wow look at this one, too good to headbutt a screen like is tradition
I've been playing with "mass averaging synthesis machines", variations on "automated plagiarism", "content theftwashing systems"
still undecided tho
The line I've seen on AI boils down to this. AI won't meet human economic potential. But it will run cheaper
citation needed
arguing-from-existence of expert systems (which were the fantasy in the previous wave)
you probably don’t know this, but this post is so much funnier than you probably meant it
and it (probably) still won’t save you
alert alert we've got of one of them on the doorstep
my heuristic: I can understand a shitty past giving crescent to bad reactions, but the moment you start choosing bad things with current-era things I rapidly start losing grace and patience
(and yeah I know there's a continuum of stuff between A and B, but anyone showing up in a fucking news article of this shape is generally well past accident)
holy hell that inner is all kinds of past-even-wrong
is there some kind of idiocy gdq rankweekend event that I missed the announcement for?
yeah, but like .... yeah? this is a thing someone put together from the spectrum of existing parts, to show the viability, and pitch as a kit because it's neat
pretty obviously any commercial version of it would have to be more buttoned up. that's literally in the product design loop
can't tell if you were joking or are unfamiliar with what a turing machine is
what's the over/under on the spruce pine thing causing promptfondlers and their ilk to suddenly not be able to get chips, and then hit a(n even more concrete) ceiling?
(I know there may be some of the stuff in stockpiles awaiting fabrication, but still, can't be enough to withstand that shock)