Anonymous usually means that they don't want their name to show up publicly.
There's almost certainly knowledge of who that money is coming from at least with a couple of persons that received the funds.
Anonymous usually means that they don't want their name to show up publicly.
There's almost certainly knowledge of who that money is coming from at least with a couple of persons that received the funds.
So someone donates money to their city's library with the specific purpose that they can expand their building to have more space that's a bribe?
Should it? I get that political parties should report donors - but for nonprofits and other institutions I feel it's not that necessary since they are directly investing that money in projects (that the donor may choose - but if that's not the case then that investment isn't happening) - for political parties and politicians it can be seen as a bribe as the things they invest in usually don't have a direct return of investment.
And there should be rules and regulations making sure that that donation is not ending up in some kind of contract for the company of the donor but that whatever that investment is funding has a transparent process
Where do we draw the line? Should donors to libraries be made public even if that person wants to remain anonymous but fund an expansion? Should donors to non-profits be made public?
That guy legitimately made his hobby into his job.
There's 0 reasons for him to still keep updating the game with as much content as he's doing except for his own satisfaction. Truly the best developer a game can have
Sounds like something Leon Skum world say
Muss posteo auch jedes mal buchstabieren...
Mr. Burns gefällt das
I only look at 1 star reviews for that reason and decide if the problem those people have if relevant for me or in general
I mean AMD heavily relies on Taiwan being independent to even be the company they are. If China takes over most people in power and all the shareholders are fucked - so in this instance it actually makes sense even from a company standpoint to do malicious compliance
ja nur haben die anderen Parteien das beim Klimaschutz (leider) begriffen und besetzen das Thema jetzt ausschließlich negativ - aber bei der Migration geht's immer schön mit Anlauf weiter in Richtung AfD-Rethorik weil man da einfach nicht draus lernen will...
Aber genau das will Habeck doch auch? Dass da so ein gelber Troll im Finanzministerium sitzt und das alles blockiert wodurch man gucken muss dass man noch einen bestmöglichen Kompromiss hinbekommt hat doch nicht Habeck zu Verschulden?
Manchmal Frage ich mich echt was diese Fundamentalpositionen eigentlich erwarten was passiert wenn man in einer Koalition ist?