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It's a meme, black and white, of a guy showing his "moving castle" to a woman he likes

And she says "so you live in your car?"

I don't remember the title or what sub it was in

Just send me the link if you find it.



In my head this was Ian Kung, but I can’t find it on his channel.

The creator was trying to make a point about how broken copyright enforcement is on YouTube by basically watching cool videos and “reacting” by saying the same thing after each one loosely tailored to the content. They were all based around the phrase “my wife” or something like that.

Like “wow, what a cute lazy dog. It’s almost as lazy as my wife,” “if you think that’s a big whale, you should meet my wife,” or something to that effect.


Im looking for a video that was posted to r/youtubehaiku years ago. In the ~15 second vid a guy walks along the street and finds a coin. He says something like "wow a coin" and then starts talking and moving in slow motion. Another man appears and says "Oh youre stuck in slow time? Its because George Washington cursed that coin, there is nothing you can do, you're fucked!" Meanwhile slowmo guy is still slowly talking and looking confused. The coin was either a dime, a quarter, or a silver dollar.


I'm looking for a video where cyclist covered a car parked on a bike lane with a carpet looking like a bike lane.


I'm trying to find a sci-fi short story. Unfortunately, I do not remember anything about the author or title. It is at least a decade or two old, available for free online.

The entire story is set aboard a starship in deep space, and everyone has advanced technology (nanomachines?) that can repair tissue damage that would normally be deadly. Unfortunately, the ship is hit by a massive radiation burst, nearly killing everyone aboard, causing all kinds of damage, and contaminating much of what's left. Somehow, the worst affected have massive brain damage, and the nanomachines are driving them to instinctively seek raw materials for repairs--which can only be found in the brains of relatively intact survivors.

In short, the whole setup is basically an excuse to have space zombies. The nanomachines keep them alive even when their organs are falling out, but they're dumb and slow and they want braaaaains.

Other things I remember:

  • The protagonist is female, and was protected by the initial burst because she was working inside a large water tank.
  • The protagonist is trying to help her romantic partner, who is comatose, but it's implied they might wake up as a zombie.
  • The protagonist is trying to avoid killing the zombies when possible, because there is still a chance of curing them.
  • The protagonist is looking for raw materials that aren't radiation-contaminated, to help her partner and repair the ship.

I think I saw this in a youtube video taken out of context so I'm not exactly sure when it was made, or if it was a TV show or a movie. And while it could obviously be from any time after 1980 because it references Empire Strikes Back it felt 21st century to me.

It seems to be a future post-apocalyptic setting, the power isn't on, everyone's dressed in rags, there's scavenging etc. and in a moment of down time two of the main characters act out the lightsaber duel from Empire Strikes Back to entertain the young children who live there, and the kids gasp at the "I am your father" bit.

What's this from?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by interpolate@lemm.ee to c/tipofmytongue@lemmy.world

Probably around fifteen years ago, I saw a commercial set to - I think - the "Trololo" song (or, if not, a classical song). I think it was a commercial for M&Ms, but it was at least for a similar candy - lots of small bits in a candy shell. The candies were CGI and bouncing in time with the music in a sort of liquid fashion. I haven't been able to find this commercial since!

Sorry for the vagueness. It was a long time ago. Hopefully someone can give me some guidance - thanks in advance!

[SOLVED][Game] VR RPG (discuss.tchncs.de)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by LMagicalus@discuss.tchncs.de to c/tipofmytongue@lemmy.world

Game is Journey of the Gods, for anyone else looking!

I only remember the first big fight; you had a crossbow and sword, and were fighting a tentacle thing made of black ooze on a farm. The game overall was about becoming a god, with the gods being birds and you collecting feathers to ascend.

I originally played it on the Oculus Quest.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by aeronmelon@lemmy.world to c/tipofmytongue@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15234200

[request] Help finding a war movie

I'm having trouble finding a movie I caught the ending of on cable TV once upon a time, and never saw again. Does anyone here recognize it?

Modern (~1990s) soldiers (the heroes) are pinned down. They rig explosives for some reason and use the radio to remote detonate them. Something goes wrong, and one of the soldiers takes a walkie talkie and walks towards the explosives, without any cover, to use it to force them to go off. He has to get very close to them. He gets shot repeatedly, and just before being fatally wounded, he yells "Blow!" And the explosives go off.

