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Cool friends fighting aliens...more accurately, the pariah of a fascist civilization, minutes before being eaten alive in front of said "ccol friends" persuades and then bioengineers human child soldiers to facilitate an end to an ill-conceived and failing war now reduced to unilaterally exterminating a parasitic, physically disabled species, itself undergoing a violent civil rights movement on their own planet based on their self-recognized flaws, struggling to realize its place in a universe where godlike beings exist and decide not to offer remedy(rules of the god game) and spectate while the parasites overwhelm all vulnerable species in the known universe.

The child soldiers agree to resist the parasites, but at least a minority of them believe genocide is the wrong answer. After being physically and emotionally tortured, shot, repeatedly disemboweled and having their limbs hacked or bitten off by hosts of the parasitic species, however, all of the child soldiers begin taking violent, morally devastating actions that end their lives as they know them.

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submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

I'm feeling 4

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

bold move with the title, but they really pull it off this book.

this is a great final installment.

the entire book is good, but here's a couple moments that stuck out.

spoilersI forgot how it starts, with menderash willingly turning into a nothlit(mirroring tobias in the first book) so that he can pilot the Yeerk ship to take them to investigate the kelbrid space is so exciting!

I wonder how many mirrors of the first book there are that I didn't notice since I was devouring the story.

the extended internal torment where Jake is reckoning with Rachel's death and his responsibility as a war criminal who sends his friends to their death.

That Jake and Cassie don't end up together.

but all the anamorphs are pretty much unfulfilled, carrying on Rachel's legacy.

I can't sing this book's praises enough, it really is a solid ending with room to continue or conclude a limited run if they want to.


doesn't even look like they bothered to erase the original title or crop the picture correctly,, but who doesn't like Nic Cage enough to overlook a lazy morph?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

lots of great writing here.

this is probably my favorite description of an andalite in the series:

"he was a blue-furred centaur with a pair of extra eyes on movable stalks and a tail like a chef’s knife tied to the end of a bullwhip."


Finding arbron again is strange. weird that he is still a nothlit, weird that he has become the leader of his adopted species.

"come on cassie, show me where to go next." is such a great show don't tell apology by Jake.

It's so great that Jake trusts Cassie again and everybody else can see that she was right to let Tom take the morphing cube.

finally! it's been awful seeing her get treated like a traitor for so long.

and Jake basically asks Cassie to marry him, which is great.

I very much like the moment Tom realizes Jake is alive and the visser sarcastically congratulates Tom on his astute observation.

i also really like how the visser is completely aware and resigned to his fate. I wish he was a little more realistic and not so goofy as an evil son of a bitch most of the series.


"Acceptable" mass casualties.

All of the emotional and moral discussions in this book are extremely well expressed and kick you in the gut.

spoilersI was surprised that Ax was still wavering so strongly this late in the series, but it makes perfect context for his absolute shock at Cassie's betrayal.

Everyone can see now that Rachel has a problem with enjoying violence and can't stop herself from indulging anymore.

the opening scene with Ax letting someone go free and Rachel rescinding that action was brutal.

Bay-bayyyyy! (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

spoilersRachel's sisters meet ax and That's how they react to him.

everything ax does makes me crack up, but this struck me as particularly funny.

It's a great spot of comic relief in an otherwise very bleak run.



spoilersA human in morph dies right away so you know what you're getting into, then things are pretty much exploding and bring destroyed for the whole book while they protect a governor, which seems like a bit much until you reach the end of the book and the governor announces the yeerk invasion to the world.

which is a really great ending.

funny note, Marco talks about how did are ax great long-distance flight morph, and finished them to the reliability of a 747.

Maybe that was correct twenty years ago, when Boeing still did maintenance on their planes with sturdy materials.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Maybe the least relevant title to content?

or maybe the title is lost in context since every character is the most unlike they have every been in the series and this book is all about coming to terms and impressing upon the naive that the only choices left to make in war are terrible choices.


everyone dies or you find a few more soldiers willing to sacrifice themselves.

It's pretty difficult watching the game pedantically and repeatedly explain to their parents that the life they thought they had is gone and people are dying and getting hurt. and you can't choose the moral high road unless you're willing to sacrifice others.

and the Animorphs have to hold the line on this reasoning because they're the only ones who really understand where the line is.

