'd obviously let the matte finish dry first, but would the matte "cancel" out the glossy effect or does it have some other interactions that basically make it not worth pursuing?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

I've been searching around for a way to organize my TTRPG collection of pdfs (numbering in the thousands to tens of thousands) and haven't really found a silver bullet for it yet. Everything I've looked at has some sort of weird thing that's off about it that doesn't seem to make it ideal. Is there something out there that others are using that works well? Here's what I've looked at so far:

  • Folder system: This is what I'm already using and it's serviceable (PC), but it really doesn't give me any tagging function and so it's hard to organize based on genre or come up with really any categories outside of just alphabetically naming folders based on the RPG name, then putting whatever subcategories I need as folders below that. It just feels so clunky going about it like this. Being able to organize/search via tags just seems like the way to go.

  • Calibre: This gets recommended everytime, but honestly I'm not interested in duplicating my library of +10,000 pdfs and following their organization system. The desktop app looks ugly (which is apparently fixed with Calibre-web but still requires the desktop app).

  • Jellyfin: Really not geared towards books in general, it's functional but not great for it. This may end up being what I fall back to if I can't get anything else working.

  • Kavita: Looks nice and works nice EXCEPT it has some weird ass naming convention with regards to numbers in the folder/file names. Only top-level stuff can contain numbers, everything below has to have roman numerals? Such a weird thing that just breaks it for me.

  • Komga: It looks nice and works nice, but is more geared towards comics, and thus doesn't work so hot with RPGs with multiple categories (Core rulebooks, Scenarios, Settings, etc), since I tend to break those out into different folders. It ends up treating sub-folders as a different series altogether, so it sort of demands that you just keep everything in the same folder.

  • Ubooquity: Tried it, it ran like ass on my machine and didn't seem to do as good a job. Making updates in the folders themselves took awhile to propagate and it just overall didn't seem to work well for how I wanted to use it. I just didn't particularly care for it.

  • Zotero: It's actually more meant for academic journals and such, but it could be used for organizing TTRPG pdfs, though not sure how well it scales up once you start throwing thousands of pdfs at it. Downside though is that it's not as flashy as some of the others, it doesn't display book covers and you have to create additional objects for each item. You also can't just add tags to the PDFs themselves, you have to create an additional 'Book' object and attach the pdf to that item, then add whatever tags/notes/metadata you want to add. I haven't figured out how to automate the process and the one item I tried where it automatically found it, it created a 'Journal Article' and renamed it based on the authors of the book (which it did correctly find), which is not ideal for going through thousands of items. I just want it to keep the file names in most cases as I've already gotten most file names where I want them.


I literally only wanted to use Instagram for looking up porn star accounts and viewing softporn material, yet SOMEHOW I seem to mostly see non-porn material. Artwork and craft projects and whatever, everything but porn. Whatever, one thing I've noticed though is that if I make a comment on a porn star account and it's something lewd and inappropriate, it will never get removed for any reason, no matter what language I use.

YET, on multiple occasions, I've made completely G-rated comments on non-porn posts, the most recent one about the difference between Star Wars & Star Trek (fantasy vs sci-fi), and that comment will get removed, there's not even any curse words being used. I have no idea why it's happening, is it that I'm writing too much and using too many big words? I'll write the most offensive horny things on porn accounts, and nothing, but as soon as I write up a semi-intellectual comment on a non-porn posting, it gets removed. I'm just mystified as to what's happening and what's triggering it.


Eugene Debs, a Socialist leader in the early 20th century, ran for President five times. His fifth and highest vote count came in the 1920 Presidential election, in which he was running while in Federal prison for sedition. He received about 3.4% of the vote at the time (which included women for the first time since the Nineteenth Amendment was passed in 1920 as well). Not naming names, but yes, it's possible to run for President while in prison, though results may vary.

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