
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

I don't think I would agree that society is not at fault. When you tell an entire generation of men that their worth is in the economic value they create and then refuse to pay them more than a pittance it is easy to see why they might be upset by that. That's only one aspect of the problem but it's absolutely societal in nature.

[–] 3 points 2 hours ago

My boss doesn't care if I log in at 11 and log out at 3 with a 2 hour lunch in the middle, but to be fair, my boss is me and I'm pretty chill.

[–] 25 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

In my experience weed can be a gateway drug when you have to buy it from a drug dealer. As an analogy, lots of people end up buying something other than what they went into Target to buy.

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago

It's very much like that. Few have the strength to wield it and they are often derided as psychopaths by their peers and those in power

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Oh shit, I forgot I have this magical capitalism destroying sword laying around. Let me just cut capitalism in half real quick (the long way so it's harder to put back together) and then we can get back to eating all the pets like Marx intended.

[–] 37 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Resign from what, life? I'm on board that's just an odd phrasing

[–] 17 points 1 day ago

No one can take that from Trump. Elon is second in that category at most.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

No I don't know even one little bit

[–] 16 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I've been wondering the same thing for a long time now. People seem so excited to see Harris "beat" Trump in a debate but it's obvious that will never happen in any meaningful sense. Trump's supporters are clearly not using any traditional (or rational) metric to evaluate his public speaking and people who don't support Trump will only find things to nitpick Harris on. I don't see the upside for Harris unless she knocks it out of the park and that's such a stupid situation to be in considering the obvious disparity in the quality of these two candidates.

[–] 40 points 6 days ago

Clearly against the spirit of the law but not the letter. I like your style.

[–] 5 points 6 days ago

It's a funny joke but that last line taken seriously indicates that for all their pillaging they did a surprisingly small amount of raping. After all, that's why women in Scandinavia are mostly attractive, the Vikings enjoyed both in equal amounts.

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