
joined 1 year ago
[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 1 points 1 hour ago

Poor thing, running away like they always do.

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 2 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

Gaslighting? That suggests I'm inventing things just to make you look bad.
Unsurprisingly, that's not true. Here's you lying and generally being awful -

Those things you mentioned are not related to christianity, it christians doing things.

Not what I said. I'll repeat -

We are talking about things people do as a direct result of their beliefs, also known as outcomes.

That's about as related to Christianity as you can get, which means you misrepresented what I said. Also known as lying.

I would say 4/5 go directly against the bible and the last one is questionable.

Accusing people of doing it wrong is not a good way to make your point. It either discredits your own religion, or it belittles the beliefs of your fellow Christians while elevating your own.
Not a good look.

If you dont understand what I am saying then just ask, insulting is just childish.

Again, I did ask. More than once. Here's an example -

Perhaps instead of disgracing yourself further, you can tell us what these tenets are that so many go against?

So again, accusing me of being childish to cover up that you're lying.

No, you are not related to me and I dont care if you try to scold me. I did nothing wrong or shameful and I dont need to explain anything to you.

If you're going to behave like a child and pretend you didn't when called out on it, that doesn't mean you didn't or that I'm wrong. But it does make you a liar. Again.

If you get offended by internet conversations then dont have them.

Heh, you're funny.

If you dont understand what I am saying

If anything you said was new or original, I would have asked about that. Not that you would answer me anyway.
But its all tired repetition of the same old guff we've heard a million times.

Oh well.

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 2 points 21 hours ago (4 children)

I'm not offended and I'm not scolding you.

You need to realise that I'm merely highlighting your poor behaviour for others to see.

Why so defensive? If you can't justify your position then just say so, but pretending otherwise is just childish.

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 2 points 22 hours ago (6 children)

I didn't insult you, I pointed out your poor behaviour.

And I did ask you, about several different things, the most recent being about the tenets you claim to follow.

Why don't you try again?

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 2 points 1 day ago (8 children)

Nonsense. We are talking about things people do as a direct result of their beliefs, also known as outcomes. Bait and switching just makes you look even worse.

And accusing nearly all Christians of not doing it right is disingenuous, elitist and pitifully sad.

Perhaps instead of disgracing yourself further, you can tell us what these tenets are that so many go against?

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Sorry to be off topic, that Techno community, could you drop a link to it please?

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 3 points 1 day ago (10 children)

Super long wall of text? You're kidding, right? ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ

Look, I even put it in it's own, separate paragraph

As to your question, the track record of those three religions to convincingly explain anything they claim to, is complete and utter failure. Every time.

So, to avoid any confusion before moving on, you didn't even try to explain your reasoning for the criteria you set out. You didn't offer any good evidence to justify those criteria, and you dodged replying by pretending it's too difficult for you.

This isn't a good look for you or those who share your beliefs.

And you're really asking me to point out terrible things that have come about as a result of religion or been perpetuated through religious belief?

Off the top of my head -

Holy wars.
Witch trials.
Destruction of indigenous cultures.
Widespread misogyny.
Discrimination towards minorities.

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 5 points 1 day ago (12 children)

Just to be clear, ignoring everything else I said doesn't somehow make them irrelevant. In fact it does the opposite to any further opposition you may bring later.

Also, it's kinda rude.

As to your question, the track record of those three religions is complete and utter failure. Every time.

If they can offer any good evidence as answers to the subjects discussed in this post, I've yet to hear them. I'm open to being convinced and I try to adjust my beliefs accordingly when presented with good evidence contrary to my current knowledge.

But there's been nothing so far.

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 2 points 1 day ago

Ah, I see. My apologies.

[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)
[–] ianovic69@feddit.uk 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (14 children)

about where humans came from is a matter of faith.

If that's your main point then you're in a great position to examine your beliefs using tried and tested methods to know things.

Of course, you may have to adjust those beliefs to be in accordance with reality, which can be much more difficult. Should you accept this challenge that life has presented, your chosen subject of evolution has mountains of good evidence to study.

what makes the most logical sense, and is most consistent.....what has the best track record with the best outcome.

This is interesting use of language that usually applies to the scientific method. I've often seen it used in attempts to legitimise religious reasoning, and sometimes it goes with assertions of "proper basic beliefs."

You should be aware that these are just more modern methods of things like Pascal's Wager, that are not meant to convince anyone except those who already believe.

All religion, at least those with god belief and certainly the Abrahamic three, contain no sensible logic, are completely inconsistent, have a terrible track record and very often horrible outcomes.



This seems updated since I first found it years ago.

Please share it around, particularly to those more....set in their ways.



This seems updated since I first found it years ago.

Please share it around, particularly to those more....set in their ways.



About time!

I haven't installed or tested in any way.

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