
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago


A useful lens I find is whether a social media system is good at creating, facilitating and hosting genuine communities.

Alt-social right now is struggling with this I think and, IMO, has plenty of room to grow in this regard.

The difficulty though is that it requires more features in our platforms, some likely non-trivial. That's a big ask for an open non-profit ecosystem.

An effective means of aggregating multiple parts into a unified view could alleviate this.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)


Personally, I'm there with you I think. I only use default web-UIs on all fediverse platforms I've used, and advocate for that.

But should multi-protocol systems and multi-platform clients become normalised, I think this goes beyond "to app or not to app". What I'm talking about could likely just be a web-app.

The issue is more around aggregation and creating something "greater than the sum of its parts" out of open alt-social.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Probably not original at all. But I suspect there's something to framing it around "improving the quality of internet discourse" through the emergent dynamics of a federation ... especially in comparison to monolithic big-social.

It also repositions the internet as a broader resource to be used effectively.

And instills independent and contentiously incompatible instances along with widely connected federation as desirable positives for social media and the internet in general.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago (5 children)


A tricky part here is that the community still needs to be followed at least once on your instance for the content to come through. *I think*

So if a community isn't coming through, I'd recommend these steps:

* Search for the community and follow it like any other user.
* Add it to a specific/bespoke list, then remove that list from home (a setting available on each list). This removes "the firehose" from your home feed.
* Follow the corresponding tag as you would any other


[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)


Be sure to check out the "catch up" feature. Best thing I've seen in any social media client I think.


The Fedipact statistics are interesting

7% of active users committed to #fedipact -

* How representative of the user base is this, or are admins gatekeeping here? A large survey would be good to clear that up.

* EG, Mastodon, relative to its userbase, seems the most "Meta friendly" with only 57% of fedipact users (but ~80% all users)

* Fractal of niche-dom? Fedi ~1% of social media, fedi-pact ~ 10% of fedi. So anti-meta-fediverse ~0.1%?


[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

@marv99 no need to apologise!! All good!

I think I may have misunderstood you!

They did create an official substitute. It’s a whole separate instance at startrek.webpage. r/startrek, r/daystrom and r/risa have set up parallel communities there. I just created a lemmy account in the server too!

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

@marv99 I mean, there is no such thing as a corresponding community. There are just communities that may or may not have overlapping interests. Things are still too new and shifting for there to be established communities or pairs of communities.

From my understanding though, yes that’s an old or the oldest Star Trek community on lemmy. But that doesn’t mean it’s active.


So r/startrek opened their subreddit back up.

But they’re still committed to their #Lemmy instance too. Interesting experiment, running dual communities on both sides.

@fediverse @fediversenews


Hey #NBA #nbaplayoffs fans on mastodon etc, an NBA community is starting over on #Lemmy:

Come and join in, or use
@nba (just like a normal user handle) from mastodon etc to post there, pretty much like a hashtag (but you know, with moderation and threading and no fear of a typo!) … no need to sign up on lemmy.

You can also follow the community.

To post to the community, make sure to put the community handle before other user handles. Demo:

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

7) In the aggregate, #Mastodon / #fediverse are simply unintuitive.

Add up all of the design missteps or confusions (which happen), mixed and confusing but often strongly felt cultural standards, lacking or hard-to-find documentation or explanations, and, federation strangeness/quirkiness ... and you get a platform that crosses past the reasonably intuitive line.

It's reparable, but probably not easily so.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)


  1. The Fediverse's biggest mistake so far was not laying out the carpet for the Twitter et al Migrants. They were forced to recognise that the fediverse was always
    "correct"/good and to simply "join" a foreign place and obey its customs.

Instead, they should have been given their own "place" (a soft Mastodon fork and separate instances) to grow, call and have a culture of their own.

If new platforms eat the fediverse's lunch (eg BlueSky), it will be by providing this experience.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (3 children)


  1. The great big elephant in the room for the fediverse (apart from #Mastodon ) is that choosing an instance is simultaneously meaningless and important. But the ways in which this is so are not intuitive or even known to anyone but acolytes and admins.

5a) Proof: even if you learn the details of how instance interactions work and cause things like incomplete reply retrieval, you will forget it until reminded, because it’s unintuitive.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (4 children)


  1. since MySpace, social media has been primitive in the forms of expression afforded its users … essentially plaintext and an emoji or two. This has produced exceedingly low expectations in users about the richness of what content they are permitted to author online. Damn that.

Fediverse hot takes:

  1. The only true client is the browser.

  2. Microblogging be damned.

  3. it’s the instances/servers that are federated, not the users (ie us) … and damn that too.



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