
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Yeah, England has had some wonder goals for sure. And they made the final last time round. But especially in the group stage they looked really lost at times.

I've been rooting for them for years now, but somehow I don't feel they're as scary as some of the other European national teams.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago (4 children)

I'm confused how England were the pre-tournament favourites anyway. They really had that much better odds than Germany/Spain/Portugal coming in? Strange.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago

Lemmy observer was really good too but idk what happened to it.

[–] 12 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It is different, but tbf academics are also reliant on external funding sources to conduct research. It's not absurd to think that the grant writers or university administration might have some stipulations about the free distribution of research they paid for.

Have we forgotten what happened to Aaron Swartz? With the state of the world today, I naturally expect everything to be monetized, regardless of whether it makes any rational or ethical sense.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (2 children)

But there's no practical way to enforce when people put out their trash.

I may have been in NYC for too long, but I honestly don't even see how rats are a problem anyway. They generally just scavenge garbage and do their own thing. They're in a similar category to pigeons.

Plus, they are presumably a critical food source for alley cats. I happened to stumble upon a newborn litter of alley kittens a few weeks ago. The mother must have been away hunting.

So you're basically murdering these little kittens if you decimate the rat population in NYC by preventing them from eating our trash. You sick fucks. /s

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Thanks, I added you as a mod

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

That was 100% a handball for me. Hand was extended from the body and blocked a shot on target. Cucurella even smirked afterwards, he knew he got away with one.

Absolutely brutal officiating performance tbh. It started when he didn't give a yellow to Kroos in the 5th minute for the tackle that took Pedri out of the game. And then he ended up giving a ton of yellows later on in the game, for dubious reasons. Germany got robbed on that call but Spain still seem like the most deserving team to win the tournament so it's not the worst thing.

If France beats Spain though, then the rage will flow. After benefitting from a missed call and scoring a miraculous goal to avoid penalties, you better make it count


The moderator of this community appears to be inactive. Please comment on this post if you would like to moderate the community.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago

Definitely. That's an NYC dude on the NYC subway, can confirm

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Yeah I guess, but that doesn't really help. Humans already killed most of the whales so rubbing in our technological superiority is quite gauche.

You never know if whales are going to get revenge for this kind of stuff someday 😅

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah that sounds nice. But what if you just ended up spending all of your time in the tank? It might be too much power to have a tank like that on tap

[–] 19 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Are you asking this because of Stranger Things?

I think the biggest issue is that a bathtub isn't big enough for most people to float in without touching the sides. Assuming the tub is large enough, the epsom salt would work to make you float and would be cost effective. You would have to figure out a way to regulate the temperature to 98.6 degrees though. And you would have to be in a pitch dark room.

[–] 63 points 2 weeks ago (11 children)

Fun fact: every species on earth has been evolving for the same amount of time. Assuming that life wasn't spontaneously generated multiple times on planet Earth, which seems relatively unlikely.

For some reason, I feel oddly defensive about the whale being insulted. Suck on that you stupid marine biologist, you should understand evolution more better.

Outro (

This track is such a vibe. Always gets me into that Lain mentality.

A Distant Shout

Vocals/Lyrics/Composition: Nakaido 'Chabo' Reichi


Even though I shouldn’t have any sins
I’m accepting some sort of punishment
Even though they aren’t seeds that I sown
I’m made to pluck the flowers that bloomed prolifically

I can’t say that I don’t know about it
But I don’t recall having been an accomplice-in-crime
I feel that my freedom was costly bought
But I don’t recall having my heart sold cheaply

Hey Hey, until I die and bid farewell
Hey Hey, I won’t be caught by anyone
I wonder if you don’t know about the eternal ruffians
Who are prowling the distant night

It’s not even an unforgivable act
But wounds can’t be healed
On nights when I feel like crying, I make love to a woman
And take flight from this petty and corrupt world

Hey Hey, until I die and bid farewell
Hey Hey, I won’t be caught by anyone
I wonder if you don’t know about the eternal ruffians
Who are prowling the distant night

Even though I shouldn’t have any sins
I’m accepting some sort of punishment
I feel that my freedom was costly bought
But I don’t have the guts to sell my heart cheaply…


Threads will be implementing federation in the near future and many instances have been discussing whether they should be pre-emptively defederated to protect the fediverse. See below for our local discussion thread, which will remain active until this vote is complete.

