
joined 11 months ago
[–] 2 points 9 hours ago (5 children)

Didn't the Aurora store get their anonymous profiles killed? You still need to login right?

[–] 15 points 1 day ago

Where can i find news about this?

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

You are actually super thirsty, but you can't swallow because your throat closes when you try to drink.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)


Just asked in their matrix channel.

hybridstaticanimate:discord Vanadium did not enable this at build time.

hybridstaticanimate:discord There is nothing to patch.

hybridstaticanimate:discord Other browsers chose to enable this.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Hardened Firefox project for android.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

People start contributing usually after they have used it successfully a few times. I understand "make yourself your own map" might not sound as the most appealing solution here.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Awesome thanks! It says... Updated 4 months ago?

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I'm not sure what's your pain point then? With Aurora you can install and automatically update proprietary apps. You can use anonymous accounts so you are not officially logged in (does this still work?). If you want FOSS, then fdroid. There's more updating tools such as unobtanium, but seems what you want is Aurora.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

As a Latin tongue speaker, most of these (all the previous comics too!) are super common ways to call things in our languages (Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian). I find it rather curious seeing English speaking people finding these words bizarre (well except for the last one this time, that one i never saw before).

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I have a PPP rotting somewhere... How's the state of things these days? What works and what doesn't? What's battery like these days?

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

All the characters were super stiff and kinda cheaply animated on facial expressions on the first one, and it's clear they invested heavy to fix that on the follow up, where all characters are way better at conveying emotions.


So...after watching latest Noclip video, I was having a bit of a Wipeout itch...I have a rather decent gaming computer, but I was wondering what would be the best way to play the wipeout series...was 2097 the best one? Is there a good way to get it running at decent resolution/effects these days?



Hi guys! So, I have Proton Mail, and this also gives me the Calendar. I love that I have a encrypted private calendar, but it bothers me that it doesn’t play well with any other app, as it’s not officially a “calendar” to Android. This bothers me, because I use GrapheneOS, with mostly no Google services, and I'd like my Gadgetbridge-connected smartwatch to be able to display calendar events, since they're not being shared with anyone else. But I can't, because Proton Calendar isn't really an Android Calendar. There’s a way in Proton to permanently share a link to your private calendar. In effect, it’s an up-to-date .ics file, that I believe needs to be checked/downloaded every time there’s an update. Is there a way to update this in Proton? Alternatively, I wouldn’t mind creating some caldav system that imported this, but not sure if there’s already any guide for it?

Thanks so much!


Hi guys!

I'm setting up a recently wiped phone, and just finding out that in order to use gTranslate, not only you need the app Google Translate, you ALSO need the app Lens, with its own permissions, and then ALSO force feeds you the app Google. Is there a way to avoid this? Or an alternative that allows live image translation (from Chinese if possible) from what the camera is seeing? As, for a travel trip, so I can read signs and texts on the street.

Thanks! a short sentence...the title. I have a server in a remote location which also happens to be under CGNAT. I only get to visit this location once a year at best, so if anything goes off...It stays off for the rest of that year until I can go and troubleshoot. I have a main location/home where everything works, I get a fixed IP and I can connect multiple services as desired. I'd like to make this so I could publish internal servers such as HA or similar on this remote location, and reach them in a way easy enough that I could install the apps to non-tech users and they could just use them through a normal URL. Is this possible? I already have a PiVPN running wireguard on the main location, and I just tested an LXC container from remote location, it connects via wireguard to the main location just fine, can ping/ssh machines correctly. But I can't reach this VPN-connected machine from the main location. Alternatively, I'm happy to listen to alternative solutions/ideas on how to connect this remote location to the main one somehow.



Hi guys! So, yeah...Which games are good for a nice gaming session while on a flight? Last time I played one of the newer Tomb Raider games, and while performance was good, it decked (heh) the battery in less than 1h... So, while I like these too, if the flight doesn't have a socket under the seat I might want to play games that don't kill the battery immediately. What's your best/most addictive Deck games? Also, after the whole big N's the Switch emulation these days?


Hi guys! I've been a kinda long term user of Freedconn camera/bluetooth/intercom combos, and I've been more or less happy with them. I've had up until now the more basic R1, then upgraded to two R1-Plus for me and my partner. These have been working very reliably for the last few years, but the weather hasn't been kind in one of them (mine). The charging lid fell off a long time ago, and with rain slowly seeping through I've seen some some annoying behaviors that might be linked to it... and it might need be needing a replacement soon.

I see the new R3 is supposed to have better video image, although I'm not sure how good will it perform in the night? Are car plates readable? With the R1 it takes some hard guessing due to the dark/bright contrast blinding the camera from showing the plate properly.

I also noticed the R3 also includes a "music share" function, which is interesting, but I wonder if that interrupts the normal intercom functionality? Or how does that work? Any ideas? Thanks!

Alternatively, is there any other camera/headset/intercom combos out there with similar/better qualities for a similar price?



So...yeah. Just that. I have Linux Nobara (Fedora-based) and I was just testing a plugin (Open RGB Effects). I downloaded the Debian version, as I noticed it was a .so file...(maybe it would work, whaddayaknow). And so yeah, after loading the plugin, OpenRGB immediately crashed, and now it refuses to open. Error:

$ openrgb
Attempting to connect to local OpenRGB server.
Connection attempt failed
Local OpenRGB server unavailable.
Running standalone.
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
Aborted (core dumped)

Any ideas? Thanks!


Hi guys!

Just there any FOSS app I could use to get the air pollution (AQI level) or similar for my area?



So I remember this old animation video I saw maybe early 2000s? About a couple of musicians, I think a guy and a girl, and they're chasing some sort...of music sphere? That gives them the inspiration to their music? Something like that...And as they follow hints to find it, they go traveling thorough rural america. I remember at some point they go on a cargo train wagon. I don't think it helps with timeframe reference, but I watched this video on some CD included on a magazine, and it was next to On Your Mark, which is widely more famous.


Hi guys!

So far I've been using Mi-Bands for a long time, and have been less happy each time with their increasingly frustrating pairing experience. All of course due to Xiaomi's encription key mechanism. My current Mi Band 6 is dying a bit too early due to failing battery, and I'm now looking for another band. Which ones would you recommend?

I also tested the Pinetime, of which I have one. Notifications do work, but alas, at this moment it doesn't have multiple sync-able alarms, nor reminders. At this moment only one alarm works, and only setting it via a clunky UI in the watch. So, until this works, is there any good alternative out there? My main needs are time, seeing message notifications at a glance, and setting multiple alarms and reminders for different things in a day. So far Mi Band does these well, but the pairing and the need to use their damn Zepp app the first pairing time is a bit frustrating.


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