
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 8 hours ago

You kind of can. Depends how fully auditable you want, but you can have cryptographically anonymized entries, that (I believe?) could even allow the original voter to track their vote, without enabling anyone else to track the vote back to the voter.

It's a different project, but GNU Taler have some interesting work on anonymized but not forgeable money transactions.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

(part III)

"Taxi!! Good morning, please take me to this school."

Certainly. First we go to condom shop.

"What?! No! Why would I want that!"

How I know what you want? You tick, "no personalised ads." So I not personalise.

"Take me to this school, directly. No detours. No adverts. And you will take Republic credits."

What, you think you're some sort of Jedi?

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

(part II)

"Please, just take me to the hotel on my booking."

Yes yes, I take you to hotel. Nice hotel. After eat.

"So we go to eat now?"

Yes yes. After see orphans. You want not make orphans sad? They sleep early. Cant visit later.

"No- Yes- I mean, we can't visit the orphans now. Maybe another day. Please take me to this hotel."

Oh, that hotel very bad. No give tips to driver. Road very bumpy. Bad for car. Must pay extra for car damage. You no worry! I take you good place! Orphan manager know very good place, very close. I ask him.

"No! Can't you take me directly where I asked you?"

Oh, you want premium subscription? Premium subscription come with less advert, and 24h access to AI powered customer help line. Monthly subscription.

Monthly subscription not available in car. Only annual subscription.

"Fine. Here. Now, will you take me to this hotel. Now. Not after food. Not after orphans."

Thank you. I give you little discount. One month free.

Now we go orphanage. Direct service only available after minimum three month of subscription.

"Enough! Stop! Let me out, I'll find another taxi."

You want stop here? Now? This field? No hotel, no shop? What, you walk ten mile back to taxi rank?

"Damn you, technical debt!"

[–] 46 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You want hotel? Yes. I take you. My brother hotel, very good. Very clean. No worry booking, you cancel. Brother hotel best. Good area. Lots of shops. Good for tourist.

First you need food, no? I take you restaurant. My cousin work. Very good, very cheap. No one know, can't find unless you with me, I know. Very popular. Very good, very close to hotel. Less than one hour. Few minutes only.


"Is this the way to your cousin's restaurant?"

Before eat must visit orphanage. Poor, starving, hungry orphans. Very sad if you not come. You come and see. Very happy children, you happy. Very poor. Think car like this rich! Haha! Think phone like you have very rich ha! But no worry, they not steal. Very good orphan. My uncle teach very good. Best behave. Very nice children, but very poor. No food every week. No parents.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

It's just a parody of the planets. They're all Al dressed up in different costumes.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Step 1: declare the whole city a car park.

Step 2: declare all spots within a 5 mile radius disabled parking only.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Begging everyone's pardon, but that white thing on the right, rotated 90° clockwise, is the face of a cat.

Draw your own conclusions. (Pun intended.)

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The last paragraph was just facetious, to make the point that correcting potentially-discriminating terms can be overdone.

And the previous, also a bit tongue in cheek, but since I'm contending that it's petty to fight over the Ladybird dev's use of 'he' as default pronoun, I was essentially supporting other options as a sort of faux balance. If 'he' were truly inappropriate here, balancing it with 'she' in another project wouldn't make it okay again. But if it's just not that big of a deal, except for a dominant bias, then adding diversity elsewhere perhaps settles things a bit, and allows those who feel marginalized to asset themselves.

Neither is a solid answer! If you don't agree with me that the bickering over that source code is overblown, fair enough, you can disagree. But I think my point stands.

By calling reverse discrimination a far-right trope, I presume you mean complaints about reverse discrimination? Or an argument that reverse discrimination solves the problem? (Though I thought that latter was more argued by the Left, under the term 'positive discrimination'.)

Either way I don't think that's what I meant.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes but did she make a secret clone army?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (3 children)

July 4th: There is no Queen of England.

Next May the 4th: Somehow Elizabeth returned.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Yes. 'Queen Regnant' and 'Queen Consort' can distinguish between the two.


So, I updated Tumbleweed, and the updates to KDE caused my Plasma/Wayland session to restart, breaking the updates part way through. I wasn't watching at the time so took some while to debug!

Spent some time learning how to use nm-cli, because new half-upgraded KDE wouldn't load the network widget. It looks like something else may have changed and mucked up in the half-update (and of course I rebooted like a wise-man/dummy/i-dont-know-but-at-least-it-didnt-make-it-work) but iterations of trying things in nmcli eventually worked!

Finally tried zypper dup again and saw the session restart, so finished the job from the virtual terminal! At last, I seem to have a working computer again, and I might just brave updating my main laptop. (I cancelled the update while it was still downloading packages, after seeing the breakage on the other laptop!)


Hi I've been gradually finishing my first and only-main farm, and wanted to share :-) It started as the central plaza and fish ponds (since I came to love fishing!) and grew from there. I was going to get all-seasons screenshots and post together, but that's going soo slowly; and, hey, content!

Hope you like it! I think there's a little bit of just about everything there, and if you look closely you can see me sitting on a bench enjoying the flower garden. It's been single player until right at the end I added the 'guest lodges' to share with family and friends. I love how well they fit in places I hadn't planned!

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