You're not being bullied, you're being ridiculed, big difference.
Das scheint die INSA-Umfrage vom 5.7.24 zu sein rechts. Das Datum bezieht sich wohl die linke Grafik
Edit: Außerdem zeigt die Grafik den gesamten Osten, nur in Sachsen und Berlin ist die CDU stärkste Kraft
But there's something very good about these articles: MAGAts like strength or what they think strength is and articles talking about humiliation are not helpful for Trump.
He's mainly known for this gif:
Fun fact: the word disappointed was a stage direction for him, he took it as a line which led to this great scene. He's a great actor if you couldn't tell
The article is pretty well done and shows exactly why this discussion is moot. There's simply no merit to the accusation, plain and simple.
If an accusation comes from Russia and only from Russia, it's part of their misinformation warfare. That's not ad-hominem, that's paying some fucking attention.
Okay, then it's exactly what I thought. Thanks!
other people's voting paperwork
Same way as they would for the ID, They don't. That's not a common problem. Only people in the same household could possibly access the paperwork and as there are only 250-ish people voting at the same polling station, risk is high that someone voting twice with paperwork of a family member would immediately be found. That there are enough cases of this to sway election results is highly unlikely.
voting several times
Check list. Everyone that is registered at that polling station is ticked off on the list.
I mean, I like Elon
Honest question, why?
Hehe, alright
A child making dumb decisions is to be expected. as you are old enough to vote, you don't have that excuse.