Additional information:

  • On US cable in the mid to late 1990s
  • Modern war film, with then-current tech (Desert Storm-era)
  • Soldiers are outside in rocky/deserted terrain during the daytime in above the described scene
  • walkie-talkie is a military-grade CB brick
  • Soldier is a short, young guy who I've seen in a few other movies typecast as a low-ranking soldier or officer of some kind

this was a weapon that's possibly used in medieval times (definitely long before 20th century). The main part may have been a sword and the hilt could be unscrewed or somehow used as a club. Thanks!


No particular reason for asking, but I'm about curious the name of this forum template I've been seeing a lot lately (saw it around six months ago the first time). It's basically a linear forum template where there is a timeline on the right side of the site. You can interact with it. 'Template' is probably not the right word, but you get the idea.

Examples: Logseq's forum uses it and so does Anki's forum.



I always used to associate this song with Knock on Wood by Eddie Floyd, because it has a similar vibe (both are great songs). But for the life of me, I just can't remember the title, artist, lyrics... barely anything from this song.

I remember it had a male vocalist, it was in E (for you music theory nerds out there), had a very prominent main riff, and I'm pretty sure it's from the 60s. It's an R&B/soul type thing of the era, but almost like a precursor of modern rock too. That's all I remember.

I would really appreciate it if someone knows it. It's driving me nuts not knowing!


Sorry I don't really have any more detail. I read this blurb about a book on either reddit or goodreads. Something about humanity discovering interstellar travel or something major like that and aliens sending a message warning humanity to stop, or else. At least that's what I remember. Any help would be appreciated. Been searching for a couple of hours and have had no luck.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by AgentGrimstone@lemmy.world to c/tipofmytongue@lemmy.world

A character with a messy apartment brings over a friend and the friend goes "OMG! You've been robbed!" What scene is this from?

I'm thinking it's from around the 2010s, not recent.


I just remembered a video of a attic window that opens up into a small balcony and in this specific video it drops on top of the man's head

Edit: typo


The guy tries to surprise his family by asking for a photo of the car, then plans to pop out of a fake car seat. But the plan backfires when he gets stuck. The car has a toy car glued to the hood. The request was something like "the guys don't believe I glued a toy car on the hood, can you send a pic of it" or something.

The show has mystery elements, and the episode starts with the premise that the guy is missing. I forget how popular of a show it is.


I remember there being no text or speech, some fire-extinguishers sprayed all over the place, someone hunting with a bow and arrow across an office desk.

It was in a step-by-step airliner-safety-card style of art.

First saw this about 10 years ago on some other site.


I saw a picture of my friend today and it reminded me of this image. It is a man in a suit (white suit?) with his arms stretched open, but also shoulders raised like shrugging...? Also I think that the man had his (black) hair tied back, in some kind of man bun? Every time I see this image (meme?) the man gives me some kind of mafia feeling

Does anyone have any clue what I might be talking about? Might be out of a movie or something...



Would also like the know the type of design shown on them if anyone knows the name of that design type


Edited the title to make it clear


So my chemistry teacher went on a tangent in one of our lessons, and started telling us a bit about a Minecraft channel he was a part of in 2012. At its peak, the channel had either 10K subs or 10K views, but the videos were all set to private when YouTube introduced stricter copyright rules. He implied that he was challenging anyone interested to try and find the channel.

The channel itself was run by somebody else, who was not named but apparently used to work for NVIDIA before leaving to work as a kernel dev at ARM. The same guy, at some point, ran a small WoW server on one of my institution's dedicated servers.

The server and the channel would have been based in Northumberland, United Kingdom; and the players would have had northern, Geordie, Northumbrian, or Yorkshire accents.

I will not be naming my teacher, as he said that his name wasn't anywhere on the channel or in the videos; and I would prefer not to disclose the name of my institution to protect whatever's left to protect about my identity.

Does anyone know anything, or am I going to have to put my Sherlock Holmes hat on?


You guys kicked ass finding that article I was looking for.

This one I have been looking for for years.

It's a funny serialized short story about a guy(maybe British) who just keeps having a terrible day, and whenever he uses the f-word to describe a shitty event happening to him, he says fluff instead of fuck. "Fluff that" "so he took my fluffing wallet".

I know for sure at one point he ends up in the hospital, he may have been mugged at the beginning of the story but I'm not 100%, this story was so funny when I first read it and I have never been able to find it again.

Thank you


I was just reading this article and then accidentally zoomed up to the top of my feed after I've been scrolling for an hour and I cannot for the life of me find this article about a reporter going inside TSMC talking about what it looks like while TSMC starts up in Arizona. I can't even find the same article on any outside news site.


I'm fairly certain he has a whole series of videos, with this portable stove. Kinda sits so it's almost level with his shoulders.

He's got a fringe cut and glasses, and often is cooking ramen with additions to it.


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