
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Wobei es da auch echte (dämliche, aber ernst gemeinte) theologische Debatten gab

Glaube, die wurden eher von Satirikern gekapert über die Zeit. Es gab auch mal, und manche meinten, Arche Internetz ist die Satire dazu. Oder Arche Internetz sollte der Nachfolger vom Anschnur Plauderbrett sein 🤷‍♂️

Auch Telepolis und andere Seiten hatten mal ihre Zangendeutsch-Phase 🤡

Die meinten den Unsinn jedenfalls ernst:

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

Lases = Reddit auf...wie nennt man das nochmal? Zangendeutsch

Wenn du wie ich für Internetverhältnisse ein Methusalem bist (also fast 30), hast du vielleicht noch die OG Schwurbler mitbekommen: So komische Doomerseiten (oft Fundichristen), die alles eingedeutscht haben. Von den Witzen über die kommt das her, soweit ich weiß

Außerdem gab es Ende 90er auch schon Diskussion über muh Denglisch. Wurde schon im Usenet veräppelt. Schwurbler machten daraus einen Plan, uns alle umzuvolken, indem wir der Eidechsenglobalisten reden oder so 🤡

Edit: Mit dem Nick hast du dich eigentlich als Mod für das Feddit- /r/Finanzen beworben 😤


Dieses Unter (wie heißt das hier?) ist erstmal nur ein Platzhalter für den Fall, dass Lases komplett unter geht

Ihr könnt natürlich trotzdem euren Verlust- und Gewinnporno oder eure Maimais hier teilen

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I just assume that the far-right nutjobs are a small minority and as long as this is true, I prefer them getting drowned in one huge community over many small walled communities which only federate with a small group of similar-minded instances. Thats all. Basically the same as we had on Reddit with one large community but many different /r/ Its totally fine if you have another preference. I didn't want to blame (leftist, general interest) instances of anything, either. Of course they have the right to kick out everyone they don't want to give a platform (i also blocked many people on REddit over the years). IMHO Reddit worked very well as a platform with almost everyone on it, though. Till today there are many subs were a civil discussion can be had despite far-right and far-left potentially meeting. I don't know of any for-profit commercial social media wih comparable discussion quality except specialised platforms like StackExchange or HN

When Mastodon was tiny but already stuck in the left-right battle, the banning was just getting a bit out of hand imho. Some Mastodons allowed everyone in, some hat a banlist of far-right instances, some only federated with explicitly pro-LGBTQ instances (but always incompletely, since the community is always rapidly changing). This makes it difficult for new users to choose the right server. If Lemmy/Mastodon/whatever has 100 mil users or more these things stop to matter, of course, because there is always enough content even if some highly specialised instances are missing. But before we reach that point I would rather have one large platform growing, then branching out

GTIO is an interesting concept, though, and solves the problems I assume maybe. Thanks for the link, I didn't know about it, will check it out

[–] 0 points 1 year ago


I started using Jerboa today and the login confused me. Jerboa demands login but I couldn:'t find out how to login first

I remember Slide for Reddit having similar issues with their UX but their error message is more informative IIRC

[–] 0 points 1 year ago


Lemmy feels similar enough

I experienced Reddit taking over BBs, Facebook taking over MySpace, the death of much change and I'm too young to have experienced BBS and Usenet in their prime even

It always expected reddit going to shit at some point. Commercial platform without open standards = pain once management makes poor strategic decisions

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Es braucht eine einfache Lösung zur Migration, bevor diese Probleme auftreten

Link.zum alten Profile, Link zum neuen Profil woanders, Start klicken, Webapp erledigt den Rest. Sowas in der Art

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

Ich beobachte das fediverse seit friendica, und den dutzenden Plugins um WordPress federated zu machen

Seitdem wird es immer besser. Ohne corporate money geht es natürlich etwas langsam voran, aber Lemmy ist schon echt noobtauglich. Bin auch begeistert :)

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

The "pro-capitalist" thing isn't bad IMHO

With Reddit users moving to Lemmy, attitudes on Lemmy become closer to reddit mean: Leaning mid-left due to the majority of users being young western people with many IT workers among them

I remember from the time when Mastodon was very young that many Mastodon instances were explitly far-left,anti-capitalist, queer, or all of this. This caused most other instances to be full.of users who don't want that so even apolitical instances turned into far-right asshole circlejerks

Then both sides started to federate only among each other

Its not like Trumpists,Incelas and such are the majority. I'd rather deal with some shitty communities on a large instance rather than have to think about who to federate with again with half the instances blacklisted. Its not like we can prevent them from using Lemmy anyway. At least some of them might be positively influenced by exposure to other viewpoints

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

New user reporting in

Ze Germans seem to have their own monopolistic instance