This is the controversial (as I remember it) decision to recruit disabled kids to be soldiers, because they're sure that the yeerks don't want any physically disabled bodies.

The ending really shocked me, I figured Cassie was going to kill Tom so that Jake didn't have to, and they could recover the morphing cube, I completely forgot that she bit Jake to slow him down and allow Tom to get away with the morphine cube because of her HUNCH that letting him have the morphing cube with the right thing to do.

that is a brassy hunch.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I thought that Marco getting his face ripped off was the crazy part of this book but then i read the rest of it.

spoiler major spoilers

Oh dang. All the parents have been told and rescued in dramatic and violent ways, Jake's parents try to kill him, Loren can see, this was another dip dop HELL of a story.

also ax saying that Rachel's sisters think he's a "pokey-man" is pretty funny.


Vabarx, also known as the Yeerkbane, are large, transparent, and purple with a tubelike head. They eat Yeerks by sucking the controller's head until the Yeerk comes out.



Wow, this is one of the best in my reread. I was riveted.

The shirt-abs on the cover are a little goofy, but the entire book is an absolute series of nightmares and moral horror.

A scrabbling shove into rough madness.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Revelation, war, and loss.

Crossing more lines they hadn't crossed before.

TitleI think it's interesting that visser 1 uses the morph from the first book, signaling that the story we started with us being it's conclusion.

Humans start to die, the war is extending beyond the animorphs, it's too big for just them and they can no longer protect everyone by going on there missions they choose.

They have to aid those dedicated to hopeless caused.


Disclaimer: lt's a fairly late plot point in this not unpopular book, so I'm changing the character name so that you don't recognize it if you happen upon the book one day.

It's Morphin' Time:

"...she realized she was flying. For a moment, human thought and hawk instinct clashed, and her wings flapped frantically. She dropped like a stone. Derry forced herself to let go, to let the unfamiliar senses guide her, and her wings made the correct angle and she caught the wind again.

She thought she had the trick of it now. One had to exercise enough control to keep one’s memory and purpose, but had to give the hawk enough rein to control the body. She made a slow circle to face toward the palace, watching the ground rush by below in impossibly fine detail and trying not to think about what her wings were doing.

Derry had not taken this form lightly.

A few powerful strokes of her wings took her higher and she flew toward the palace, astonished again at the power and strength of such a small body.

She had risen above and almost overshot the palace before she caught herself and turned back. It was no wonder human sorcerers lost themselves when they changed shape. If her sense of urgency hadn’t been so strong, it would have been easy to play on these wind currents until she forgot who she was."

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

More ramping up.

spoilerThe nuclear option.

Another amazing book.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

The beginning of the end,

what an insane series.

spoilerMarco abandons Nora to the yeerks to make things simpler for his biological mom and dad to get back together.

It's real dark. Cold blooded.

They boil a yeerk pool.

Tobias forced to explain how torture changes someone, since he's been through it.

There's so much foreshadowing and a lot a bit of of murder, man this was an exciting, desperate tale.

I love this whole last run, they capture the shock of Marco revealing himself so well.

If you aren't going to reread the whole series, you will not regret rereading this one.


Getting Ready to Save the Woorrrld

by cordspaghetti


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Scary opening for a minute when nobody is answering Cassie and she thinks she's all alone on the mission.


spoilerDefinitely written in 2000, a massive firefight erupts in an airport that everybody just shrugs off and things keep going normally instead of the entire place locking down, and planes in a baggage are left unsecured, just a regular transit station instead of a Homeland security nightmare.

Also, the most exciting opening for Cassie in a long time, that turns into one of the most consistently exciting adventures, with Cassie alone.

Non stop action.

The Australian outback is such a good setting for an adventure. I'd like to read a longer version of a story like this.

Actually there was that popular YA series "tomorrow when the war began", that was a great series.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Blech, always hate it when anyone has to morph a taxxon.

Also hate being confronted with tobias' torturer.

Probably not as much as Tobias does, though.

Great inside cover!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Is this one a "yikes" for everybody?

Maybe they just needed a break from a book every month for five years.

spoilerMarco's heart exploding, or being exploded, is pretty harrowing, but the helmacrons combined with the trope theme is impossible not to roll my eyes at.

I still like the animorphs themselves within the story and I like Marco's initiative, but this book is odd and somewhat unsatisfying.

Maybe they needed some breathing room to get ready for the final run.

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