
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Yup, plus don't get coworkers "just needing my screen for a quick thing". Win win!

[–] -3 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Keep in mind, your voice sounds quite different to others than it does to you (because of conductance within your skull). So, unless you have a same-sex twin, would you even recognise the voice as your own?

[–] 13 points 1 month ago

We're not bad with numbers, just at naming them. 😉 But that's why we pretty much always use abbreviations.

Abbreviations. Of numbers. Don't think about it. 😅

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm just sad and it's nobody's responsibility but my own to cheer me up.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

But also no, if it's capsized, the boat may right itself in time before it floods to a point where it sinks.

A fully submerged boat will not bob to the surface. The keel adds stability and (counter)weight, but negative buoyancy - what keeps the boat afloat is the air in the hull.

Once it's fully submerged, there's nothing pulling it up (unless you have some seriously good (and closed!) hatches...

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Death trap at the right side with the dip in the yellow/orange/maroon pipe. Yay drowning!

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

May your toilet paper forever tear lengthwise.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I used to joke that the last Mac I used was the first one they made that had colour - I've used every Mac from the seminal one up to and including the Color Classic (MacOS 1 up to 7) - but my last job gave me a MacBook. I was curious about it since I've seen many a coworker love them, but I soon found myself hating the damn thing so much that I ended up installing the work tools on my own Linux-laden ThinkPad.

Used to be, they were fast and no nonsense, simply effective and efficient work horses. No doubt they still are, but it was fighting med in everything I wanted it to do. What do you mean "there's no way to mount a USB stick on MACOS"?!

Hardware wise they're still brilliant wrt. power and battery life, but getting a 2nd (or, gasp, even 3rd) monitor to work with it? Yikes what a shit show that was. Truly a walled garden, I stand by my usual words of "they're excellent machines if you want to use them exactly as Apple intended."

...sorry for going off track. So, back in the day. There was MacWrite, MacPaint, Aldus PageMaker (which, then, was way more useful for actual publishing work than after the Adobe take-over), and a ton of games! Granted, you only had 512*whatever in pure black and white, but it was crisp and the games had excellent sound. Pinball Construction Set had 4-voice digital sound and flawless physics (hmm, except I don't actually remember if it had a Tilt feature). Oh yeah, add in AppleTalk which blew Novell and Windows for Workgroups plain out of the water. The ADB (Apple Desktop Bus) connector predates PS/2 and curiously allowed a Mac to have any number of keyboards and two mice connected, something we made good use of when gaming.

There was the ImageWriter which could do plain copy paper rather than Leparello paper and had exquisite resolution compared to the clunky 8-pin DOS offerings. Really, the Mac SE and the ImageWriter II are, in my mind, the pinnacle of industrial design - at least of the 80s era.

Thanks for reading all that. You should go have a look at if you're interested in stories from the inside.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


Don't tell me you didn't read that in his voice.

It's astounding how Pixar is able to imbue such emotion in tin cans. One of the best movies they've made, imho.

[–] 46 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Cars should just come with a big open socket up front, where I can buy (or build) my own infotainment system to install there.

...which is precisely what we used to have, before auto makers decided to insist that they should be enclosed in a swooping dash.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

As a twin, some of our best stories are when these things happen unintentionally. Like, we're just acting perfectly normal and other people get their neurons in a twist over it because to them it's like some Matrix deja vu shit. 🤷😁

[–] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'll throw my hat in for Re-Volt or however it's spelt.

There was a post the other day about yet another remake of our fire the steam platform (search for RVGL maybe); I haven't looked into that but back in the day of Voodoo graphics it was so friggin' fun to play, but single player and 8-player LAN.

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