
joined 4 years ago
[–] 4 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I, for real, want to know if there are any religious/spiritual people here commenting because yikes. I think a lot of people also interpreted your question to be about organized religion, and specifically christianity of the US variety. Please seek out other religious thoughts - I've found much Jewish thought on religion to be of interest. For myself, I'm not christian and not Jewish.

I'm religious because growing up, I adopted the values of the religion I was taught - values of kindness, openness, and inclusion. It's as core a part of my being as my ways of cooking or socializing. To not be religious would feel like hiding parts of myself.

The routine of following the practices, as well as religion/spirituality being able to help us face the unknown we still have in our lives. It can provide internal strength and belief in our ability. I also find the routine a way to connect to my family, my culture, and to my day-to-day. My religious time is more a time of internal reflection on my own actions and if they align with my values. Do folks without a routine religious/spiritual practice do the same?

The community aspect some touched on is huge. I read a book, Palaces for the People, where it mentioned that those with strong social connections fare better in times of crisis. While there are institutions that are getting to the same influence of religious institutions, they are still far less impactful.

I guess this is all less a belief and more why do people still engage with religion. But why do we believe, what is the act of believing? I don't have to believe that the sun will rise every morning, but, I do still believe it will rise every morning. Belief is a whole area of study alone I'm sure.

Making schools zero waste in Turkey (

"On the new map, new farming areas for major crops are added in the United States’ midwest region—referred to as the corn belt—as well as in the Sahara desert. This new farmland would replace large swaths of agricultural land in Europe and India, which would, in turn, be restored to natural habitat."

"Additionally, the “redesign"... would erase the need for irrigation entirely, relying instead on natural rainfall in wet regions to keep the crops growing."


...if a land owner died without a will, that land would be divided up among the owner’s heirs. Once they passed on, the land would be further divided among their heirs. While property might be in a single family’s control for generations, they don’t have legal title or claim to the land. That means they cannot easily sell the land or consolidate fractured acreages.


As many of us start being able to engage in more in-person activities safely, this month focuses on the kinds of and ways that we enjoy leisure activities, and how being aspec might impact those activities. This can be anything from the entertainment we consume, to the people we spend free time with, to the decisions on when to go out vs. stay in, to the activities one might do alone that are expected to be done with a partner of some kind.

This month’s chat will take place from Saturday, May 29 to Sunday, May 30, from 10am Saturday through 1:00 am Sunday, then 10:00 am – 11:59 PM Sunday Eastern Daylight Time. (That’s 2 PM GMT Saturday through 5 AM GMT Sunday, then re-opening Sunday at 2 PM again until 4 AM GMT.) Per usual we will have 2 hour voice chats both days, the first starting at at 11 AM Eastern (3 PM GMT) and the second at 4 PM Eastern (8 PM GMT).


It's an interesting discussion here. I also think, for those who think it's unfair that conventional to organic farmers need three years to allow the soil to recover but hydroponic farmers dont need to worry about this...are hydroponic farmers required to study the effect of the water they use in their system? Where they source it, how they dispose of it?


This is apparently only a trailer (for what I am not sure, he just mentioned a book in the works), but it plus my plethora of tomato seedling plants makes me think of how important community is in growing food.

He got neighbors to give him space to produce their yard into a garden for them both, as well as finding food sources and installing them for the community.

Would love to do this but when you have debts and responsibilities, it's hard to manage alone.


I recently started self-hosting an XMPP server for my friends and family, but when looking for privacy specific guides I can't really find any. It seems like self-hosting is the baseline way to gain privacy, and with things like Docker and Yunohost it feels within reach for average users to learn enough to do it.

I loved the phone guide that was published here and was able to follow the steps and learn more about phone privacy. So are there any good guides like that but for servers?

I know security is different from privacy, hence why I'm asking specifically for privacy-oriented guides. Thanks in advance, lemmy has always been a fantastic community for helping out newbies!

Edit: More specific questions; is there a way for me to make my host IP address not readily available (I'm hosting in my house, not a VPS), is there a better option for security than using Cloudflare (this one I'm having a hard time with mostly because I still don't quite understand what Cloudflare does?), I know some other servers say they delete messages from the server and identifying (I have metronome as the server for XMPP, using Yunohost)

Garden Ideas (

I keep seeing it pop up when researching and wanted to hear from other gardener's about how they manage their garden information. Pen and notebook? Special designs? Online?

Personally, I've never kept anything previously so each year will be a semi-fresh start and daily online searches to find solutions. This year I hope to at least write stuff down; seeds we have, easiest plants to collect seeds from, best/worst companions, harvest time/sprout time, and disease/pest prevention methods.


For anyone new to the garden game, here is a list of companies to buy seeds from. I've ordered most of my seeds from Sustainable Seed Co, but right now they are still recovering from the wildfires in CA, so True Leaf Seed Market I believe is who supplies the seeds.

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