
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 day ago

Fuck yes!!!

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Weet niet of het handig is om al die Nederlanders naar United te halen. Soort Barcelona onder van Gaal.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Fuck me what a boring game. Finals are often cautious but this is intensely uninteresting.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago (6 children)

Why wouldn't you want an expert to run the economy is such trying times?

Because this so-called expert is a danger to the the common Argentine. His way of "fixing" the economy is by growing inequality, privatizing key government duties and destroying unions.

I personally disagree with him on many points, such as:

he has called for the elimination or merging of major ministries such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity, and the Ministry of Health.

Milei articulates a critical view of the role of the state in economic matters, calling it "the greatest enemy of wealth"

Milei wants to privatize public health care providers

Milei has expressed support for legalizing organ trade

Also, he is president of the country, not just the economy. I totally disagree with him on points like:

A supporter of law-and-order politics, Milei endorses the unrestricted ownership of firearms

Milei opposes both abortion and euthanasia ... Milei holds that abortion is morally indefensible, even in cases of rape

He intends to eliminate the law that makes comprehensive sex education (CSE) in schools mandatory, which he has linked to brainwashing, and said that students are "hostages of a system of state indoctrination"

regarding your comment:

So let me hear it. What would you do to so wonderfully fix the economy that an expert is getting all wrong?

This is a fallacy. It is of course not necessary to know the right answer in order to know that another answer is wrong. I might not know what 483 × 749 is, but I know it's not 10. Or 100. Or 1000.

[–] -1 points 3 days ago

Have people here watched any football ever??? Players get "fouled" all the time after shooting or crossing and it's virtually never deemed a foul.

Also, Saka made a handball just before Kane's shot which for some reason the VAR didn't look at/missed.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

Bullshit penalty, I think we can all agree on that.

Not like the Netherlands deserved to win, they played quite badly. Just feels bad to go out like this. I didn't watch every game but this referee was the worst I've seen all tournament.

Really missed frenkie de jong and I'm disappointed Koeman didn't put on van de Ven or Frimpong.

Rooting for Spain in the final. Lesser of two evils but they play much better football and have a far more likeable team (and country).

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

Leuk kijkje in hoe dat werkt. Het is effectief en dit is denk ik deels wat hem teflon Mark maakt.

Het verhaal dat hij op zijn fiets naar helemaal niemand zijn duim opsteekt zodat hij op die manier wordt gefotografeerd... een bijna perfect voorbeeld van hoe de politiek een toneelstuk kan zijn.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

The title is actually accurate, those are crazy trains. I love the Hello Kitty one

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I have a combination of green/gray/blue. I'll see if I can take a photo later.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I heard about this from a podcast called The Missing Cryptoqueen from the BBC:

In a way it's a classic ponzi scheme so in that sense it's not that novel. But this Dr. Ruja, as she was known by people who "bought" OneCoin, sold herself and OneCoin super well and took full advantage of the crypto craze. The scale and then disappearance are crazy.

Maybe this is in the article but I think the leading theory is that she's in the UAE or Qatar or something. I assume she can't really travel but she can just live like an actual queen over there and those governments won't care about where he money came from.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I have this system at home and it's great. Similar climate to Paris and never a problem.


Good on him for doing this. He's super popular and I hope his words make a positive impact on the election results.


Zoek op foto's van pollepels en je ziet voornamelijk twee typen pollepel:

  1. Een grote houten lepel
  2. Een diepe metalen lepel om bijvoorbeeld soep op te scheppen

Ik zou voor type 1 altijd houten lepel zeggen en ben opgegroeid met definitie 2 en alleen 2.

Wat zeggen jullie?

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