Given that this is a time-sensitive issue and it's the holiday season, we decided to initiate the vote a few days early to make sure everyone gets a chance to vote. The vote will be tallied on Friday, December 29th.

Only accounts may cast a vote

Vote by commenting either yes/aye/oui or nay/no/non

Any further discussion should be posted in the thread linked above

Additional Context/Discussions

Curent discussion

41% of instances have blocked Threads

Extensive discussion at

This article has already been linked 10 trillion times in previous discussions, but in case you missed it

For the hard of hearing



In favor (aye/oui/yes) : 200 votes

Against (nay/non/no) : 55 votes has voted in favor of preemptively defederating Threads.

Thank you for your participation, and happy holidays to everyone!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Welcome, this vote will determine which image we use for our banner image for The discussion thread is in the Agora, and was also cross-posted to ImageAI

Fantastic work on the banners sh.itheads, I think we've got several excellent choices here. I've reposted the candidates below, with credits to the users who submitted them. I culled some submissions at my own discretion.

Each candidate is labeled with a number. In order to vote, simply comment on this post with the number of your preferred banner. You only get one vote.

Number 1 -

Number 2 -

Number 3 -

Number 4 -

Number 5 -

Number 6 -

Number 7 -

Number 8 -

Number 9 -

Number 10 -

Number 11 -

Number 12 -

You may also specify a few honorable mentions in your comment if you so choose, as a way to acknowledge the artists' work.

The vote will run until next Friday.


1. Banner 8 by 91 votes

2. Banner 11 by 49 votes

3. Banner 6 by 24 votes

4. Banner 7 by 20 votes

5. Banner 3 by 19 votes


cross-posted from:

My favourite, to be honest


The two obvious themes in my mind are gears/some sort of complex machine, or computer hardware/circuits.

As an avid Lain Iwakura enjoyer, I added that screenshot because it's awesome and I think it'd be an extremely cool banner, but there are probably much cleaner designs out there that would be more welcoming to new users. I'm sure you guys will be able to come up with some in short order.

You can look on to get a quick overview of some other instance banners.

I really don’t know how the formatting and proportions are supposed to work but I will edit that in as soon as someone clarifies. looks like this

This discussion will run for at least a week, and then we can take the most upvoted submissions in this thread and put them up for an official vote.


Say "aye" or yes" if you are in favor of defederation.

Say "nay" or "no" if you are against defederation.

All of the relevant information can be found in the link below. Thank you all for your input.

I can only hope for this level of engagement in all discussions going forward 😅

I apologize for the lack of clarity and structure surrounding the process and just know that we are working to streamline the process ASAP.

EDIT: If you post anything in addition to aye/yes/nay/no, it will be removed and I will reply to the comment with your vote.

I am not voting, I am simply cleaning up comments that try to continue the discussion. Just vote and get off the pot people.

If you're from another server, you don't get to vote


In favor of defederation

We are now defederated from EH.

The mod team is currently examining the data in greater detail to arrive at a final count of legitimate votes. Nonetheless, whichever voting system/restrictions we arrive at, the result of the vote is not in question. I will update this post with the final count ASAP. Thank you for your participation, it was a largely successful debate and vote. is another instance on Lemmy where alt-right MAGA types tend to reside. Some people on this server want us to defederate from them immediately, some people want to save defederation as a last resort. They have 104 active users (more stats below).

It seems that exploding-heads has also experienced a recent botswarm invasion. This is obviously another point in favor of defederating them, assuming you are worried about botswarms, which is currently being discussed here.

My advice to you all is please try to discuss this in a civil manner, we need not allow them to create divisive conflict inside our communities. No matter how the vote turns out, you're not going to be able to defederate from your fellow sh.itheads so be nice.

I've linked many of the previous discussions below so people who are out of the loop can get a general sense of the situation. just recently defederated them.

Although this could be considered a point in favor of defederation, it actually means even if we vote to remain federated, people have a great alternative in where they can still participate in our communities and simultaneously be protected from exploding-heads.

Ensuring diversity of servers is beneficial to the platform as a whole, but it is also not our responsibility to bear that burden.

TLDR, just wrap up any last points in this thread before we open the vote tomorrow. Please be civil.

EDIT: To clarify, this isn't the official vote, this is the final discussion. The vote thread will be posted tomorrow and you will only be allowed to make a single comment saying Aye or Nay.

EDIT2: Vote thread is up, this thread is now locked. Very lively discussion thread sh.itheads. Please try to be more respectful next time.





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