
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Don't forget the multi-million-dollar marketing campaign and funded research to convince the public it's no different to, or even better than, real lemonade.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Feeling depressed? Lost? Lacking identity? Go back to your roots. Be an asshole.

Is your friend an asshole? Give them time. They'll grow into a baby.

We were all assholes once. But with diligence, and nurture, you too can grow into living, breathing, people. Thank you class of '41, and I look forward to seeing you after you're all born.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

The hobby of living? Look, if you haven't figured it out since the earth formed, it's going to take you more than a few months to dominate in the universe.

(Also, (as an aside), as an Emacs user I feel it should be written Alt/Meta.)

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Is it really? That's interesting.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

They pass TCP over UDP.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

Presumably that means you are in fact a Nazi born in 1889

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Ah, a fellow 13 year-old.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

One of them has a more powerful, focused beam.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

Ah, I was wearing a tuxedo and a dress sword, and watching on a bright pink TV with polka dots on the cover. Ergo, I am older?

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

By that logic, you're younger than your body and even your mind.


I've been playing around with self hosting for file sharing, backups, and a handful of other ideas I might one day get round to. I like the idea of a mesh VPN and being able to, for example, connect a travelling laptop to a 'host' laptop nearby, though my only public ip is a VPS in another country.

Of all the options I found, I liked the look of Nebula most. Fiddly in some places, but it's working nicely for me, and I appreciate some of the simplicity of design.

I'm wondering if people here have much experience of it, though? My biggest concern is over its future. With,

  1. The Defined Networking site focusing on making money off it, and
  2. The Android app doesn't allow full configuration (including the firewall, so I can't host a website from a phone) but - I heard - does if you use Defined Networking's paid service for configuration,

makes me worry they might be essentially trying to deprecate viable FOSS Nebula in favour of a paid or controlled service.

Any thoughts? Insight?


So, I updated Tumbleweed, and the updates to KDE caused my Plasma/Wayland session to restart, breaking the updates part way through. I wasn't watching at the time so took some while to debug!

Spent some time learning how to use nm-cli, because new half-upgraded KDE wouldn't load the network widget. It looks like something else may have changed and mucked up in the half-update (and of course I rebooted like a wise-man/dummy/i-dont-know-but-at-least-it-didnt-make-it-work) but iterations of trying things in nmcli eventually worked!

Finally tried zypper dup again and saw the session restart, so finished the job from the virtual terminal! At last, I seem to have a working computer again, and I might just brave updating my main laptop. (I cancelled the update while it was still downloading packages, after seeing the breakage on the other laptop!)


Hi I've been gradually finishing my first and only-main farm, and wanted to share :-) It started as the central plaza and fish ponds (since I came to love fishing!) and grew from there. I was going to get all-seasons screenshots and post together, but that's going soo slowly; and, hey, content!

Hope you like it! I think there's a little bit of just about everything there, and if you look closely you can see me sitting on a bench enjoying the flower garden. It's been single player until right at the end I added the 'guest lodges' to share with family and friends. I love how well they fit in places I hadn't planned!

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