
joined 1 year ago
[–] 12 points 1 week ago

At my job we're expected to at least try to be available if needed after hours which in my 3 years here has happened once and it took about 30 minute and I waited until my son went to bed for the night.

In return we get to leave for doctors appointments, picking up kids, errands etc without having to use PTO or make up the time. It's a pretty sweet deal for the developers and no one abuses it to much.

At my old job they tried to get us to work after hours pretty frequently for a fraction of what our hourly rate was, we were salaried but when you broke it down you'd be getting like $20 an hour instead of $50. Ridiculous and almost no one did it.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Is this the case? I don't feel like I've ever had to install Perl but I've had to install Python plenty of times and I use both pretty frequently on a daily basis. Not to mention a newer version, older version, 2.7.4 instead of 2.7.3.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

I used to love these. I always wanted to be the last one running. One year another kid and I ran so long the bell rang so we ran some more and got to skip the next period all together.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Funny enough my wife is a wedding photographer, I shoot with her a few times a year and absolutely hate it. She can't imagine doing anything else but if it wasn't my wife you couldn't pay me enough to do it more than once a year.

The second hand gear is the way to go though, she got some Sony camera a while back that cost like 2k new for around 900 because it had a small scratch on the body and one of the metal things that hold the thing on was loose. We ordered a new metal thingy and with a couple screws it was practically new.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh man I put so much time into my garden this year, planted so many vegetables, started a bunch indoors on a nice indoor greenhouse I set up with one of those rolling shelves. I was basically ready to feed my whole family from the garden...

So far I've got a whopping 3 bell peppers, 6 tomatoes and one tiny baby squash that's starting to grow.

Granted we had a very hot summer that I wasn't prepared for and even watering 3 times a day a lot of my stuff just burnt, plus the ravenous squirells that ate every seedling I put out.

But I'll do it all again next year because it was a blast.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Exactly this. Woodworking, gardening, working out, macrame, knitting, eating, making spices, building robots.

For a while I felt bad about all the stuff I learned and didn't keep up with but at a certain point I just accepted that most of the hobbies I pick up won't last long and it's been great since then.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

It reminds me of those people who get working dogs and then lock them up in a tiny apartment.

[–] 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Genuine question.

What can I, an average Joe, do about global warming?

I compost, grow a lot of my own food, recycle, avoid plastic as much as possible, built a little solar system along my fence that powers probably 20% of the house.

I feel like I do a lot more than the average person and still know it's not enough. Even if every consumer did their part would it be enough to counteract the pollution from the conglomerates? It doesn't feel like it.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Commenting to check back later.

I also do not have an answer but want to know.

I have used Flex launcher on a mini PC, it seemed like a good option but I got busy before I could even half set it up.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I got my first dishwasher a few years ago and decided to go sort of all in and get a solid mid range one instead of the cheapest option because I was so excited to not have to do dishes.

The fucking touch buttons are the worst fucking god damn bullshit pieces of shit I've ever experienced. From the jump even when they worked 'properly' it just felt weird, but a couple years later and half the time the touch doesn't register. Sometimes there's the slightest but of crud or water on there and the thing goes crazy and becomes super sensitive all of a sudden, usually I spend 5 minutes loading the dish washer and 10 minutes trying to get it to register which button I pushed.

I want real physical buttons.

Also while I'm on the topic I was highly disappointed to learn that you still have to wash food and stuf off of dishes before you put them in. I don't know why I thought I could throw a plate with crusted lsagana on it the dishwasher but I did. I thought all dishwashers had some sort of garbage disposal thing built into it. They do not.

[–] 0 points 5 months ago (1 children)

To add to this, most companies in the us have a waiting period before certain benefits kick in, like health insurance. So if you want to switch jobs for whatever reason, you better be extra careful for the first 3 months of your new job. Unless of course you want to pay $1,000 a month to keep your insurance through cobra, or go through the cluster fuck runaround of getting insurance on your own. So especially when your insurance cover your whole family, it's a nightmare.


Terrible picture but it's the best i could get.

In the US south jersey.

They're tiny, dark with some spots and seem to like hanging out in windowsills.

They super squishy when squeezed and slow, they started appearing inside when the weather was getting warm a few weeks ago.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I've noticed that I get the same amount of work done working 5 days a week as if I plan to only work 3/4 days and know I'll have some free time to enjoy life. My work is really project based so as long as it gets done no one cares.

My wife has also noticed that I'm a lot more stressed when I work 5 days a week and need pretty much the whole weekend to recover.


My wife and I had a miscarriage last week. We were 11 weeks along but our baby only grew to 8 weeks.

It's been devastating.

I'm hoping to get some advice from anyone who's been through it.

  • what can I do to help my wife? She's in physical pain which seems to be overriding the emotional pain, but I'm sure it will hit in due time and want to be able to help her the best that I can.

  • our 15 month old obviously doesn't know what's going on, but it seems like he's noticed a change of energy. Its hard to play with him like I normally do. I love him to bits, I just don't have the energy but I need to make sure he knows he's loved.

  • we were able to collect the fetus as it passed naturally , we would like to do something to memorialize our unborn child but don't know what.

  • how can I take care of myself while taking care of my family through these times.

Thanks for any advice.

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