
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

In the US, copyright is implicit. All work is instantly protected by copyright the moment it is created. Registering with copyright office is optional/voluntary. I think the judge's comments that you are referring to was probably referring to the works where copyright protections were waived by the artists for works placed into public domain (which, on Deviant Art, covers a vast amount).

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (2 children)

What's the strategy in that? Claiming she was never his attorney forfeits what shreds of privilege might be left of their communications and is also one less person he can blame "advice of counsel" on.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

This article desperately needs video.

Here's the official video from Adobe. Bump to 45s into the vid to see the dress in action:

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Corporations should be held responsible for the emissions caused by their employee's commuting.

This would really change the discussion about return to office.


This was my first attempt at making a seeded bread (using caraway seeds to give it that traditional Jewish rye bread flavor).

Came out really nice...flavor reminded me of the kind of bread I'm used to getting in the deli.

It came out so good that I (obviously) had to immediately run to the store and pick up some sliced corned beef to make some corned beef sandwiches.

The basic make-up was; 75% bread flour, 25% whole dark rye, 73% hydration. Oh yeah, and 75% of the liquid I used was actually dill pickle juice from a near-empty jar of store-bought dill pickles. It's been hot here, and I don't have air conditioning, so I used cold packs from the freezer to keep my fermentation bowl chilled in order to stretch out my bulk-fermentation time to 9 hours.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Your employer is ALWAYS looking for a way to either get more work out of you for the same compensation, or replace you with some one or some process that produces the equivalent output for less cost. The entire idea that employees should be loyal to their employers is one of the most successful propaganda campaigns ever spawned by capitalism.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's funny, because the smarter someone is when they invent a deity, the fewer human flaws that deity suffers from....which means 'god' wasn't just invented by humans - but by absolutely stupid humans.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Here are some basic definitions:

Instance: a Lemmy server with its collection of local users and local communities

Federation: allowing users of one instance the ability to participate and interact with the content and users of another instance

Defederation: "blocking" an entire instance and its users from participating and interacting with the content and users of another instance.

Every instance maintains a publicly visible "instances" list where you can see which instances are allowed/federated (listed as "Linked Instances" and which other instances are disallowed/defederated (listed as "Blocked Instances". That list is always at the same predictable URL for every instance ( https://[instance]/instances ). For Lemmy.World, that list would be at

Instances operators also have the ability to surgically block specific users or specific communities from other instances. This doesn't mean they have 'defederated', it just means they have blocked a specific use or instance. These are considered moderation activities and show up in an instance's moderation log (also called the "modlog"). Every instance's modlog is public and visible at the predictable URL of https://[instance]/modlog. For Lemmy.World, the modlog would be at The modlog has a "filter by action" dropdown making it easy to find certain types of moderation activities. If you search the modlog for "removing communities" you can see the communities that an instance has removed or blocked.

In the case of the piracy communities, they were removed from, but federation still exists between and the other instances where those blocked communities still exist.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

You specifically cite the example of piracy going away as a reason for wanting to compare instance's defederations, but that activity had nothing to do with defederation. is still federated with the instances that hosted the piracy communities.


My starter is already quite sour and full of character, so if I use more of it, I'm directly adding those flavors sraight into the dough, but by using more starter it will result in less fermentation time, and less proofing time, which means less sour and less character developed through fermentation and proofing.

On the other hand, if I use less starter, the dough is starting off with less of that initial flavor and character, but the lower starter amount means longer fermentation and proof times, which means more character in the final product.

So which is more impactful to the flavors of the final loaf? The extra initial starter, or the longer fermentation and proof times?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Non-human predators that hunt, kill, and eat other you consider them unethical, or is it only unethical for animals capable of inventing the concept of 'ethics'?